For Immediate Release: August 9, 2006
Tim McKee, CT Green Party National Committee Person, cell (860) 860-778-1304 or (860)-643-2282
Jean DeSmet, State Co-Chair (860) 456-2188
Ralph Ferrucci, U.S. Senate candidate (203) 430-9342
Cliff Thornton, Green Party Candidate for Governor (860) 657-8438-Home or (860) 268-1294-Campaign cell
Hartford, CT, - Green Party officials submitted 13,000 signatures today to finish their drive for a first ever slate of candidates for state offices and the U.S. Senate race.
Independent business man and truck driver Ralph Ferrucci will lead the ticket as the candidate for U.S. Senate. Retired businessman Cliff Thornton, running for Governor, tops a slate for state officers.
Over 65 volunteers from across the state submitted petitions for Ferrucci, an anti-war activist from New Haven and Thornton?s team of state office seekers. 7,500 valid signatures were need by 4 pm Wednesday, August 9 at 4 pm, and the total of 13,000 was submitted as a buffer for any errors in petitions. Teams of lawyers and notaries with the Green Party carefully inspected each petition before they were submitted to local town hall for validation. The Greens expect confirmation of ballot access from the Sectary of State's office within days.
- Governor: Clifford Thornton, founder of the drug policy reform group Efficacy, who will be Connecticut's first African American candidate for Governor
- Lt. Governor: Robin Schaefer
- Attorney General: Nancy Burton, environmental activist and founder of CT Coalition against Millstone
- Secretary of the State: Mike DeRosa, founder of Project V.O.T.E.R. - Voter Opportunity through Election Reform
- State Treasurer: David Bue, Socially Responsible investment adviser with First Affirmative Financial Network
- State Comptroller: Colin Bennett
- U.S. Senate: Ralph Ferrucci, New Haven Independent businessman and truck driver.
Web sites (with photos):
Cliff Thornton
Mike DeRosa
Ralph Ferrucci
Nancy Burton
David Bue