Approved Minutes of the July 30, 2014  GPCT SCC meeting.   Quorum met.               Location: Waverly Center(formerly Portland Senior Center), 7 Waverly Ave., Portland, CT  06480 GPCT member attendees by chapter: Fairfield:  Hector Lopez, Rolf Maurer, GPCT co-chairperson; Greater Hartford: S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chairperson, Christopher Reilly, GPCT treasurer; Barbara A. Barry, GPCT secretary;  Norwich: Linda Thompson, GPCT co-chairperson;  Waterford: Joshua Steele Kelly, Carin Estey and Leah Doroski. Also: Brian Austin of Thompson.  Facilitator: Linda Thompson. 

1.  Consensus: approved the minutes of the: a) June 2, 2014  and June 30, 2014 SCC meetings  and  b) theJune 30, 2014  GPCT  Nominating Convention;  c) Accepted the minutes of the: June 23, 2014  and July 22, 2014 EC meetings  and d) the minutes of the Teleconferences of the GPCT Candidates with the EC on July 16th and July 23, 2014.                                                         2.  Consensus: accepted: Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: $500.21  balance.                      3.  Consensus: accepted: Secretary’s report from Barbara Barry and SMD: a) GPUS platform proposals votes on July 21, 2014: proposal 755 about the Middle East from the GP of HI to 100% eliminate the current platform regarding Palestine and Israel: failed; proposal 756 about the Middle East from the GP of VA: adopted; proposal 758 about gun control: adopted; proposal 759 about the internet: adopted; proposal about health care for birth control for all: adopted.  The adopted proposal was forwarded to the GPUS Annual Meeting of July 24-27, 2014. Our delegate to the GPUS, Tim McKee, is not present to report.   And b) a NH man has made the CT SOTS Voter List available online for searching.  The owner of this website indicated that he paid for this list and is sharing it free. or for the full database:                  4.  Consensus: accepted reports from our three (3) representatives to the GPUS:  S. Michael DeRosa and Baird Welch-Collins: see below.  Tim McKee was absent.                                                 5.  Deferred: due to noproposals/resolutionsfrom chapters or five CTGP Members or from the EC. 6.  Consensus: good  June 30, 2014   GPCT Nominating Convention.                                               7.  Deferred: because of no presence of GPCT official delegates (Tim McKee and David Michel) or any GPCT members who attended the July 24th through 27th GPUS Annual Meeting which was the 30th anniversary of GPUS annual meetings. Results of the voting on platform items: Platform #755 regarding the Middle East presented by Hawaii;   Platform #756 regarding the Middle East presented by VA;  Platform #758 regarding gun control;  Platform #759 regarding internet;  Platform #761 regarding healthcare. Tony Affigne, GPRI and Tim McKee, GPCT were to report to the GPUS about our multiple state GP alliance in opposition to the Algonquin Pipeline.

8.  Status of GPCT candidates campaigns for the November 4th 2014 election.                              Ballot line candidates:                                                                                                                     Secretary of the State: S. Michael DeRosa: slogan: More Choices, More Voices; focus on ballot access, counting of write-in votes and all votes; “B” corporations effective October 1, 2014 in CT.  The SOTS told SMD that they are still interpreting the new law about what constitutes socially responsible “B” corporations in CT and through  the US.  Urge voters to VOTE FOR SOMETHING and appeal to their self-respect.                                                                                                                                                                               Stephen Fourier for Attorney General: not present;                                                                                              Comptroller and also WRITE-IN CANDIDATE for Treasurer Rolf Maurer: Patch (website news) wants money from him in order for Patch to interview him and/or cover his campaign.He plans: a candidate informational dinner and to follow-up with Scott Harris of WPKN (89.5FM) radio for an interview. Issues will include concerns about more solar flares which have the potential shut down of computers inclusive those used in power plants. Perhaps Electric Boat could start non-violent work of making surge protectors for this threat.                                                                                                               US Congressional District I: Jeffery Russell: not present.                                                                                                US Congressional District 2:   potential candidate: William “Bill” Clyde (VP and Provost of Manhattan College) for potential endorsement for this position atthe August 9th  2014 Regional Nominating Convention, Saturday at 10:30AM.   Location:  Mansfield Public Library,  Buchanan Auditorium,   54 Warrenville Road,  Mansfield, CT 06250. Douglas Lary will also be vetted for endorsement for Windham Registrar of Voters.                                                                                   State Senate District  1 (southern Hartford/northern Wethersfield): Barbara A. Barry: I will embrace our 3 shared campaign issues, 10 KV and the GPUS via: CT public banking, Common Core, Algonquin pipeline and also CT campaign finance law reform. The local Hartford and Wethersfield issues: opposition to the public/private building of a minor league baseball stadium in downtown Hartford. The baseball league owes $125,000 in back taxes to the present New Britain ball field. Hartford does not need another delinquent taxpayer; the promotion of a grocery store within Hartford city limits. (It was almost a done deal but the stadium proposal came along and the grocery store withdrew its proposal because it would require some square yards that the stadium was to takeover). Wethersfield: Zoning oversight, promotion of tourism in the historic Wethersfield sites & commercial development.                                                                                                                 David Michel for State Senator, District 27 (part of Stamford and part of Darien): not present.                                  Ed Heflin for State Senate, District 36 (Greenwich): not present.                                                                            Colin Bennett for CT State Senate District  33 (Chester, Clinton, Deep River, East Haddam, Essex, Haddam, Lyme, and Westbrook): not present.  

Matthew Went for State House District 84 (Meriden center): not present.                                                                                                                           David Bedell for CT State House District  125 (most of New Canaan): not present.                                                                   Nathan Cloutier for CT State House District 148 (part of Stamford).                                                                       Doug Lary for Windham GPCT Registrar of Voters (also running on the Bottom Line (municipal) party line). Not present.                                                                                                                                                                                   Zoe DeVito for Stamford Board of Education: not present.  

b) Petitioning for offices:   

Brian Austin of Thompson stated he is petitioning for the State House District 51 (Thompson and Putnam). He needs 67 valid petition signatures and has less than 20.  SMD and BAB volunteered to help with petitioning.                                                                                                                                                     SUCESSEFUL PETITION CANDIDATE: Bill Collins for State Representative for District 38  (Waterford/southern part of   Montville).Bill Collins, a long-time resident of Waterford, Connecticut, has just won ballot access as a Green Party candidate for the 38th State House of Representatives district. Many citizens are not aware of the struggles that third party candidates must endure to have their name put on the ballot; Dr. Collins’ road to gaining ballot access has been challenging, as the State of Connecticut has laws on the books that prohibit third party candidates from appearing on the ballot without collecting signatures totaling at least 1% of the total number of individuals that voted for the position in question in the last election cycle. These signatures must, of course, all be from citizens of the area that the position represents. In Dr. Collins’ case, he was required to obtain these signatures from residents within the 38th State House of Representatives district, which includes Waterford and a part of Montville. Republican and Democratic candidates are not required to collect signatures in order to be on the ballot. When asked about this, Josh Kelly, Founder and Chairperson of the Waterford Green Party, said that “Dr. Collins earning ballot access is a huge triumph for all third party and non-affiliated candidates. The obstacles placed in front of non-major party candidates is an outrageous affront to the true democratic principles that this nation was founded on and should strive to preserve.”  Dr. Collins grew up in Kansas and, after serving in the US Navy on the USS Boston, moved to Rhode Island after completing his PhD in American literature at Kansas State University. He began his teaching career at the University of Rhode Island, where he served on various educational committees. After moving to Waterford, he taught at Waterford High School and the Community College of Rhode Island. He has lived in Waterford for over twenty-five years. Dr. Collins has four children and has played an active role as a parent volunteer. He is also a member of the Niantic Community Church, and since joining the Green Party, he has helped organize support for the Party and platform development.  As a State Representative for District 38, Dr. Collins wishes to promote sustainable small business development, land conservation, and education reform that opposes Common Core standardization. He is running on the Green Party .platform, which includes promoting and supporting Grassroots Democracy, Social Justice, Ecological Wisdom, Non-Violence, Decentralization, Economic Justice and Community-Based Economics, Feminism and Gender Equity, Respect for Diversity, Personal and Global Responsibility, and Future Focus and Sustainability. The Green Party is also known for not accepting donations from corporations, businesses, and Political Action Committees (PACs). Kelly noted that “having a Green run for State Representative will also highlight the fact that most individuals are tired of the corporate-dominated politics of the Democrats and the Republicans that accept donations from big business. The people desire politicians and statesmen that will work for the good of the individual, community, state, nation, and world rather than for the good of their upcoming campaign.”                                

David Bedell for State Representative, District 94 (part of New Haven).                                                                         David Bedell for State Representative, District 122 (part of Shelton/northern Stratford).   

c)   GPCT candidates are needed for the following ballot line offices:                                                                                                                       CT State Representative District 25 (part of New Britain).                                                                                      CT State Representative District 67 ( majority of New Milford).                                                                                 CT State Representative District 135 (Weston, Easton and south part of Redding).                                              Weston Registrar of Voters.  Stamford Judge of Probate.                                                                                            GPCT petitioning candidates for  governor and lieutenant governor.                                                                                d) GPCT member Don Alexander is running  on an UNAFFILIATED LINE, for CT State Representative,  District 65.                                                                                                                                                                  e)  CT SEEC (State Elections Enforcement Commission) regulation deadlines are:   WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6th 2014: date that all signed petition sheets must be handed into the appropriate Town Clerks. (Candidates may hand in the petition sheets to the Secretary of the State’s Office(SOTS).  However, the SOTS will send them back to the appropriate Town Clerks for appropriate INITIAL processing.)   Typical rate of rejection of petition signatures by Town Clerks is 50%.              WEDNESDAY,  SEPTEMBER 3rd  2014: date that the chairpersons of political parties must notify the SOTS (Secretary of the State) of their endorsed candidates.

9.  Consensus: accepted update from  SMD (our GPCT liaison, Tim McKee, did not attend) the 4:30PM teleconference today with our alliance with NJ, NY, RI, MA and PA regarding the Algonquin Pipeline. Discussed:this morning’s protest in Boston regarding opposition to the Algonquin Pipeline; MA Governor Patrick will, now, investigate the pipeline.  The energy company plans to expand through NH to a deep ME seaport, so that the vast amount of fracked oil and gas (from west and south of NE) can be exported. The six New England governors have already agreed to have this $6 billion project be paid for by taxpayers and without having any NE legislatures vote on the project.  Here's a link to the Spectra Energy description of the project: 

10.  Consensus: Accepted: GPCT fundraising with speaker:  a) RM: has reserved the date of October 12, 2014 (Sunday of Columbus Day Holiday) at the Main Stamford Library for  Harvey Wasserman, anti-nuclear activist since at least Three Mile Island event…for two fundraising events: Waterford, CT chapter is seeking a site for one event and Fairfield chapter, e.g. at a Stamford Library, as a site that would also be fairly accessible to New York Green Party members and others.   SMD will contact Harvey Wassermann about this date.   Harvey is also a college professor , journalist, author and the Secretary of Energy for the past year in the GPUS Green Shadow Cabinet.  

11.   No other GPCT sponsored events at this time.

12. Updates from our GPCT representatives to the (GPUS) National Committees.                                       Accreditation (AC): reviews state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions.                                                                                                                      Annual National Meeting (ANMC): working on the 2014 GPUS Annual Meeting: Tim McKee: absent.                                                                                                               Ballot Assess (BA): discussion of efforts/difficulties/strategies/successes of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access: SMD, Don Alexander.                                                                                                                                        Black Caucus.                                                                                                                                                         Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers and national committees: Joshua Steele Kelly.  JSK still apparently lacks GPUS authorization to participate.  BAB will re-email Budd Dickerson,  GPUS office and Holly Hart, one of the GPUS Steering Members.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Coordination Campaign (CCC): distribution of GPUS money to Green Party public office candidates.                                                                                                                 Dispute Resolution (DRC):  mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization.                                          Diversity (DC): strategies/actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS. Don Alexander: absent.                                                                                                                           Eco Action (EA): strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters.   Jeff Russell: absent.                                                                                                               Finance (FinCom): review/determine how to spend the GPUS organizational money.                                                                                                                          Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS operations.                                                                                               Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website.                                           International Committee (IC): develops/promotes GPUS positions re: world  issues. SMD: see platform proposals in agenda item #4.   Amy Vas Nunes and Justine McCabe were absent.                                                                                                                                                             Latino Caucus:  Hector Lopez: no activity.                                                                                                  Merchandizing Com. (MERCH): determines/acquires GPUS items: Rolf Maurer: no activity.                                                                                                                     Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases.                                                                                             Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who have similar GPUS interests. Don Alexander: absent.                                                                                                                     Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout  the world. Don Alexander: absent, Joshua Steele Kelly and S. Michael DeRosa.   SMD stated that to reactivate any national committee at less two members chapter/states of the GPUS must agree to the reactivation.  SMD will try to get  other states and/or the Washington DC chapter to help reactive this national committee.                                                                                                               Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with Green Party Ten Key Values. Amy Vas Nunes, Don Alexander were absent.   S Michael DeRosa: see item # 4 above.                                                                                   Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC):  develop strategies to support any GPUS presidential candidates. Tim McKee: absent.                                                                                                                   Women’s Caucus.  

13. BAB: theGPCT has the March 4th 2014 Secretary of the State Voter Registration List. It has been requested that chapters provide their own updated member information including emails to the GPCT list via the secretary.  

14.  GPCT chapter reports: Fairfield: HL: we need to support  stopping the genocide in the Middle East. ,  Greater Hartford: SMD: possible participation in the Wethersfield Corn Festival  Saturday, September 20, 2014.  Greater New Haven: any activity following the 1-9-14 meeting (after 18 months of inactivity);  Greater Norwich: LT: meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of every month.  Waterford is willing to help with maintaining this chapter.  Lee-ann Gomez, Supervisor of Norwich Area Human Services spoke at the 6-11-14 meeting of the problems in Norwich and other parts of CT. New London Town Chapter: absent.  Waterford, CT: JSK:  8-17-14 event at the Waterford Beach Park.  The AFT (American Federation of Teachers) is seeking an interview with Bill Collins, GPCT candidate for Ct State House District 38.  JSK has become one of four co-chairpersons of the GPUS Youth Caucus for members 14 to 35 years of age. Need a treasurer and secretary for this caucus.   Windham Green Town Committee: BAB and SMD:  stated they attended the July 24, 2014 meeting and Nominating Convention as observers:  attendees voted to endorse Douglas Lary to be the GPCT candidate for Windham Registrar of Voters; adopted Bylaws of the Windham Green Town Committee and elected officers for the committee.  Attendees:  5 Windham GPCT members, one non-GPCT member and two female attendees.   Chapters need to providewritten approved minutes to the GPCT secretary.  

15.  Consensus: next SCC meeting to be Tuesday, August 19, 2014.  A second GPCT nominating convention may need to be the first part of the meeting. Consensus: new starting time is 6:30PM.  Site: likely the Waverly Center of Portland, CT.   

16.  MISC: LT: volunteered to update/develop the GPCT Platform; she suggested GPCT and its candidates: discuss how the low-wages of businesses  e.g. Walmart, McDonald and other retail workers are not fully supported by the AFO-CIO; health care and the right to quality education.    

GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality.