Approved Minutes of the GPCT June 16, 2016, SCC meeting. Quorum met.
Started at 7:15 PM. Location: Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT
GPCT chapter attendees: Fairfield County: Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaguida, David Bedell, GPCT secretary. Greater Hartford: S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chair, Barbara Barry, GPCT co-chair, Christopher Reilly, GPCT treasurer. Norwich: Linda Thompson. Waterford: Emily Garfinkel, CPCT co-chair, Baird Welch-Collins. At Large: Bill Glickman. Visitor: Mark Greenstein. Facilitator: Barbara Barry.
(Note: No candidates were nominated at the 6:30 scheduled Nominating Convention. We met with Bonnie Hong, a Democrat petitioning to run on an unaffiliated line for State Rep District 46. Under CT law and GPCT bylaws, she is not eligible for cross-endorsement by the GPCT. We also met with Mark Greenstein, who is exploring a 2018 run for Governor.)
1. Consensus without any blocking concerns to approve: minutes of the 5-18-16 3rd Nominating Convention and 5-18-16 State Central Committee (SCC) meeting.
2. GPCT chapter reports:
- Greater Hartford: 2-3 people petitioning regularly. Planning nominations for US Congress 1st District and CT Senate 1st District.
- Fairfield: Rolf Maurer attended Left Forum in NYC, which included much discussion of the Bernie Sanders campaign, as well as Puerto Rican independence, Venezuelan socialism. 2-3 people petitioning regularly in Stamford. Had table June 12 at Georgetown Day in Redding with Bonnie Troy for State Rep.
- Waterford: Pushing for a referendum to buy Miller Pond in Quaker Hill (Waterford), which would provide the town with a publicly-owned water source. Lauren Shaw for State Rep campaign continues.
3. Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: GPCT balance: $259; FEC balance: $2,275.02. Chris Reilly and David Bedell can now both sign on the Federal account; Chris will be the locus of control.
4. Reports from our representatives to the GPUS National Committee: There has been discussion of defining GPUS economic policy in terms of coops, community-based economics, decentralization, “ecosocialism.”
5. GPUS August 4-7, 2016 Nominating Convention in Houston, TX. GPCT gets to send seven delegates. These seven were nominated and elected by consensus: Emily Garfinkel, Mary Lawrence, Rolf Maurer, Chris Reilly, Cora Santaguida, Linda Thompson, Baird Welch-Collins. David Bedell to submit credentials to convention committee (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Six of the delegates are pledged to Jill Stein and one to abstain on the first ballot. On the second ballot, all seven delegates will be free to choose.
6. The following members applied and were elected by consensus to be GPCT representatives to the GPUS Standing Committees. Terms will run through spring of 2017.
Animal Rights Committee (joining incumbent Mary Lawrence): Allan Brison, Jenny Li [note: Jenny Li is not currently registered Green, so is not eligible until she changes party affiliation]
Ballot Access Committee: Mike DeRosa, Cora Santaguida
International Committee: Mike DeRosa
Merchandise Committee: Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaguida
Peace Action Committee: Baird Welch-Collins, Mike DeRosa
Presidential Campaign Support Committee: (Tim McKee’s term expires 6-16-2016)
7. Update of the2016 presidential petitioning. Mike DeRosa reported he is receiving 1-4 contacts/day by prospective petition volunteers. 59 volunteers currently on the list. In addition, the Jill Stein campaign is paying 7-8 petitioners from Fair & Equal; they started 6-13-16 in the Hartford area and committed to collect 2500 signatures. We need to reach out diplomatically to Bernie Sanders supporters.
a) Barbara Barry, Mike DeRosa, Rolf Maurer, and Cora Santaguida met 6-6-16 with Pennsylvania lawyer Paul Rossi to discuss legal recourses. In February, Judge Janet Hall imposed a temporary injunction on the Secretary of the State to stop rejecting Libertarian Party petitions carried by out-of-state residents. We should request extension of this injunction to include Green Party petitions, and Hartford lawyer Jeannette Chambers has agreed to represent us in this matter. Mike DeRosa moved, and Cora Santaguida seconded, that we engage Chambers to represent GPCT, to receive fees contingent on winning the case. Passed by consensus. Rossi will ask the SOTS to clarify how such petitioners should fill out and submit their petition sheets. Rossi said there are also grounds to challenge the lack of a uniform standard for screening petition signatures by 169 towns and the SOTS.
b) Mike DeRosa moved, and Barbara Barry seconded, a motion to hire the following paid petitioners at a rate of $1.00/signature: Deanna Gomez of Stamford (up to $300), Jensen Davila of New Haven (up to $500), [Kevin Brook] of Danbury (up to $500). Contract details to be worked out by Chris Reilly and David Bedell. Passed by consensus.
8. Proposals from Fairfield and New London chapters were postponed to the next SCC meeting.
9. Barbara Barry will establishcandidate campaign teleconferences for candidates to share ideas.
Next meeting on Thursday, July 14 [changed to Wednesday, July 13 due to venue availability]