Minutes of the EC telephonic meeting on Friday, November 7, 2014.              Attendees:  GPCT co-chairpersons:  Linda Thompson, Norwich;  Rolf Maurer, Stamford; S. Michael DeRosa, Wethersfield;  treasurer: Christopher Reilly, West Hartford and  secretary: Barbara Barry, Wethersfield.  

Discussed election irregularities: not counting: GPCT votes, write-in votes; lack of information about the valid write-in candidates.    Consensus: these irregularities and ballot access (e.g. campaign finance money for Democrat and Republican candidates but not for GPCT) to be part of GPCT 2015 legislative agenda.    Ray Hackette, outgoing editor of the Norwich Bulletin, indicated in the Bulletin: “GPCT is not a viable political party” but is reportedly  supportive of decreasing the number of petition signatures for CT secretary of state and other legislative offices.  BAB:  print and web media garner significant profits from CT and US Campaign Financing.   Yale’s conference for candidates is focused on Dem and Rep candidates and not the unique situations for other political parties.   Need Bill of Rights for 3rd political parties.        Consensus: a) ballot access for 2015 GPCT legislative agenda along with CT public banking;  b)  to develop an educational  program about the GPCT;  c) next SCC meeting to be on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 6:30PM.   Mike will check to see if the Portland Waverly Center is available it.  Also:  LT may work on GPCT literature for the next two years and will address the lesser of two evils and how the GPCT is fighting for peoples’ interests.     LT: Green-Rainbow (GP) of MA will have a meeting in Manchester, MA on Saturday, November 15, 2014 so it and the New Bedford, MA conference both need to be on the 11-19-14 SCC agenda.        CR:  suggested that the 2015 GPCT annual meeting would typically be in April or May.  He suggests that the cut off  for nominations for internal office be 6 weeks before the meeting.  Consensus: agreed with CR.  LT: need smaller fundraising GPCT events.

Proposed agenda for the 11-19-14  GPCT SCC meeting at 6:30PM                                                     1. (10 minutes): Review and approval the minutes of the: a) August 19, 2014  GPCT Nominating Convention;     b) August 19, 2014  and September 22, 2014 SCC meetings; c) accept the minutes of the: September 12, 2014  and November 7, 2014 EC meetings and    d) review and accept the minutes of the GPCT Candidates teleconference with the EC on September 5th, 12th , 19th, 2014; October 3rd,  10th,  17th and the 24th of 2014.                                    2.  (5 minutes): Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly.                                                                                         3.  (5 minutes): Secretary’s report from Barbara Barry.                                                                                                      4.  (5 minutes): Reports from our three (3) representatives to the GPUS:  Tim McKee, S. Michael DeRosa and Baird Welch-Collins.                                                                                                                                                              5.  (zero to 5 minutes): Any proposals/resolutions from chapters or from five CTGP Members or from the EC.     6.  (60 minutes): November 4th 2014  election results of GPCT candidates for the following offices:  a)   candidates: Secretary of the State: S. Michael DeRosa;   Stephen Fourier for Attorney General;    Rolf Maurer for Comptroller and  WRITE-IN candidate for Treasurer.                                                                           US Congressional District I: Jeffery Russell.                 US Congressional District 2:  William Clyde.                  Barbara A. Barry, for CT State Senate District 1 (southern Hartford and northern Wethersfield).                          David Michel for CT State Senator, District 27 (part of Stamford and part of Darien).                                          Colin Bennett for CT State Senate District 33 (Haddam, East Haddam, Chester, Deep River, Essex, Lyme,  Clinton and Westbrook).                                                                                                                                                                   Ed Heflin for CT State Senate, District 36 (Greenwich, part of Stamford and part of New Canaan).                             Paul Gobell for CT State House District 25 (part of New Britain).                                                                            Bill Collins for State House for District 38 (Waterford and part of Montville).                                                 Cynthia “Cindy” Day for CT State House District 67 ( majority of New Milford).                                         Matthew Went for State House for District 84 (Meriden center).                                                                           David Olszta for State House, District 94 (part of New Haven and southern Hamden).                                          Kelly Hanna for State House for District 122 (part of Shelton, northern Stratford and Trumbull).                                                                                                                                               David Bedell for CT State House for District 125 (most of New Canaan).                                                                 Bonnie Troy for CT State House District 135 (Weston, Easton and south part of Redding).                                          Nathan Cloutier for CT State House for District 148 (part of Stamford).                                                                   Doug Lary for Windham GPCT Registrar of Voters (also running on the Bottom Line (municipal) party line). Cora M. Santaguida for Stamford Board of Education.   Thaddeus Hanser for Stamford Judge of Probate. Hector Lopez for Weston Registrar of Voters.                                                                                                        b)   Discuss post-election events associated with GPCT candidates.                                                                                 c)   Any GPCT complaints to the CT SEEC (State Elections Enforcement)  re: the election ballot access events.                                                                                                                                                                                     d)  Discuss GPCT post 11-4-14 ballot access goals and the GPCT 2015 legislative agenda.                                        7.  (5 minutes): Update from our GPCT liaison (Tim McKee) to our alliance with NJ, NY, RI, MA and PA regarding the expansion of Algonquin Pipeline use to transport fracked oil. WV, OH and ME are interested in joining the alliance.   The energy company plans to expand the pipeline to ME seaport for export. Here's a link to the Spectra Energy description of the project:  http://www.spectraenergy.com/Operations/New-Projects-and-Our-Process/New-Projects-in-US/Algonquin-Incremental-Market-AIM-Project/                                                                                 8.  (10 minutes): GPCT fundraising with possible speakers:   a) Harvey Wasserman, anti-nuclear activist since at least Three Mile Island event…for events around Waterford, CT and Fairfield..   b) small fundraising events.                                      9.  ( 5-10 minutes): Any GPCT sponsored events?   E.g. CT public banking, Common Core curriculum and Green Party alliance in opposition to the Algonquin Pipeline extension/additions through NJ, NY, CT, MA, RI and PA.  WV, OH and ME are interested in joining the alliance.                                                                                                                   10. (5 minutes): LT reports about the New Bedford, MA  event  and Green-Rainbow GPMA  11-15-14 event. 11.  (10 minutes): selection of GPCT member liaisons with other CT organizations with similar values.                                                                                                                                                                                  12.  Reports from our (3) CTGP representatives to each of the following (GPUS) National Committees.   Accreditation (AC): reviews state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions.                                                                                                                         Annual National Meeting (ANMC):  working on the 2014 GPUS Annual Meeting: Tim McKee.                                     Ballot Access (BA): discussion of efforts/difficulties/strategies/successes of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access: SMD and Don Alexander.                                                                                                                                 Black Caucus.                                                                                                                                                          Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers and national committees: Joshua Steele Kelly. Coordination Campaign (CCC): distribution of GPUS money to Green Party public office candidates.            Dispute Resolution (DRC):  mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization.                                            Diversity (DC):  strategies and actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS. Don Alexander.                         Eco Action (EA): develop strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters.   Jeff Russell Finance (FinCom): review  and determine how to spend the money of the  GPUS organization.                             Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS operations.                                                                                     Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website.                                                 International Committee (IC): develops/promotes GPUS positions re: world  issues. Amy Vas Nunes, SMD , Justine McCabe.                                                                                                                                                                 Latino Caucus:  Hector Lopez.                                                                                                                         Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines and acquires items for the GPUS.   Rolf Maurer.                    Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases.                                                                                                Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS.  Don Alexander.        Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout  the world. Don Alexander, Joshua Steele Kelly and SMD.                                                                                                        Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with Green Party Ten Key Values. Amy Vas Nunes, Don Alexander & SMD.                                                                                                                 Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC):  develop strategies to support any GPUS presidential candidates. Tim McKee.                                                                                                                                    Women’s Caucus.                                                                                                                                                                 13. (15 minutes): GPCT chapter reports: a) GreaterFairfield; Greater Hartford; Greater New Haven;  Greater Norwich;  New London and Waterford, CT.  and b) written approved minutes to the CTGP secretary.                             14.  (5 minutes): Selection of the date, time and site for the next SCC meeting.  Should it be in December 2014 or January 2015?                                                                                                                                                                       15.  Other suggestions.