Approved Minutes of the GPCT May 18, 2016, SCC meeting.  Quorum met.

Started at about 7:30 PM.  Location: Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT

GPCT chapter attendees: Fairfield County: David Bedell, Chris Taylor. Greater Hartford: S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chair, Barbara Barry, GPCT co-chair, Christopher Reilly, GPCT treasurer, Jeff Russell.  Norwich: Linda Thompson. Waterford: Emily Garfinkel, CPCT co-chair, Baird Welch-Collins. At Large: Michael Harris, Don Alexander.  Facilitator: Barbara A. Barry.

1.  Consensus without any blocking concerns to approve and accept:  a) approve minutes of the 2-3-16 2nd Nominating Convention, the3-16-16 3rdNominating Convention, and 3-16-16 State Central Committee (SCC) meetingand b) accept minutesof the 3-26-16 and 5-3-16 Executive Committee (EC) meetings.

2. GPCT chapter reports: 

  • Greater Hartford: Got permission to petition at two Stop & Shop supermarkets in Wethersfield. Will probably run candidates for US Congress 1st District and CT Senate 1st District.
  • Fairfield: Bonnie Troy running for CT House 135th District, cross-endorsed by Democratic Party at May 17 convention. Applying for Citizen Election Program (no petition required).
  • Waterford: on Sunday endorsed Lauren Shaw for CT House District 38. Applying for Citizen Election Program (petition required). Saturday, May 21 Community Beach Bazaar.
  • Norwich: After Jill Stein’s April 28 appearance in New Haven, she was featured on the front page of the Norwich Bulletin and was the subject of an editorial. The Day has promised to publish an opinion piece to be submitted by Linda Thompson. A group of members can petition every other Saturday at Stop & Shop in Norwich and Montville.

3. Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: GPCT balance: $652.54; FEC balance: $2,275.02.

4. Reports from our representatives to the GPUS National Committee:  There has been some discussion of modifying the GPUS platform position on Puerto Rico.

5. Consensus without any blocking concerns to approve minutes of the4-30-2016 GPCT Annual Meeting.

6. Barbara Barry will establish candidate campaign teleconferences for candidates to share ideas.

7. Update of the2016 presidential petitioning. Need 7500 valid petition signatures for president/senate, so goal is for 15,000 signatures. Mike DeRosa proposed the establishment of a “Presidential Campaign Committee of 100”: 100 people committed to gathering 100 signatures each. He also explained that due to a legal challenge initiated by the Libertarian Party, the CT Secretary of the State will probably have to accept petitions circulated by non-CT residents.

Mike DeRosa moved, and David Bedell seconded, that we offer to pay $1 per signature to hired petitioners. Passed by consensus. CT law requires a written agreement or contract for payments over $100; Chris Reilly and Barbara Barry have a template they can modify.

8. GPUS August 4-7, 2016 Nominating Convention in Houston, TX. GPCT gets to send seven delegates. Based on a vote at our Annual Meeting, we should pledge six of the delegates to Jill Stein and one to abstain on the first ballot. On the second ballot, all seven delegates should be free to choose.  Barbara Barry made a motion to this effect, Jeff Russell seconded, passed by consensus.

June 23, 2016 is deadline for selection of seven GPCT delegates to this convention. GPUS presidential delegate credential application: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.and credentials to be GPUS delegate to 2016 Presidential Nominating Convention:

9. GPCT members who submitted their names and candidate statements to be vetted and selected to be GPCT representatives to the GPUS Standing Committees. (Postponed to June meeting.)

10. Events of possible interestto the GPCT: Linda Thompson presented information about the Left Forum in NYC, May 20-22, 2016. She and the Left Elect Coalition organized two panels on Sunday featuring Jill Stein and Howie Hawkins. The following week, Ralph Nader is organizing a “Breaking Through Power” mobilization in Washington, DC.

11. Barbara Barry moved, and David Bedell seconded, to approve Linda Thompson as state liaison to the Jill Stein campaign. Passed by consensus.

Next meeting on June 14, 15, or 16 (to be determined after surveying some of the absent members).