Minutes of the GPCT March 9, 2017, SCC meeting.  Quorum met

Started at 6:45 PM and adjourned ca. 9:20 PM.  Location: Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT

GPCT chapter attendees: Fairfield County: David Bedell (GPCT secretary), Peter Davenport, Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaguida. Greater Hartford: S. Michael DeRosa (GPCT co-chair), Barbara Barry (GPCT co-chair), Brian Gay, Chris Reilly (GPCT treasurer). Waterford: Emily Garfinkel. At large: Owen Charles, Benjamin Conroy, Tim McKee, Amy Vas Nunes, Susan Ye. Observer: David Younng. Facilitator: Barbara Barry

  1. Consensus to approve: minutes of the 2-7-17 State Central Committee (SCC) meeting.
  1. GPCT chapter reports:
    - Fairfield: Cora Santaguida and Rolf Maurer attended Congressman Himes’ town meeting 3-5-17 in Stamford—emphasis was on Russia.
    - Greater Hartford: Met two weeks ago. David Ionno might run for Hartford Board of Ed or City Council. Issues around the expansion of Brainard Airport into Wethersfield open space.
    - Waterford: Meeting 3-11-17 at Waterford Library. New chapter officers: co-chair Emily Garfinkel, secretary Nikki Byrne.
    - Shoreline (see #5)
    - Other: New Haven showed Michael Moore film “Where to Invade Next.” Dagmar Noll to announce 3-12-17 for Windham City Council. Windham Green Town Committee will hold endorsement meeting.
    - In general: Tim McKee requested that meetings be announced on listservs.
  1. Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: GPCT balance: $261.43; FEC balance: $1,168.12. We will need about $1,000 to pay for our annual mailing in advance of our annual meeting.
  1. Reports from CT representatives to the GPUS National Committee: Mike DeRosa reported new rules for GPUS caucuses no longer require annual registration with proof of membership. Consensus to support Proposal 864, allowing permanent apportionment of one delegate for each GPUS caucus, regardless of membership numbers.
  1. Consensus to recognize new Shoreline Chapter. 80 registered members in region; held 3 meetings, decided officers and bylaws. Coverage in Shoreline Times. Clinton to form Town Committee; Madison may run candidates for Board of Finance and seek committee appointments. Next meeting 3-19-17 in Deep River.
  1. Consensus to endorse and join the CT Coalition to Regulate Marijuana.
  1. Fundraiser planned for 4-23-17 in Portland (postponed from 2-12-17) to pay for annual mailing to members. Brian Gay offered to transport Jill from MA. Peter Davenport, Brian Merlen, and David Stevenson have all volunteered to video the event for livestreaming or Youtube.
    12:00 – doors open for mingling, munching & merchandising (food, buttons, T-shirts for sale); music: Ronnie Neuhauser and Fe Fi Fo. ION Restaurant will donate up to $200 in food. Barbara Barry to bring beverages. Tables for chapter info, signup.
    12:30 – GPCT speakers: (Mike DeRosa on 2016 petition drive; David Bedell points out candidates/chapter contacts with chapter signs for easy location; Chris Reilly on donating)
    1:00 – speaker: Jill Stein
    4:00 – end
    Publicity: Rolf Maurer to update press release; invite CT-N/ABC Channel 8/Middletown Press to send reporters. David Bedell to post on Patch.
    Note: Yale Political Union will sponsor Stein for a debate on 4-24-17.
  1. For the fundraiser, David Bedell will print copies of bills on our legislative agenda, including:
    - Public Banking: HB 6522: An Act Establishing a Task Force to Study the Creation of a State-wide Bank in Connecticut (died in committee 2-14-17).
    - Instant Runoff Voting/Ranked Choice Voting: HB 6153: An Act Concerning Ranked-choice Voting.
    - Marijuana Legalization: HB 5314: An Act Concerning the Regulation and Taxation of the Retail Sale and Cultivation of Marijuana for Use by Persons Twenty-One Years of Age or Older
    - Immigrant Rights: HB 6709: An Act Establishing Connecticut as a "Sanctuary State" for Immigrants.
    - Renewable Energy Policy: HB 6329: An Act Concerning Hydraulic Fracturing Waste in Connecticut
    (Tim McKee suggested for the future to create a web template so members can easily send emails to legislators. Also, to publish the CT Legislature 800 phone number.)
  1. Annual meeting will be Sunday 4-30-17, 11:00-5:00. Deadline for officer nominations is Thursday 3-23-17, 11:59 PM. Mailing will announce 4-23 and 4-30 events.
    11:00 – doors open. Candidate statements, Q&A.
    1:00 – deadline for ballots
    Possible workshops: Bonnie Troy/Cora Santaguida on running for office; Ed Heflin on public banking; Brian Gay/David Younng on CT budget cuts; Sam Tracy on marijuana laws; Lynn Charles/Phil Berns/CT Dreamers/Building One Community on immigrant issues
    Other: discussion of future focus/legislation? Discussion of platform/bylaws revision? A suggestion box?
  1. Candidate search committee : Cora Santaguida recommends the Maine GP model: one committee rep per chapter; screen candidates; help with ballot access, SEEC rules.
  1. Discussion reviewing Tim McKee’s suspension and reinstatement. Tim admitted that during his suspension he asked Jill Miller to post on his behalf on Facebook. Ongoing need to observe party rules and rules of etiquette. Need for a fair conflict resolution procedure.

Next meeting to be determined by a Doodle.com poll [outcome: Monday, April 3]

Approved on June 28, 2017.