Green Party of Connecticut
State Central Committee Regular Meeting
January 25, 2018 • Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Ave, Portland, CT
Approved on February 28, 2018
In attendance: Fairfield County: David Bedell, Richard Duffee, Rolf Maurer; Hartford County: Barbara Barry, Rob Barstow, Mike DeRosa (GPCT Co-Chair), Tom McCormick, Chris Reilly (GPCT Treasurer), Jeff Russell; New London: Bud McAllister, Bob Stuller, Ronna Stuller (GPCT Secretary, Recorder); Shoreline: Owen Charles; Waterford: Bill Collins, Emily Garfinkel (GPCT Co-Chair, Facilitator), Alex Kuvalanka, Matt Tytla; At large: Vic Lancia, Cassandra Martineau, Tim McKee, Linda Thompson, Amy Vas Nunes, Eugene Woloszyn.
Quorum was met. Meeting started at 7:05pm
1. Minutes.
(a) Ronna presented her research related to best recording practices; will start videotaping meetings to ensure accurate vote counts; addenda will be attached to minutes if other participants remember events differently, per previous GPCT policy.
(b) Minutes of the November 30 SCC meeting: Barbara moved, 2nd by Mike to approve as corrected; passed by consensus.
(c) Minutes of the January 15 Executive Committee meeting: Barbara moved to accept for the record, 2nd by Mike; passed by consensus.
2. Treasurer’s Report:
(a) Expenditure of $100 to support Cassandra’s participation in GPUS Diversity Training was reviewed, per GPCT procedure: “The Treasurer with the concurrence of at least 1 Co-chair may make emergency expenditures of up to $200 without prior SCC approval. Those expenditures must be reviewed at the next SCC meeting.” Cass spoke about the training and offered to provide workshops on behalf of GPCT. Mike moved to approve, 2nd by Rob; passed by consensus. (b) The house party at Linda’s raised $395. (c) Chris presented a summary of income and expenses for 01/01/17–12/31/17. The proposed six-month budget for 01/01/18–06/30/18 was revisited; Chris moved to accept, 2nd by Ronna; passed by consensus.
3. Chapter Reports and Green Activities in Other Areas
Fairfield County: For Green outreach, chapter is seeking a venue to show a documentary on the US-backed coup in Ukraine. Cora is running for GPUS Ballot Access Committee.
Hartford County: Nominating convention is scheduled for February 6, 7pm, at 1106 New Britain Ave, West Hartford. The chapter is advocating for the Hartford Public Library to be brought under city government.
New London: Town Committee elections were held in January; NL Greens are working on a variety of issues, including establishment of Community Land Trust, increasing recycling rates, stormwater management, and the SustainableCT initiative.
Shoreline: In process of identifying candidates for State Representative and State Senate. Current issues are fracking waste ban (in process in Madison), proposed industrial waste facility (Clinton), and proposals for Academy School development (Madison).
Waterford: Two Greens have been recently appointed to Commissions: Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate–Bill Collins, Flood and Erosion Control Board–Alex Kuvalanka.
Windham: Working on getting city meetings livestreamed and/or filmed, and Town Committee is looking to future elections to increase Green presence on Town Council. There is interest in advocating for a dog park in Willimantic.
Middletown: Organizing is slow, but the effort persists.
4. Old business
a. Committee updates:
(1) Communications/Social Media met last week. Rolf wrote a press release on Millstone which was approved by consensus for distribution, as well as for submission as an op-ed piece. The committee was authorized by consensus to update the website. It was agreed that Communications Committee members in conjunction with the EC may approve content.
(2) Conflict Resolution: Committee members presented a proposal for our new GPCT Dispute Resolution Committee. Ronna moved to table voting on the proposal until next month, 2nd by Rob; passed unanimously. (Proposal will be disseminated to allow for examination prior to the meeting.)
(3) Fundraising: The house party at Linda’s was a success! Howie Hawkins will come to Connecticut within the next month or two; Mike is working on the event, and Linda and Bud volunteered to help.
(4) Candidate search: Tom McCormick is seeking the 1st Congressional District nomination. Eugene Woloszyn is interested in running against Courtney in the 2nd District and plans to attend chapter meetings within the district. We are seeking statewide candidates for US Senate, Secretary of the State, Attorney General, and Comptroller; it was suggested that we make an effort to recruit women to run. A statewide nominating meeting is anticipated to be held at our Annual Meeting.
5. New business
a. 2018 Annual Meeting is planned for Saturday, April 28; Mike will schedule with Waverly Center. The deadline for any individual running for GPCT office (co-chair, secretary, treasurer, representative to national committee) is Thursday, March 22, 9:00pm.
6. Green Party of the US
a. An internal election to fill our vacancy for representative on the National Committee will be held at the next SCC meeting; deadline for declaring candidacy is Tuesday, February 27, to be included on the ballot. Ranked choice voting will be utilized.
b. Tim expressed concerns about the direction of the national youth caucus, as well as about some GPUS leadership positions being held by members of other (frequently socialist) parties. At this time, we have no consensus on appropriate GPCT action.
7. Updates and reports
a. Linda moved that the Green Party of CT endorse the spring antiwar actions and authorize Eugene to represent us, 2nd by Mike; passed by consensus.
b. Linda reported on the “No Bases on Foreign Soil” campaign.
8. Next SCC meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 28.
Ronna moved to adjourn, 2nd by Eugene, passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm.