TealGreen 2002
Penny Teal for State Senate

Connecticut Green Party

Date: October 19, 2002

Glenn Cheney, Media Coordinator, (860) 822-1270, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Penny Teal, Candidate, (860)536-4980, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MYSTIC (OCTOBER 19) The Connecticut Chapter of The Sierra Club has endorsed Dr. Penny Teal for State Senate, 18th District.

Penny Teal has a strong interest in environmental protection and a firm grasp of the issues, stated the Sierra Club letter of endorsement. After her victory, we look forward to working with her in the upcoming legislative session.

Teal has also received the endorsements of the National Organization of Women and the National Association of Social Workers.

I think these endorsements indicate deep community support for Green Party principles, Teal said.

Women, labor, environmentalists, and social workers obviously believe that we need new representation in Hartford.

Teal, a Mystic resident, is calling for universal healthcare through a single-payer system, stronger environmental protection, an investigation into the CRRA-Enron deal, campaign finance reform, affordable housing, and improvements in education.

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