Accepted minutes of the Monday, September 16, 2013 EC meeting at 7PM.                                                                                       GPCT attendees via teleconference call:  a) officers (i.e. EC members):  co-chairpersons: Allan Brison,  Linda Thompson and S. Michael DeRosa; treasurer: Christopher Reilly and Barbara A. Barry, secretary and b) members: Richard Duffee and John Lancz.   

The 9-29-13 GPCT retreat and the 9-24-13 SCC agenda were discussed.

The suggested agenda for the 9-24-13 SCC  7pm meeting at the Portland Senior Center is proposed to be:

1.  Review  minutes of the: a) 8-27-13 SCC meeting and approve;  and b) accept the minutes of the: 9-14-13 Emergency EC meeting and the routine 9-16-13 EC meeting.

2.  Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly.

3.  Reports from our three (3) representatives to the GPUS:  Linda Thompson, Tim McKee,  and S. Michael DeRosa.

4.  Any proposals/ resolutions from chapters or a group of five  CTGP Members or from the EC. 

5.  Finalize preparations needed for the 9-29-13 GPCT Retreat at Killiam's Point Center in Branford, CT on Long Island Sound:

a) Agenda:

  • 9:30am:  attendees urged to arrive and check-in; complete registration sheet and obtain a donation form.   
  • 10am to 11am: attendees introduce themselves to entire group of attendees.
  • 11am to noon: co-chairpersons to speak for 7 minutes each: Allan Brison: personal experience as a New Haven alderman and the 10 Key Values; Linda Thompson: organizing; and S. Michael DeRosa: history of the GPCT.   Then these co-chairpersons with take 39 minutes for questions and answers.
  • Noon to 1pm: Attendees are urged to bring their own lunch  and share with others.
  • 1pm to 2:30pm: attendees are urged to participate in this large group workshop to brainstorm about: GPCT membership;  ways to increase diversity; ways to increase outreach;  ways to improve chapter and GPCT building; suggest two year goals for the GPCT and chapters and ways to achieve goals.  
  • 2:30pm to 3:30pm: attendees are urged to breakup into  small group workshops and participate in one of the following three workshops:   
  1. 1) Campaign School for actual and potent future GPCT candidates with Allan Brison and CT and federal campaign regulations with Christopher Reilly;   
  2. 2) GPCT Use of Social Media with David Bedell and Cora Santaquida;  and
  3. 3) GPCT ballot access with S. Michael DeRosa.  
  • 3:30pm to 3:45pm:   break;  and place orders for supper.
  • 3:45pm to 4:45pm: attendees are urged to breakup into small group workshops and participate in one of the following three workshops:
  1. 1) Financial Inequality Now and Through the Ages with Richard Duffee;  
  2. 2) Conflict Resolution with John Lancz; and
  3. 3) Civil Resistance and Capitalism vs. Global Warming and Veterans for Peace.
  • 4:45pm to 5:15pm: feedback from the 6 small group workshops to all the attendees.                    
  • 5:15PM to sundown: break for purchased supper, to social with other attendees and for game playing and possibly live music.


b) NOTE:    Event parking is limited to 20 vehicles.    Donation are needed to at least cover the expenses of: $320 cost of this event site plus $1 for each attendee; $200 deposit may be returned if the facility is deemed to be cleaned up appropriately by the church which owns this facility.      People are urged to sign-up for the Clean-up Committee with Allan Brison.     Attendees are urged to bring literature:  Allan Brison to provide literature about: Green Party 10 Key Values; TMcK/BAB: summary of GPUS 2012 campaign;  SMD: Syria; NSA and Fracking.


6.  Update regarding the 9-8-13 Jill Stein Rally for the GP of CT at Portland Senior Center.  

7. Updates regarding the Green Party of CT candidates for the November 5th, 2013 elections:

  • New CT SEEC ruling about no cross endorsements;
  • The 8/17/13 Nominating Meeting of the Fairfield County Green Party. Location: UConn-Stamford. In attendance: voting members David Bedell, Richard Duffee, Hector Lopez, Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaguida.  Observer: Paul Bassler. The following candidates for public office were nominated and approved by unanimous consensus: - Cora Santaguida for Stamford Board of Representatives, Districts 2, 3, and 9;  - Rolf Maurer for Stamford Board of Representatives, Districts 7, 12, and 13; - Clausel Berrouet for Stamford Board of Representatives, District 10; - Ted Hanser for Stamford Board of Representatives, District 20; - Fausto Molina for Stamford Constable; - Richard Duffee for Stamford Board of Education; - Daphne Dixon for Fairfield Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate; - Dan Delventhal for Fairfield Constable; - David Bedell for New Canaan Constable; - Hector Lopez for New Canaan Constable; - Leif Smith for Redding Constable.
    Note: Cora and Rolf were nominated as placeholders, with the understanding they may find replacement candidates to run in some of their districts.                       David Bedell, Secretary Fairfield County chapter, CT Green Party
  • Clarification  from the New London Green Party,  regarding their candidates selected at theirnominating meeting, on Thursday, August 29, 2013, Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Captain’s Pizza, 8 Bank Street, New London.  Green Party candidate(s) for the municipal office in the City Council of New London: Ronna Stuller and Steila Lea.   And Mirna Martinez for New London Board of Education.  Submitted, Ronna Stuller, Secretary New London Green Party, 19 Evergreen Avenue, New London, CT 06320    860-447-9823
  • Laurie Rogers for Columbia, CT Board of Selectpersons.

8.  Determine if the GPCT wishes to participate in the following:  a) Sunday, October 27, 2013    Food not Bombs Rally with Keith McHenry. Place and time to be determined and  b) the New England Regional Bioneer’s (environmental) Conference in New Bedford, MA from October 25 through October 27, 2013.  

9. Any platform proposals from the GPCT to the GPUS Platform Committee.  Formation of a GPCT Platform Committee to make suggestions to the GPCT SCC and to the GPCT representatives to the GPUS Platform Committee: Justine McCabe and Amy Vas Nunes.

10. Status of the GPCT Bylaws Committee from members:  Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaquida, Christopher Reilly, Linda Thompson, Barbara Barry, S. Michael DeRosa and Jeffry Larson. 

11. Reports from CTGP members to the (GPUS) National Committees.

Accreditation (AC): reviews state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions.                                

Annual National Meeting (ANMC):  working on the 2014 GPUS Annual Meeting: Tim McKee and John Went.

Ballot Assess (BA): discussion of efforts/difficulties/strategies/successes of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access:  S. Michael DeRosa & Edward Schwing.  

Black Caucus:                                                 

Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers and national committees: Amy Vas Nunes.

Coordination Campaign (CCC): distribution of GPUS money to Green Party public office candidates.

Dispute Resolution (DRC):  mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization:           

Diversity (DC):  strategies and actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS: Linda Thompson. 

Eco Action (EA): develop strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters.              

Finance (FinCom): review  and determine how to spend the money of the  GPUS organization

Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS operations.                                      

Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website.

International Committee (IC): develops/promotes GPUS positions regarding  world  issues.  Hector Lopez, Justine McCabe and S. Michael DeRosa. 

Latino Caucus:  Hector Lopez.                                      

Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines and acquires items for the GPUS.  Rolf Maurer and Hector Lopez.                

Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases.                                             

Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS: Linda Thompson.       

Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout  the world: Hector Lopez and S. Michael DeRosa.

Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with Green Party Ten Key Values:  Justine McCabe  and Amy Vas Nunes.

Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC):  develop strategies to support any GPUS presidential candidates. Timothy McKee.

Women’s Caucus:  Martha Kelly.


12.   Chapter reports: verbal  to the attendees and the  written approved minutes to the CTGP secretary/EC members.

13.   Selection of the date, time and site of the next October SCC meeting: possibly the last Tuesday i.e. 10.29.13 or some other day of the week. 

14.   Other suggestions.     


community-based  economics and economic justice;


ecological wisdom,                                                                                                                                                                 

feminism and gender equality,                                                                                                                                 

future focus and sustainability,                                                                                                                           

grassroots democracy,                                                                                                                                               


personal and global responsibility,                                                                                                                       

respect for diversity,   

 social justice and equal opportunity.                                                                                                                         


Submitted by Barbara Barry, secretary of the Green Party of Connecticut