Green Party of Connecticut
Executive Committee meeting minutes
May 18, 2018 • Conference call

In attendance: Mike DeRosa, Joshua Kelly, Cassandra Martineau, Chris Reilly, Ronna Stuller (recorder)
Start time 7:01pm.

1. Mike confirmed that the Portland Center is available for a State Central Committee
meeting on May 23; we will meest in the downstairs conference room. The proposed
agenda was discussed and is attached below.

2. As a result of Angela’s withdrawal as our candidate for US Senate, we will need to endorse a different candidate. We discussed options for addressing the issue and decided to retrieve the ballots cast on May 12 and recount them at the SCC meeting, redistributing Angela’s votes. Chris will work with one other volunteer to tally the votes.

3. We anticipate scheduling a nominating convention immediately preceding our June SCC meeting, for the purpose of endorsing candidates in regions that lack GP chapters or town committees.

4. We decided that the new EC team should have one sit-down meeting to talk about our goals for the year and plan to schedule one in Middletown sometime in June. End time 7:19pm.

State Central Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 23, 2018 • Portland Waverly Center, Portland, CT

Proposed Agenda

1. Minutes (5 min)
a. Approve minutes of the March 22 SCC meeting and the May 12 Annual Meeting
b. Accept fro the record minutes of the May Executive Committee meeting

2. Treasurer’s report (5 Min)

3. Old business
a. Election results follow-up
(1) SCC officers and GPUS representatives (5 min)
(2) US Senate (10 min)
(3) Additional conventions and candidates (5 min)
b. Committee updates (15 min)
(1) Communications/Social Media Committee
(2) Dispute Resolution Committee
(3) Legislative Agenda
(4) Other committee updates

4. New business
a. Schedule SCC meetings June–August (10 min)
b. Begin budget process for upcoming fiscal year (July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019) (5 min)
c. Choose members of GPUS standing committees (5 min)

5. Chapter reports (15 min)
a. Chapter updates: Fairfield County, Hartford County, New London, Shoreline, Waterford
b. Green activity and chapter organizing in other areas of the state

6. Green Party US updates (10 min)

7. Legislative updates (5 min)

8. Other reports, events, and actions of interest (5 min)

9. Confirm next meeting time and place