April 28, 2012 CT Green Party Annual Meeting, Portland Senior Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT 06480.   CTGP attendees by chapter:  Fairfield: Richard Duffee, David Bedell, CTGP treasurer, Jane Weston, Hector Lopez; Greater Hartford: Barbara Barry, Jeff Russell, William Glickman, Steve Fournier, Christopher Reilly, Barbara Sarmenta;    New Haven:  Allan Brison, MaryAnne Davis;  New London:  Ronna Stuller, CTGP co-chairperson;  At Large: Linda Thompson, John Lancz; Ben Holden; Timothy McGee; Richard Korby, John Went, Amy Vas Nunes, Justine McCabe, John Battista, Douglas Lary.   S. Michael DeRosa, co-chairperson did not attend due to illness. Observer: Lola Florel.      Two CTGP officers who resigned on March 30, 2012 and did not attend: co-chairperson: Kenneth Krayeske and Patricia Kane, secretary.     Facilitator:  John Lancz

Noon to 1PM:  Socializing.  

1PM:  Introductions from attendees.   

1:10PM:   Candidates for CTGP Executive Committee i.e. officers who gave speeches answered questions:  

Co-chairpersons:  Ronna Stuller: wants the CTGP to continue to support local Greens; actions are in chapters so wants the CTGP to continue to empower chapters; have had fundraiser; treasury is in the black.   Question from TMcK: SCC is under attended so how can there be improved interaction between the chapters and CTGP. RS: CTGP needs to continue to pursue purchasing the updated voter list from the Office of CT Secretary of the State (SOTS) that local Greens may have access to voters in outlying towns. (NOTE from BAB: the SOTS is currently removing the names and addresses of 1st responders on the voting list. Until that task is completed, no political party will have access to it.  The CTGP has already approved purchasing this list for the $300 price.)   CTGP should use the internet more.        

Linda Thompson: I’m trained in conflict resolution and have seen conflict in CTGP and wish to bring more voices to the CTGP without conflicts; 57% of people in polls support a 3rd party so the CTGP needs to: be in the media more, do more outreach, fundraise and need more women in the Green Party.  I would like to be able to attend executive meetings i.e. they should be open to CTGP members.  We need more CTGP literature and have the chapters and CTGP working to their strengths and responsibilities. If elected co-chairperson, I will resign.    AVN: suggested that unsuccessful CTGP co-chairpersons should consider volunteering for committees.     

Allan Brison: I have been an anti-war activist since 1961; served one term as a New Haven Alderman after defecting a 3-term Democrat; I have learned skills over 12 years with the GP and have demonstrated ability to work with people/organizations with strong opinion within the CTGP and fight against corporate America and the two puppet political parties.   

Rolf Maurer was unable to attend due to illness so his statement was read by David Bedell:  

Barbara Barry: seek return to secretary position with desire to bring back the practice of clear, concise and accurate CTGP records and ethical leadership as former CTGP secretary (2005-2011); CTGP independence as a political party from the two dominate political parties and other minor parties; respect for diversity of political opinions and tolerance/social civility; transparency, compliance with the CTGP bylaws and federal and state regulations inclusive of campaign financial regulations;   resume a CTGP legislative agenda;   smart CTGP fundraising and fund usage for CTGP concerns and candidates.  Support GP 10 Key Values of: non-violence; respect for diversity of political opinions, age, race, ethnicity, work, financial status, etc.; grassroots democracy (e.g. local chapter and candidates concerns/activities); social justice and equal opportunity for all humans;  ecological wisdom; decentralization; community-based economics and economic justice; future short and long term focus and sustainability; personal and global responsibility; feminism and gender equality.  JMcC:  do you support that the CTGP do what other state Green Parties do? They meet quarterly or once or twice a year.  BAB:  I cannot address what other people/GPs do. That is their choice.  However, in my opinion, we are in a fast paced world in this 21st century with instantaneous communications/videos via the internet, smart phones and the social network regarding local, state, regional, national and international events/concerns.  To be a viable organization, such as a political party, we need to be able to address these concerns in a like manner.  During my 16 year involvement with the CTGP, we have continued to have monthly executive meetings (EC) and SCC (state central committee) meetings. And at other times we have met weekly during times of GPUS presidential campaigns.  So no I do not support one, two or four meetings of the CTGP a year.

David Bedell:  I have been the CTGP treasurer since April 2, 2012 (when Christopher Reilly resigned) through present.  I seek to continue to be treasurer and give Christopher Reilly a break. He has agreed to help me learn skills as needed. 

CTGP representatives to the GPUS: Linda Thompson: has been organizing for the GP since 2008 and has participated in the national leadership of other organizations e.g. anti-war and the 99% movement; wants to run for representative to the GPUS due to my interests and contacts. I will not withdraw from this position if elected.

Jeffery Russell:  

Timothy McKee:  want to continue with my many years of service as CTGP rep. to the GPUS;  also wish to again be on the GPUS Presidential National Committee as I have already started.

Volunteers to be CTGP delegates to the GPUS Presidential Convention in Baltimore, MD from July 12 through July 15, 2012.  CTGP is allocated 10 delegates.  We may wish to consider alternate delegates too.  Volunteers are: Jeffery Russell, Tim McKee, Justine McCabe, John Battista, Barbara Barry, S. Michael DeRosa, Linda Thompson, Allan Brison.    BAB motion: have the attendees at the next SCC (state central committee) in May 2012,  vote to determine the ten delegates and an number of alternate delegates to the GPUS Presidential Convention.   Consensus: passed.

Presidential candidates for the GPUS to consider are: Jill Stein, MD from MA; Rosanne Barr, actress and      AVN:  suggest this body takes a straw vote about how the delegates are to vote on the first round of balloting at the GPUS Presidential Convention.  RS: agreed with AVN but suggested this CTGP make it binding and to be proportional representation.   80% of attendees were for Jill Stein, MD.  20% of attendees were uncommitted.   Consensus: passed.