Minutes of the GPCT April 3, 2017, SCC meeting. Quorum met
Started at 6:45 PM and adjourned ca. 9:20 PM. Location: Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT
GPCT chapter attendees: Fairfield County: David Bedell (GPCT secretary), Peter Davenport, Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaguida. Greater Hartford: Barbara Barry (GPCT co-chair), S. Michael DeRosa (GPCT co-chair), Chris Reilly (GPCT treasurer). New London: Mirna Martinez, Ronna Stuller. Waterford: Nikki Byrne, Emily Garfinkel. Baird Welch-Collins. At large: Don Alexander, Rebecca Alexander. Facilitator: Barbara Barry
- Minutes of the 2-7-17 State Central Committee (SCC) meeting deferred pending revision.
- GPCT chapter reports:
- Fairfield: Series of film screenings: Vaxxed (documentary on CDC whistleblower), The End of America (based on Naomi Wolf’s book), 10 Rules for Dealing with Police. Planned nominating meeting 5-13-17.
- Greater Hartford: Meeting 4-12-17 at Wethersfield Town Hall. Dave Ionno may run for Hartford City Council. Glen Ford of Black Agenda Report speaking 5-17-17 at U of Hartford.
- Waterford: Planning to run 5-7 candidates; nominating meeting in May.
- New London: Met 4-2-17, helped support local fracking waste ban. More campaigns to include divestment from fossil fuels, sanctuary city (ACLU principles of Freedom Cities). 5-21-17 “Neighbor Day” for Riveside Park. NL Green Youth meets last Friday of month—one youth voted onto Green Town Committee.
- Other: Northwest: Don Alexander is seeking to contact Greens in area.
- Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: GPCT balance: $247.66; FEC balance: $1,168.12. We can prepay for our annual mailing with funds to be raised 4-23-17. Venmo is a digital money transfer service we might be able to use.
- Reports from CT representatives to the GPUS National Committee: Annual National Meeting will be 7-13 to 7-17-17 in Newark, NJ. Mike DeRosa confirmed the passage of Proposal 864, allowing permanent apportionment of one delegate for each GPUS caucus, regardless of membership numbers.
- Fundraiser planned for 4-23-17, 12:00-4:00 in Portland to pay for annual mailing to members.
12:00 – doors open for mingling, munching & merchandising (food, buttons, T-shirts for sale—give Chris retail value of business donations); music: Ronnie Neuhauser and Fe Fi Fo. Tables for chapter info, signup.
12:30 – GPCT speakers: (Mike DeRosa on 2016 petition drive; David Bedell points out candidates/chapter contacts with chapter signs for easy location; Chris Reilly on donating; Barbara Barry to introduce Stein)
1:00 – speaker: Jill Stein
4:00 – end
ION Restaurant will donate up to $200 in food (Cora Santaguida to pick up).
Video: Peter Davenport to livestream on Facebook; Brian Merlen and/or David Stevenson to upload on Youtube.
Publicity: Rolf Maurer to update press release; David Bedell to announce on Patch.com; invitations to CT-N, Channel 8 (WTNH), Middletown Press; poster in Middletown.
David Bedell will drive Jill to Wallingford after the event. Peter Davenport offered to drive Jill to New Haven on 4-24 and to MA if needed.
(Note: Stein will also speak Monday, 4-24-17, 7:00 PM at United Church on the Green, New Haven, sponsored by Yale Political Union.)
- For the fundraiser, David Bedell will print copies of bills on our legislative agenda, including:
- Public Banking: HB 6522: An Act Establishing a Task Force to Study the Creation of a State-wide Bank in Connecticut (died in committee 2-14-17; Mike DeRosa & Ed Heflin will write report to use in future lobbying)
- Instant Runoff Voting/Ranked Choice Voting: HB 6153: An Act Concerning Ranked-choice Voting (Ronna Stuller suggested a future bill to redesign ballot like other states, with no party lines)
- Marijuana Legalization: HB 5314: An Act Concerning the Regulation and Taxation of the Retail Sale and Cultivation of Marijuana for Use by Persons Twenty-One Years of Age or Older
- Immigrant Rights: HB 6709: An Act Establishing Connecticut as a "Sanctuary State" for Immigrants.
- Renewable Energy Policy: HB 6329: An Act Concerning Hydraulic Fracturing Waste in Connecticut (out of committee)
- Militarization of Police: HB 7260: An Act Concerning the Regulation of Drones (consensus to support ACLU recommendation of strong bill without police loophole amendment)
- Annual meeting will be Sunday 4-30-17, 11:00-5:00. Mailing will announce 4-23 and 4-30 events. Candidates for party office can get mailing list from Chris. Chris or David can email ballot to anyone who didn’t get it by mail.
11:00 – doors open.
12:00 – Candidate statements, Q&A.
1:00 – deadline to vote; break
2:00 – 2016 candidates speak
2:35 – workshops:
Public banking (Ed Heflin)
Outreach (Baird Welch-Collins)
Human face of budget cuts (Brian Gay et al.)
3:10 – workshops:
Immigration issues (Phil Berns, CT Dreamers)
Social media strategies (Peter Davenport, Josh Kelly, Cora Santaguida)
Education issues (Myrna Martinez)
4:00 – discussion of future focus
4:30 – internal election results; set next SCC meeting date
Date of next SCC meeting in May TBD at annual meeting Sunday, April 30.
Approved on June 28, 2017.