Approved Minutes of the GPCT Feb 7, 2017, SCC meeting.  Quorum met.

Started at 6:50 PM and adjourned ca. 9:00 PM. Location: Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT

GPCT chapter attendees: Fairfield County: David Bedell (GPCT secretary), Peter Davenport. Greater Hartford: S. Michael DeRosa (GPCT co-chair), Barbara Barry (GPCT co-chair), Chris Reilly (GPCT treasurer). Waterford: Billy G. Collins, Nikki Byrne. Observer: David Younng. Facilitator: Barbara Barry

1. Consensus to approve: minutes of the 12-7-16 and 1-11-17 State Central Committee (SCC) meetings. Accepted minutes of the 1-27-17 Executive Committee (EC) meeting.

2. GPCT chapter reports:

  • Fairfield: Had members at the Inauguration protest in Stamford 1-20-17. Brian Merlen and 2 others are interested in running for Stamford Board of Reps in November.
  • Greater Hartford: Special election 2-28-17 to replace retiring State Senator Eric Coleman in 2d District (this may present an opportunity in the Nov 2018 election). Issues around the expansion of Brainard Airport.
  • Waterford: Possible candidates: Baird Welch-Collins for RTM, Deb R. Kelly for Board of Ed, Billy Collins for Zoning Board of Appeals; planning a fundraising concert (maybe April)

3. Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: GPCT balance: $407.22; FEC balance: $1,168.12. We will need about $1,000 to pay for our annual mailing in advance of our annual meeting.

4. Reports from CT representatives to the GPUS National Committee: Mike DeRosa reported a convention planning committee is being formed.

5. Fundraiser planned for 2-12-17 in Portland (snow date 2-19-17) to pay for annual mailing to members. Brian Gay offered to transport Jill from MA. Peter Davenport, Brian Merlen, and David Stevenson have all volunteered to video the event for livestreaming or Youtube.
(12:00 – doors open for set up)
1:00 – mingling, munching & merchandising (food, buttons, T-shirts for sale); music: Ronnie Neuhauser and Fe Fi Fo. ION Restaurant will donate up to $200 in food. Amy Vas Nunes and Susan Ye will sell sandwiches. Hosmer soda? Coffee/tea?
1:30 – GPCT speakers: (Mike DeRosa on 2016 petition drive; David Bedell points out candidates/chapter contacts with chapter signs for easy location; Chris Reilly on donating)
2:00 – speaker: Jill Stein
4:30 – end [Note: 2-12-17 was canceled due to weather; rescheduled to 4-15-17, then 4-23-17]

6. For the fundraiser, David Bedell will print copies of bills on our legislative agenda, including:

  • Public Banking: HB 6522: An Act Establishing a Task Force to Study the Creation of a State-wide Bank in Connecticut.
  • Instant Runoff Voting/Ranked Choice Voting: HB 6153: An Act Concerning Ranked-choice Voting.
  • Marijuana Legalization: HB 5314: An Act Concerning the Regulation and Taxation of the Retail Sale and Cultivation of Marijuana for Use by Persons Twenty-One Years of Age or Older.
  • Immigrant Rights: HB 6709: An Act Establishing Connecticut as a "Sanctuary State" for Immigrants.
  • Ballot Access Reform
  • Renewable Energy Policy
  • Student Rights Regarding Mental Health Reporting
  • Demilitarization of Police Departments
  • Single-Payer Health Care

7. Consideration of a GPCT statement on the NYPD-CIA scandal was postponed until Omar Scott Antar can present this.

8. Annual meeting will be Sunday 4-30-17, 11:00-5:00. Deadline for officer nominations is Thursday 3-23-17, 11:59 PM. Possible workshops: Bonnie Troy on running for office; Ed Heflin on public banking; CT budget cuts; Lauren Shaw on gun laws

9. Rick Schultz and David Bedell were appointed to the candidate search committee [depends on Rick’s party registration]

10. David Bedell will resubscribe Tim McKee to listservs and Facebook after 2-13-17. His suspension is in effect until then.

11. GPUS Standing Committees: Mike DeRosa reported the Ballot Access Committee will meet 2-26-17.

12. Events of possible interest:

  • CTNOFA conference March 11-12 at WCSU, Danbury
  • Women’s Day events March 8 organized by Greater New Haven Peace Council

Next meeting to be Thursday, March 9