Green Party of Connecticut Executive Committee meeting 

Triple A Diner, East Hartford • Thursday, May 30, 2019

In attendance: Mike DeRosa, Peter Goselin, Bob Stuller, Ronna Stuller, Michelle Bicking (call-in)

Start time 10:05am

Prior to conducting business items, it was determined that this EC meeting would not be recorded nor be accessible via conference call by a 4–1 vote (Mike opposed).

1. Officers’ goals for the next 12 months were shared. In summary,
Peter: Build new chapters to reverse the losses over the last several years; improve the 
functioning of the SCC as a representative body.

Mike: Raise funds; establish new chapters; revive Green Times newsletter for outreach and fundraising; address the lack of trust and transparency so we can work on issues. 

Ronna: Start building capacity to support 2020 Presidential and 2022 statewide campaigns; support formation of new chapters and town committees to cover all regions.

Bob: Focus on local issues like food security and community resilience; as treasurer, provide constituent services and technical support statewide.

Michelle: Find ways to connect with younger voters to reverse “blue flight” - especially around issues of climate and justice; increase diversity within the party; build chapters in quiet corner and other areas that currently lack Green Party presence.

2. Update on treasurer transition: Bob has met with Chris Reilly and is currently working on getting the documents required to open an account at Charter Oak Credit Union. As soon as the new GPCT account has been opened, David Bedell will be added as signatory. The new account requires a one- time $5 membership payment but has no monthly fees. The Federal account will remain at People’s Bank, and Chris has graciously offered to continue to file the FEC reports.

3. Privacy Concerns and GPCT Policy & Practices: Peter shared his own concerns and those he’s heard from others regarding the video- and audio-recording of SCC meetings, and outlined potential risks to participants and party. The challenge of how to balance privacy with transparency was discussed at length. A proposal will be presented at the SCC meeting.

4. SCC Voting discussion: It was noted that our current practice of allowing all registered Greens to vote at SCC meetings does not comply with our bylaws/procedures, which specify a State Central Committee composed of party officers and chapter representatives. Concerns about potential disenfranchisement of members, considerations of adequate transition time, and opportunities to incentivize chapter development were included in the discussion on how to implement more compliant practices. A proposal will be presented for consideration at the SCC meeting.

5. Establishing trust within the EC: Michelle shared her concern around parties not attached to the Executive Committee circulating meeting drafts or additional info in draft form to the greater body of members; it was clarified that it is the role of the Secretary to formally initiate meeting agendas, minutes, and other communications on behalf of the EC.

6. Based on Doodle Poll results, the next SCC meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, June 12. The proposed agenda for the meeting was reviewed, additions and corrections incorporated, and is attached below.

End time: 12:25pm