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Reasons To Support The Connecticut Health Care Security Act
John R. Battista, M.D. and Justine A. McCabe, Ph.D.
Connecticut Coalition For Universal Health Care
January 1, 2001
Would provide comprehensive health care insurance for all Connecticut residents while decreasing health care expenses
Would improve the health care of Connecticut residents without health insurance
Would improve the health care of the poor who are served by the Husky programs
Would end the poorer quality health care, disruption of continuity of care, destruction of patient confidentiality, and limited choice of health care givers associated with employer based, managed care health insurance
Would allow health care givers, health care organizations, health care advocates, employers and taxpayers to participate in insurer decisions about health care fees and benefits
Would decrease out of pocket expenses for Medicare recipients and workers who access health insurance through their employer
Would return medical decision making to health care givers
Would allow free choice of any licensed health care provider
Would lower future health care costs by emphasizing preventive health care
Would free workers from staying in unwanted jobs to maintain health insurance
Would end bankruptcy due to medical bills
Would lower health care costs for large employers, and make health care insurance more affordable for small employers
Would ensure patient confidentiality
Would maintain the current health care delivery system
Would maintain the income of health care givers
Would decrease activities detrimental to health by taxing them to the extent they contribute to health care costs
Would end the uncertainty and frustration associated with our current health care insurance system
Would ensure that health care costs in Connecticut increase at a rate less than the national average
Would ensure equal quality and access to health care for all