Approved minutes from the 9-24-13 SCC meeting at 7PM at Portland Senior Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT 06480. Quorum met. Attending GPCT members by chapter: Fairfield: Cora Santaquida, Hector Lopez, David Bedell and Rolf Maurer; Greater Hartford: Christopher Reilly, GPCT treasurer, S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chairperson, Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary; New London: Ronna Stuller. Also: Allan Brison of Hamden, GPCT co-chairperson; Linda Thompson of Norwich, GPCT co-chairperson; John Lancz of Norwich and Jeff Russell of Tolland. Facilitator: Allan Brison.
1. Consensus: approved the minutes of the: a) 8-27-13 SCC meeting and b) accepted the EC minutes of: the emergency 9-4-13 EC meeting, the emergency 9-14-13 EC meeting and the routine 9-16-13 EC meeting.
2. Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: balance of $ 1238.59 including $942 donations from the 9-8-13 Jill Stein Rally.
3. Reports from our three (3) representatives to the GPUS: Tim McKee was absent. Linda Thompson: JL to bring a Code of Conduct to next SCC meeting for GPCT EC and SCC consideration with the current GPCT code of conduct for GPCT meetings and for GPCT social media use. BAB: GPUS email regarding Strategic Planning Working Group, and the clerk of the U.S. House discriminates against candidate results of minor political parties. S. Michael DeRosa: no additions.
4. Any proposals/resolutions from chapters or a group of five CTGP Members or from the EC: a) DB resolution regarding support for the 10-1-13 event by Free Speech for People opposing the U.S. Supreme Court 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. FEC. DB advised he only wanted this to be discussed as an announcement of this event i.e. not a resolution for GPCT endorsement. b) HL: GPCT support for the 10-3-13 4th Annual Forum on Civil and Human Rights in Puerto Rico at NYU Law School. Consensus: approved. The reasoning: it will increase exposure to GP concepts in CT, NY and NJ. c) HL: support regarding over two years of concerns about the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan which erupted in April 2011; radiation leaks to international air and water; irradiated fish and plants documented by governmental agencies in CA and WA. Sign petition: or
see: Consensus for approval.
5. Finalize preparations needed for the 9-29-13 GPCT Retreat at Killam's Point Conference Center, Killam's Point Rd. Branford, CT 06405.
LT: cost of this retreat: $320 plus one dollar for each attendee; also need a $200 deposit which may be fully refunded to the GPCT…if the church who owns this facility determines that the GPCT did appropriate cleanup and removal of waste. LT: sign-in sheet information being requested: name, street address, email, phone, Facebook, area of interests in the community or in the GPCT. LT to provide to the GPCT listserv: copy of fliers for this event that people may download for distribution. LT to put up road signs for driveway directions to the site and parking.
a) Retreat Agenda:
9:30AM: arrival of attendees; sign in sheet for attendees. CR will be taking care of: donations with hope of receiving at least $15 donation per person. Each donor must complete a donation form. Set up tables of literature and merchandise: T-shirts. Literature to be provided by: AB about the Green Party’s 10 Key Values; BAB: emailed summary of the GPUS 2012 campaign; SMD: Syria; NSA and Fracking. Other GP literature may be provided
Facilitator: David Bedell or Barbara Barry from 10am to1PM:
10am to 11am: introduction of attendees to all the other attendees;
11am to noon: co-chairpersons to speak for 7 minutes each: AB: his personal experience and the GP 10 Key Values he presented as an alderman to the New Haven City Council; LT: organizing; and SMD: history of the GPCT. Then 39 minutes for questions and answers.
Noon to 1pm: Bring your own lunch food and beverages to share. Have access to kitchen appliances and eating utensils.
Facilitator from 1PM to 2:30PM: Linda Thompson.
1pm to 2:30pm: all attendees to attend the workshop to brainstorm regarding how to build the GPCT, chapters and membership, fundraising and outreach. Attendees to suggest GPCT goals for the next two years.
Facilitator from 2:30PM until closing: John Lancz.
2:30pm to 3:30PM: attendees may participate in one of the three small workshops, and select a workshop leader: a) Ballot Access, fundraising and petitioning with S. Michael DeRosa; b) Social Media with Cora Santaquida and David Bedell; and c) Conflict resolutions with John Lancz.
3:30PM to 3:45PM: break; and attendees may order and pre-pay for pizza to be delivered for supper.
3:45PM to 4:45PM: attendees may participate in one of the three small workshops and select a workshop leader regarding: a) Campaign School for current or potential GPCT candidates about GPCT candidates without cross-endorsements presented by: Allan Brison, Jean deSmet and independent candidate: Melissa Schlag. Campaign regulations with Christopher Reilly; b) Financial Inequality Now and Through the Ages with Richard Duffee; and c) Civil Resistance with Ms. Carmen Caldera and the Environmental Justice Network with Martha Kelly.
4:45PM to 5:15PM:leaders fromeach of the six small workshops will provide summaries of their discussions and suggestions to the attendees.
5:15PM to sundown(about 7PM): supper of pre-paid/delivered pizza; socializing, game playing and possibly live music. Clean-up will be done by the Clean-up Committee under the supervision of AB in efforts to get full refund of $200 clean-up deposit.
Driving directions to... Killam's Point Conference Center
Killam's Point Rd. Branford, CT 06405
From Hartford Follow I-91 south to New Haven, to I-95 (Conn. Tpke). Take I-95 North to Exit 53 (a long connector exit ramp). At the end of the Exit 53 connector, bear right and go under the railroad underpass. Proceed a short distance past the underpass to the traffic light by Branhaven Plaza and the intersection of Route 142 (Short Beach Rd.). Turn left onto Route 142 (Short Beach Rd.). Continue on Short Beach Rd.for 1.4 miles until you see a small sign on the left saying Killam's Point directly across from Grove St. Turn left at the sign onto Killam's Point Road (dirt road) and follow signs to the Conference Center (about ½ mile).
From New Haven Take I-95 (Connecticut Tpke) North to Exit 53 (a long connector exit ramp). At the end of the Exit 53 connector, bear right and go under the railroad underpass. Proceed a short distance past the underpass to the traffic light by Branhaven Plaza and the intersection of Route 142 (Short Beach Rd.). Turn left onto Route 142 (Short Beach Rd.). Continue on Short Beach Rd.for 1.4 miles until you see a small sign on the left saying Killam's Point directly across from Grove St. Turn left at the sign onto Killam's Point Road (dirt road) and follow signs to the Conference Center (about ½ mile). From Points East of New Haven (Norwich, New London, etc.) Take I-95 (Connecticut Tpke) South to Exit 54. At the end of the exit, turn left onto Cedar St. Turn right at the second traffic light onto Route 1. Follow Route 1 approximately one mile, until you pass under a railroad underpass. Proceed a short distance past the underpass to the traffic light by Branhaven Plaza and the intersection of Route 142 (Short Beach Rd.). Turn left onto Route 142 (Short Beach Rd.). Continue on Short Beach Rd.for 1.4 miles until you see a small sign on the left saying Killam's Point directly across from Grove St. Turn left at the sign onto Killam's Point Road (dirt road) and follow signs to the Conference Center (about ½ mile).
From Points West of New Haven (Stamford, Bridgeport, etc.) Take I-95 (Connecticut Tpke) North to Exit 53 (a long connector exit ramp). At the end of the Exit 53 connector, bear right and go under the railroad underpass. Proceed a short distance past the underpass to the traffic light by Branhaven Plaza and the intersection of Route 142 (Short Beach Rd.). Turn left onto Route 142 (Short Beach Rd.). Continue on Short Beach Rd.for 1.4 miles until you see a small sign on the left saying Killam's Point directly across from Grove St. Turn left at the sign onto Killam's Point Road (dirt road) and follow signs to the Conference Center (about ½ mile).
6. Review of the 9-8-13 Jill Stein Rally for the GP of CT at Portland Senior Center: Overall perceptions: good event and a good model for future GPCT fundraisers perhaps in November 2013. Consensus: secretary to send thank you message to Jill Stein and her driver. .
7. Green Party of CT candidates for the November 5th, 2013 elections from: a) SMD feedback about new cross-endorsement regulations with the attorneys at the CT State Elections Enforcement Committee (SEEC) was: no cross-endorsement is allowed under the new 2013 legislative regulation to the SEEC. How this plays out for the November 5, 2013 remains to be seen.
b) Fairfield County Green Party candidates for public office are: Cora Santaguida for Stamford Board of Representatives, Districts 2, 3, and 9; Rolf Maurer for Stamford Board of Representatives, Districts 7, 12, and 13; Clausel Berrouet for Stamford Board of Representatives, District 10; Ted Hanser for Stamford Board of Representatives, District 20; Fausto Molina for Stamford Constable; Richard Duffee for Stamford Board of Education; Daphne Dixon for Fairfield Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate(also cross endorsed by the Democratic Party); Dan Delventhal for Fairfield Constable; David Bedell for New Canaan Constable; Hector Lopez for New Canaan Constable; Leif Smith for Redding Constable. Note: Cora and Rolf were nominated as placeholders, with the understanding they may find replacement candidates to run in some of their districts.
c) New London Green Party candidates: Ronna Stuller for New London City Council; (Sheila Lea for New London City Council has dropped out) and Mirna Martinez (cross endorsed by the Republican Party) for New London Board of Education.
d) Laurie Rogers for Columbia Board of Selectpersons, endorsed at the 9-3-13 Columbia Nominating Convention.
8. Consider requesting a current CT SOS registered voter list in the near future. Then LT and BAB will update the GPCT Mailing List Information. Consensus: GPCT mailing list information will only be used for GPCT activities and CPCT candidates i.e. not for commercial use.
9. GPCT responses/ events/ media releases to any actions taken by the CT legislature, our governor or the federal government and our actions. Ask attendees at the 9-29-13 GPCT retreat for any volunteers to do public relations for the GPCT.
10. Political actions to be taken in the near future; events GPCT may wish to participate in: a) Richard Duffee did not attend so there is no updates about his interactions with Keith McHenry regarding the GPCT sponsorship of a Sunday, October 27, 2013 Food Not Bombs Rally with founder: Keith McHenry of New Mexico. To be determined: Site and time; needs and/or expenses and GPCT responsibilities. Consensus: approved: GPCT is willing to co-sponsor a Keith McHenry event with the local Middletown Food Not Bombs organization. b) Announcement of the New England Regional Bioneer’s (environmental) Conference in New Bedford, MA from Friday, October 25 through Sunday, October 27, 2013.
11. Status of the GPCT Bylaws Committee from members: Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaquida, Christopher Reilly, Linda Thompson, Barbara Barry, S. Michael DeRosa and Jeffry Larson. Seeking a time and place to meet.
12. Reports from CTGP members to the (GPUS) National Committees.
Accreditation (AC): reviews state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions.
Annual National Meeting (ANMC): working on the 2014 GPUS Annual Meeting: absent: Tim McKee and John Went.
Ballot Access (BA): discussion of efforts/difficulties/strategies/successes of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access: S. Michael DeRosa: BA has urged SMD to help reorganize the Vermont Green Party. Absent: Edward Schwing.
Black Caucus:
Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers and national committees: absent: Amy Vas Nunes.
Coordination Campaign (CCC): distribution of GPUS money to Green Party public office candidates.
Dispute Resolution (DRC): mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization.
Diversity (DC): strategies and actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS: Linda Thompson: no change.
Eco Action (EA): develop strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters.
Finance (FinCom): review and determine how to spend the money of the GPUS organization.
Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS operations.
Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website.
International Committee (IC): develops/promotes GPUS positions regarding world issues. Hector Lopez, and S. Michael DeRosa: recent elections in Germany saw the German Green Party decreasing their proportional representation from 20% to 9%. See Justine McCabe’s 9-23-13 email to the GPCT listservs regarding the reelection of Angela Merkel for Germany’s Channellcor.
Latino Caucus: Hector Lopez: no activity.
Merchandising Committee(MERCH):determines/acquires GPUS items. Rolf Maurer & Hector Lopez: new GPUS designs for t-shirts.
Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases.
Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS: Linda Thompson: GPUS steering committee wants to have a professional GP person to do GPUS outreach. The anticipated cost is $20,000. There is some perception from non-steering committee members that professional outreach could be done for a lesser amount of money. LT wants to change the Green Party name inclusive of the GPUS and state chapter name. Reasoning: the word “green” has been generalized. BAB: the GPUS, GPCT and GP name is now an established political brand. To change our name would require total political and financial reorganization and rebranding….which would take years or decades develop from now. We would lose current and near future political opportunities. Instead, use this as an educational opportunity to address our concerns, solutions and our Ten Key Values.
Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout the world: Hector Lopez and S. Michael DeRosa: no activity.
Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with Green Party Ten Key Values: Justine McCabe and Amy Vas Nunes were absent: GPUS platform is under review per emails to GPCT secretary.
Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC): develop strategies to support any GPUS presidential candidates. Timothy McKee: absent.
Women’s Caucus: Martha Kelly was absent. Linda Thompson is not seeking to be part of this caucus.
13. Deferred due to time constraints: Chapter reports from: Fairfield, Greater Hartford, New London and the developing Greater Norwich Chapters: verbal to the attendees and the written approved minutes to the CTGP secretary/EC members.
14. Selection of the date, time and site of the next October SCC meeting will be the last Tuesday i.e. 10.29.13 at the Portland Senior Center. 15. No other suggestions.
GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: community-based economics and economic justice, decentralization, ecological wisdom, feminism and gender equality, future focus and sustainability, grassroots democracy, non-violence, personal and global responsibility, respect for diversity, social justice and equal opportunity.
Submitted by Barbara Barry, secretary of the Green Party of Connecticut