Minutes of the CTGP  SCC   meeting on Monday, January 14, 2013 at 7PM.   Quorum was met.

Location:  Portland Senior Center (first floor), 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT  06480  

Connecticut Green Party members by chapters: Fairfield: David Bedell, CTGP treasurer, Cora Santaguida, Hector Lopez, Rolf Maurer;  Greater Hartford: S. Michael DeRosa, CTGP co-chairperson, Barbara Barry, CTGP secretary; New London: Ronna Stuller, CTGP co-chairperson. Others:  Allan Brison, CTGP co-chairperson and Vittorio Lancia.  Facilitator: David Bedell.

1.  Reviewed and a) approved 12-3-12 SCC meeting minutes and b) accepted the minutes of the 1-7-13 EC meeting.

2.  Treasurer's report from David Bedell: balance of $779.35.

3.  Report from Christopher Reilly to the CTGP secretary: “He has been advised by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) that the FEC has officially recognized the CT Green Party as a state party of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS). This allows the CTGP to process any donations to a separate checking account for any CTGP candidate…who is running for a federal office.  The CTGP will need to maintain appropriate communications with the FEC about any actions.”

 4. Reports from our five (5) representatives to the GPUS:  Linda Thompson, Tim McKee, and Jeff Russell were absent.    S. Michael DeRosa and Allan Brison: see below.

 5.  a)  No proposals or resolutions from chapters or a group of five (5) CTGP Members.  b)  Allan Brison requested the CTGP endorsement to support a February 14, 2013 event of the: Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice (CCEJ) and the Capitalism vs. the Climate, regarding Global Warming. This coalition supports an energy strategy for Connecticut of:  moving away from natural gas, nuclear energy, fracking and fossil-fuel based hydrogen as energy sources; removing incinerators;  redefining: “renewable”,“green prisons”and “clean coal”.  Site: outside the Connecticut State Capital at 210 Capital Avenue, Hartford.  Time: 1PM for an afternoon of theatre and discussion.  Consensus: to endorse.

6.  Feedback about the campaigns, strategies used and how to maximize voter rights. a) A report from David Bedell and S. Michael DeRosa about what they found about voting results affecting the CTGP from their  December 31, 2012 visit to the office of the CT Secretary of State (SOTS):  Jill Stein GPUS presidential write-in candidate garnered 863 votes in the state.  It was not broken down by towns. DB and SMD brought to the attention of the SOTS  office of an oddity: that no GPUS write-in votes were documented for the cities of: Bridgeport or East Haven, West Haven, Waterbury or New Canaan.  DB and SMD did file an official complaint about this.  To continue with this complaint, the SOTS office advised that DB and SMD need to garner affidavits from CT voters that they voted for Jill Stein via write-in procedure but these write-in votes were not counted. These complaints must be specific to the town.  b)  Freedom of Information requests regarding write-in votes are deferred at this time.   c) CTGP secretary defers report.

7. Development of which items will be our legislative focus for: a) agendas for the CT legislative committees and legislative for the session starting January 9, 2013:  Medicare, healthcare, gun reforms, job development, bringing our 1st responders’ home, Patriot’s Act, women’s rights.  Other agendas:  from RS: promoting a healthy workplace without physical abuse and allow private and state employees to sue their employers about allegations of physical abuse; promoting a State bank;  from CS: health care for all;  from RM: protecting the electric grid from solar flares.  This is known as CME.  Historical precedent: in the 1850’s and 1920’s: solar flares burned out telegraph wires and phone wires;   from BAB: job growth. b) Allan Brison request for endorsement: See #5b. Also: global warming event presented by the People for Enduring Peace will be April 19, 2013.  The anticipated speaker will be Bill McKibbon. He is a Harvard educated environmentalist, journalist, author and founder of 350.org Allan advised that there may be a future environmental event at the United Church on the (New Haven) Green.   c) SMD: see Addendum I regarding SMD’s voter regulations agenda.   Consensus for entire agenda. d) SMD: CT state representatives: Ed Vargas of Hartford and Tim Bowles of Norwich  have agreed to meet with the CTGP about our legislative proposals.   SMD, initial and current co-chairperson, to represent the CTGP (others are invited) and is seeking dates and times of meetings.    e) Volunteers to interact with the CT legislature about specific CTGP concerns.

8.  Discussion of date, place and time of the next CTGP Annual meeting:   either Saturday, April 20, 2013 or Saturday, April 27, 2013.   Actual date to be determined at February 18, 2013 SCC meeting. Discussion about if a possible speaker  could be part of annual meeting in addition to reviewing and voting about CTGP bylaw changes.  Consensus:  Deadline for CTGP internal candidates to submit their names will be 9PM on March 18, 2013 to the CTGP secretary.   No candidate names will be accepted after this deadline or at the 2013 annual meeting.   Under consideration: using a mailing ballot for candidates; a PDF or Word file may be provided on the CTGP website for enhanced candidates’ statements. Mailing will also request donations to the CTGP  i.e.  unlikely use of a postcard.

 9.  CTGP Bylaw Committee update from members: Ronna Stuller, Barbara Barry, S. Michael DeRosa, Christopher Reilly, Tim Hanser of New London and Jeffery Russell.  Bylaw Committee attendees determined 1st CTGP Bylaws meeting will be 1-24-13 at 7pm via teleconferencing.

10.  Volunteers to write press releases: RM and SMD to write press releases to be edited by DB and RS then passed to EC.

11. Reports from CTGP members to the active (GPUS) National Committees: 

Ballot Access (BA): discussion of efforts, difficulties, strategies and successes of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access.   S. Michael DeRosa: no meetings.  William Glickman was absent. 

Eco Action (EA): develop ecological strategies for the GPUS.  Both Jeffery Russell and Bill Glickman were absent.  

International Committee (IC): develops/promotes GPUS positions regarding world  issues.  Hector Lopez and S. Michael DeRosa advised there was no specific activity to report.  Justine McCabe was absent. 

Latino Caucus: Hector Lopez advised that a non-Green Party person (perhaps from Puerto Rico) was allowed to participate in a January 6th 2013 Latino Caucus teleconference by caucus member Tony Affini of Rhode Island.  His man was allowed to promote his agenda about Puerto Rico statehood.  This gentleman is reportedly a Tea Party member. Hector has been unable to elicit the reason why the Latino Caucus allowed this person to participate. Typically the caucus has limited access even to Green Party members.   Note: there is no current Green Party in Puerto Rico.   HL requests that the CTGP request that the GPUS Steering Committee and the Latino Caucus needs to better vet participants to meetings/events. CTGP agreed.  

Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines and acquires items for the GPUS: no activity per Rolf Maurer. 

Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout the world. Jeffery Russell and Richard Duffee were both absent. 

Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with Green Party Ten Key Values.   William Glickman was absent.   

Steering (SC): the seven (7) co-chairpersons of the GPUS which promote GPUS actions and strategies.   Women’s Caucus: Linda Thompson was absent.

Current GPUS National Committees that appear to be inactive: 

Accreditation (AC): reviews any state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions.  

 Annual National Meeting (ANMC): working on the  2013 GPUS National Meeting.   

Black Caucus:  

Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers and national committees.  

Coordination Campaign (CCC): distribution of GPUS money to Green Party public office candidates.  

Dispute Resolution (DRC):  mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization.

Diversity (DC):  strategies and actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS.   

Finance (FinCom): review  and determine how to spend the money of the  GPUS organization. 

Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS operations.   

Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website.

Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases.   

Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS. 

Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC):  develop strategies to support any GPUS presidential candidates. Timothy McKee.  

12.   Chapter reports: verbal to the attendees and the  written approved minutes to the CTGP secretary/EC members.  

New London per RS: NL is working on the development of possible candidates for the dozens of 2013 local offices. 

New Haven per AB:  there is no current New Haven chapter but he is trying to reactivate it.  Some CTGP members are involved in other activities: a) New Haven Democracy Fund (authorized by the CT legislature for campaign financing of only local New Haven offices (mayor and city councilpersons).  Plan administrator: Ken Krayeske for part-time work with a paid salary.  Patricia Kane is treasurer. Her term expires 8-1-16. Jerry Martin will be a part of the Democracy Fund, also.  Caleb Kleppner is involved. Mayor DeStefano has been in office since 1-1-94.  He outspent his last opponent in the 11-6-12 election by almost 20X more money.  However, his opponent did garner 48% of the vote.    

Greater Hartford per SMD: chapter members continue to be involved in community activities, outreach and education of residents.

Fairfield chapter per DB and RM: have participated in events about possible fracking authorization in New York; events to support local banks and continue to hand out fliers about events and issues in Southwest CT.

13.   Selection of the date, time and site of the next SCC meetings:  Monday, February 18, 2013 (President’s Holiday) and then Monday, March 18th, 2013. 

14.   Other:  CS is developing a CTGP twitter site.

GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality.