Green Party of Connecticut

Thornton for Governor
For more information, contact Ken Krayeske, 860-995-5842

October 30, 2006

Ralph Nader to Offer Endorsements for Greens in Connecticut, Will Praise Thornton, Criticize Lieberman

Hartford, CT -- Presidential candidate and Connecticut native Ralph Nader will hold a press conference in Room 1E at the state Legislative Office Building at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2006 during a tour that will take him to five high schools and colleges down the I-91 corridor and finally to a fundraiser in Willimantic.

Mr. Nader's press conference will endorse Greens for statewide office, including Cliff Thornton for Governor. Mr. Nader is also calling on the voters of Connecticut to end Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman's tenure as Junior Senator.

At the schools and universities, Mr. Nader will deliver a speech called "The End of Habeas Corpus and the Belligerent Despot-in-Chief."

At 8 p.m., Mr. Nader will discuss the need for third parties at the Willimantic Country Club as a fundraiser for Thornton for Governor. Tickets are $10 each.

For a full schedule of events in Enfield, Hartford, North Branford, New Haven and Willimantic, contact campaign manager Ken Krayeske at 860-995-5842.