Green Party Of Connecticut

News Advisory
August 25, 2010 - for immediate release

Tim McKee, Spokesperson & National Committee member, (860) 860-778-1304
Mike DeRosa, CT Green Party Co-Chair (860) 919-404
Scott Deshefy, Candidate for Congress (860) 642-7066

Green Party of Connecticut officials announce today that they will kickoff their three Congressional campaigns with a rally at The Red Rock Tavern, 369 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT beginning at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, September 1, 2010.

The announcement of the candidates will follow local congressional meetings on Monday, August 30, 2010. The Green Party has ballot lines in the First, Second and Third Districts. Retired Environmental Scientist Scott Deshefy has already received the Second District nomination of the party.

Green Party spokesperson Tim McKee said “All three of the Green Party candidates will speak on the major issues the Greens have been centering on this year: Opposition to the war, opposition to Corporate power, a “Canadian style” Single Payer Health Care reform and grass roots democracy.”

The event is free to the public and will offer speakers from other anti-war groups and local political groups.


This email is for press and media notices for the Connecticut Green Party

Tim McKee cell (860) 778-1304 - Press spokesperson and National Committee Member Green Party of Connecticut

Scott Deshefy for Congress - 2nd Congressional District CT