Accepted Minutes of March 28, 2015 GPCT Fundraiser with speaker: Jill Stein, M. D., GPUS 2012 presidential candidate. Time: noon to 5pm. Site: Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT 06480.
GPCT attendees by chapter: Greater Fairfield: Cora Santaguida, Stamford; David Bedell, New Canaan; Rolf Maurer, GPCT co-chairperson; Ed Heflin, Cos Cob; Greater Hartford: Bill Glickman, Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary; Jeffery Larson, S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chairperson; Nigel Pepin, Christopher Reilly, GPCT treasurer; Emily Garfinkel, Farmington; City of New London: Ronna Stuller; Greater New Haven: Dave Olszta, Jerry Martin;    Greater Norwich: Linda Thompson Lanzia, GPCT co-chairperson;   Waterford: Billy G. Collins, Baird Welch-Collins,      At large: Jean deSmet, Windham; Susan Ye; Amy Vas Nunes, Windham; Richard Korby, Branford; Vic Lancia, Middletown; G. Scott Deshefy, Lebanon; Tim McKee;        Non-members: Linda Louise LaCasse; Andrew Olson; Cesar A. Chavez; Owen Charles; Frank and Carol Winiski; David Young; and Matt.
Dennis Trainor, Jill Stein’s videographer.

Topic: Anti-war
Noon: Potluck food available for attendees.
12:30pm: S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chairperson spoke about relationship between poverty and wars. The military-industrial complex is a way to improve one’s standard of living, health and financial status by providing: food, shelter, healthcare and a job.  
12:41pm: Rolf Maurer, GPCT co-chairperson: discussed the relationship between media and wars. Some media have promoted war agendas, or have done limited investigating of governmental rationals for wars/violence (e.g. Persian War, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia).
12:52pm: Emily Garfinkel, GPCT member: spoke of how current wars affect young adults: limited job opportunities, more college debt and hinders lifestyle and opportunities.
1pm: Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary: spoke about how wars affect health and healthcare and vice versa i.e. they are synergistic throughout history. Universal healthcare is a human right, not a privilege.
1:12pm: Linda Thompson, GPCT co-chairperson, the history of the anti-war movements. They have hindered direct military (boots on the ground) invasions of Syria and Libya, although other military specialist were/are there now; promoted withdrawal from Vietnam.
1:35pm: Linda Thompson introduced Jill Stein.
1:38pm: Jill Stein addressed how we can end “endless wars”. One of the 10 Key Values of the GPUS and GPCT is: non-violence. JS requested attendees who were present GPCT members to stand up; GPCT attendees who were past or present GPCT candidates to stand up. She stated: polls indicate 55% of US voters disapprove of the Republican Party; 51% disapprove the Democratic Party; 58% want a new political party. “We don’t change peoples’ minds. History changes peoples’ minds.” She supports drastic decreases of our military, NSA, CIA and FBI budgets. The U.S. is the #1 supplier of weapons in the world. Substitute programs to strengthen our internal security e.g. free college education; forgive student loans; right to universal health care; put bankers in jail for their fraudulent crimes; support alternative energy sources and oppose those like fracking which do long term harm to the environment, animals and humans for short-term gains for specific companies and investors; decrease prison population of non-violent offenders and treat the mentally ill to prevent crimes and affects on the offenders and the communities.  
“Do not believe the propaganda that you are powerless. The 99%ers are more powerful than the 1%ers. Exercise your rights and viewpoints. The GPs win in the public opinion polls. ”
2:10pm: Jill Stein took questions from attendees.
3:15pm: Jill Stein discussed her 2016 GPUS presidential exploratory committee.
4pm: Attendees mingled.
GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality.