Green Party of Connecticut Executive Committee
Telephonic meeting - Monday, February 19, 2018
In attendance: Mike DeRosa, Emily Garfinkel, Chris Reilly, Ronna Stuller (recorder)
Start time 7:01pm
1. Proposed agenda for the February 28 SCC meeting was discussed and approved.
2. Howie Hawkins will speak at the Portland Senior Center on March 3, 1pm, and will have copies of his book available for sale. We discussed other event needs - videotaping, light refreshments, merchandise (tee shirts) - and will finalize the details at the SCC meeting.
3. Mike reported that the Portland Center is not available on April 28 or May 5; potential change of date of Annual Meeting to May 12 will on the SCC meeting agenda.
4. Chris initiated a discussion of online donations. He will research current SEEC rules to determine if online donations can be set up without costly overhead expenses. The information will be useful for town committees as well.
5. Emily volunteered to facilitate the February 28 meeting; if she runs late due to class, Mike will facilitate until she arrives.
End time 7:29pm