Green Party Of Connecticut

News Advisory
October 21, 2010 - for immediate release

Mike DeRosa
Candidate For Sec Of The State 860-919-4042
Tim McKee
Green Party Spokesperson and National Committee member, 860-778-1304

"Count all the votes - CORRECTLY"

Green Party candidates and officials stated today a recent audit of state voting system showed a "broken election system" that needs reform, upgrades to ballot security, and transparency. Greens were shocked that ballots to be audited were left unsecured, left under desks and had differences in the ballot count, according to the audit report.

In one case, the Secretary of the State office had reviewed districts, and yet apparently did not notice these large differences until it was pointed out by the coalition who monitored the audit recount! (The report stated)

Green Party candidate for Secretary of the State Mike DeRosa said, "Election after election, problems occur in every cycle and the public should be outraged that votes are not counted correctly and we pay big bucks to people who are not doing the job they are being paid to do! In 2008, hundreds of votes for registered write-in candidates were not counted, and voting officials told voters that write-in candidates were not allowed or did not count, and the Libertarian Party petitions were "lost" by Registrars of Voters, for example.

DeRosa said, "Everyone who cares about Democracy in this state, MUST read this audit report and be outraged!

He added, "The other candidates are not even discussing these issues and we are not even having debates! I challenge the other candidates to debate these issues about reforming election process."


This email is for press and media notices for the Connecticut Green Party

Tim McKee cell (860) 778-1304
Press spokesperson and National Committee Member Green Party of Connecticut

Scott Deshefy for Congress- 2nd Congressional District CT