Approved minutes of the CTGP SCC meeting on Monday, February 18, 2013 at 7PM. Quorum was met. Location: Portland Senior Center (first floor), 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT 06480.
CTGP attendees by chapter: Fairfield: David Bedell, CTGP treasurer; Cora Santaguida, Rolf Maurer, Hector Lopez; Greater Hartford: co-chairperson: S. Michael DeRosa, Barbara Barry, secretary; New London: co-chairperson: Ronna Stuller, Christopher Nelson. Other CTGP members: Allan Brison, co-chairperson; Linda Thompson and John Lancz of Norwich; Timothy McKee of Bethany.
1. a) approved 1-14-13 SCC meeting minutes and b) accepted the 2-11-13 EC meeting minutes. 2. Treasurer's report from David Bedell: payout to renew website for 2 years through around 12-31-14; SMD: balance of about $800; $62.00 were provided in donations to the CTGP at this meeting.
3. Secretary’s report from Barbara Barry: a) BAB sent thank you notes to 11-6-2012 CTGP candidates for the CTGP; b) David Samuels of Hartford wants people to sign-in about a conference about poverty. RS: have interacted with him about racial profiling. He supports a public bank for CT. Consensus: BAB may email him back to elicit more feedback from him. c) the World Wildlife Fund is sponsoring a March 23, 2013 event to turn off lights at 8:30pm local time around to world to promote a commitment to protect the planet. People may join in the pledge to do so on their email. Consensus: BAB may forward the email to CTGP listserv. d) gun reform: the availability of computer software which would enable a person to make a functional plastic gun with their personal computer.
4. Reports from our five (5) representatives to the GPUS: Linda Thompson, Tim McKee, S. Michael DeRosa and Allan Brison. Jeff Russell is absent. TMcK: NC GP wants to develop a Youth Caucus of the GPUS i.e. A caucus for any GP candidates who or under 35 years of age; Jill Stein, the 11-2013 GPUS presidential candidate continues to do grassroots organizing with the campaign school conferences throughout the US.
AB: the 2-10-13 DC protest regarding the Keystone XL pipeline was well attended. The National Sierra Club for the first time attended a protest rally. They have stated that if President Obama supports the pipeline, the Sierra Club will actively engage in “consequences”. Jill Stein spoke. HL: I was also there and make much outreach. SMD: the Keystone XL pipeline is a GP issue. DB agreed to do a press release about this. TMcK: Jill Stein is promoting a movement for voters to sign-in regarding: voters will notify their elected officials and candidates that if they support coal, nuclear and fracking as energy sources, the voter will NEVER vote for that official or candidate. TMcK: Jeff Russell has not come to meetings or communicated with the CTGP in several months. Consensus: 5 new CTGP representatives to the GPUS will be elected at the 4-27-13 CTGP Annual Meeting.
5. Resolution from the CT Sierra Club to the CTGP via SMD: for the first time the CT Sierra Club is actively opposing something e.g. the GMO (genetically modified organisms). Therefore they have agreed to work with the CTGP to support the CT legislative bills for labeling of all foods that contain GMOs. SMD and AB are interested in testifying in support of GMO labeling. Consensus: passed.
6. Report from the CTGP Bylaws Committee (Addendum 1) meeting of 2-11-13 was sent to the chapters and other CTGP members on 2-11-13 for discussion at this 2-18-13 SCC meeting. Bylaw Committee members are: Ronna Stuller, Barbara Barry, S. Michael DeRosa, Rolf Maurer, Christopher Reilly and Tim Hauser of New London. (Jeffery Russell has dropped out of committee due to transportation and phone problems.)
**** The New London Chapter presented the following bylaw changes( in bolded italics) to this SCC body:
V. Political Candidacy
Basic requirements for nomination or endorsement of any person for candidacy to be public CTGP and/or GPUS offices by the Connecticut Green Party or any element of the CTGP are that the candidate:
- a)Is endorsed by (delete: a member of) local or regional CTGP chapter, (delete: or any at-largemember) of the CTGP, or Green Party of the United States;
- b)Is committed to the CTGP Ten Key(delete: and demonstrates a commitment to represent the CTGP or GPUS in a positive light such as expanding political rights and opportunities beyond these of the two major political parties;
- c)Add: At least 50% of the candidates listed on the CTGP ballot line in any given election shall be registered members of the Green Party. (Delete: to vote (enrolled) or has officially applied to be registered as a CTGP member in his/her town of residence.)
No consensus due to 2 blocking concerns vote; no proposal was presented to take a vote at this SCC meeting to accept or reject the New London chapter bylaw recommendations.
AB: supports “good” candidates; TMcK: cross-endorsement has been done e.g. Jean deSmet for 1st selectperson of Willimantic some years ago. BAB: noted that she and SMD attended Jean’s initial city council meeting in which every person on the council opposed Jean. Jean’s facial and body language indicated she was surprised and confused by their actions. Conclusion: cross-endorsement did not work. BAB: “c” that has been provided by the New London chapter supports the endorsement of non-Green Party candidates on the GP ballot line. This could be in conflict with a CTGP person who chooses to announce they candidacy for office at a later date. This would also dilute the GP message and growth of the GP. LT agrees with BAB. SMD: Representative Tim Bowles of Norwich has stated as a newly elected Democrat he has limited ability to promote his concerns. RM: the two major political parties have clouted to maintain their political authority/parties. They know we have something to offer voters politically so that is why they want to dilute our political strength. DB: cross-endorsement can get out of hand. CN: New London wants this to support cross-endorsement for the local New London candidates. BAB: that may be so but the bylaws wording does not state that it is only limited to municipal candidacies.
Consensus: BAB will immediately forward the New London recommendations to the three active chapters: Fairfield, Greater Hartford and New London for chapter review and feedback to the 3-18-13 SCC meeting; and to the 2-25-13 CTGP Bylaws Committee Next Bylaws meeting at 7pm 2-25-13 via teleconference.
7. Updates from: a) David Bedell and S. M. DeRosa regarding their 12-31-12 visit to the CT State Elections and Enforcement Commission (SEEC). They filled a complaint with the SEEC regarding NO write-in votes for the GPUS presidential candidate was counted in: Bridgeport, Waterbury, East Haven, West Haven and New Canaan. Update about their complaint to the SEEC DB is gathering the last affidavits to be presented to the State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC).
b) Allan Brison updated: the 2-14-13 coalition event occurred which the CTGP endorsed; AB will not organize an event to follow the New Haven 4-19-13 event for Bill McKibbon, environmentalist, journalist and author. AB however, will try to get a table for the GP at this 4-19-13 event.
c) Updates regarding CTGP legislative agendas: consensus: the CTGP supports the CT Sierra Club legislation to label GMO (genetically modified organisms) foods.
d) SMD: voter regulations: SMD has a 2-25-13 3:45PM meeting with the chief of staff of the SOTS (Secretary of the State) regarding: need for the SOTS to mandate fair and accurate vote counting; have the CTGP as a specific political party which voters can identify on the CT Voter Registration form (vs. grouped under “Other”); proposal similar to that of New York State: if there are 1000 registered voters across the state, then the political party will be identified on the Voter Registration form. DB will invite the people who provided affidavits that they write-in votes were not counted…to come to this meeting. This would include the two Socialist voters who provided affidavits that their write-in votes were not counted. SMD is also seeking face-to-face meeting with the co-chairpersons of the CT Legislative Elections Committee.
e) CT state representatives: Ed Vargas of Hartford and Timothy Bowles have agreed to meet with the CTGP about our legislative concerns. Representative Tim Bowles of Norwich(Democrat) submitted CT Bill 6098. This bill was referred to the GAE (Government and Elections) Committee around February 1st. This bill reduces the number of signatures needed for state-wide office (including for U. S. President) to 5000 valid signatures instead of the presently required 7500 valid signatures. It also requires that all write-in votes be counted.
f) volunteers are still needed to interact with the CT legislature about specific CTGP concerns: RM: concerned regarding the ability of school mental health workers to prescribe meds. This action is supported by some drug companies e.g. Eli Lilly.
g) CTGP fundraiser with speaker: SMD is waiting for response back from Jill Stein, the 11-6-12 GPUS presidential candidate or if she is not available: Chris Hedges. SMD is seeking fundraising sites.
8. Discussion about the 4-27-13 CTGP Annual meeting: a) Consensus: SMD is seeking the Portland Senior Center for the place. Time: to be determined.
b) Consensus: reaffirmed deadline for CTGP members to submit their names to run as candidates for internal CTGP offices is by 9:00PM of March 18th 2013 date. No candidate names will be accepted after this date/time.
c) type of mailing will be coordinated by: Christopher Reilly, Ronna Stuller and Barbara Barry: no postcard, will ask for donations to CTGP; a PDF file maybe done so the CTGP members can read the more detailed information about each CTGP internal office candidate may be available
9. Reports from CTGP members to the active (GPUS) National Committees:
Accreditation (AC): reviews any state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions. Tim McKee advised: the GPUS accepted the petition for the state of Kentucky to join the GPUS. Also Nevada was deemed to be an inactive GPUS member.
Annual National Meeting (ANMC): Tim McKee advised: the July 25-28 2013 GPUS National Meeting is likely to be in Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa was the only site that volunteered, and has the 20 or more people willing to organize this. However the final vote will be done between 2-25-13 and 3-3-13 to choose the site. LT: the GPUS Black Caucus and the Latino Causes need to address if they have any concerns about this location. Consensus: Iowa is our second choice for the GPUS Annual meeting i.e. perhaps another state will come forward to host the GPUS meeting. Concern: logistics and possible lack of media coverage in Iowa.
Ballot Assess (BA): discussion of efforts, difficulties, strategies and successes of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access. S. Michael DeRosa: discussed the upcoming July 2013 GPUS annual meeting and how this committee plans to interact with attendees and with member states and elicit feedback.
Black Caucus: TMcK and SMD: this caucus has endorsed people whom are unknown to the GP at large. BAB: this caucus sent email months ago to this secretary requesting a list of names, addresses, emails and phone numbers of the CTGP members who are black. BAB did not respond back that a) we do not require that information be provided to us nor is it required to be a CT voter. and b) privacy concerns would preclude the CTGP from providing that information even if it was known. The Black Caucus has not responded back to BAB.
Eco Action (EA): develop ecological strategies for the GPUS: absent: Jeffery Russell and Bill Glickman
International Committee (IC): develops/promotes GPUS positions regarding world issues. Hector Lopez: and S. Michael DeRosa: Justine McCabe’s IC co-chairperson position has expired and will not seek the IC co-chairperson position during IC voting the first week in March 2013. There are two candidates for IC chairperson and three or five for the other IC positions. Absent: Justine McCabe.
Latino Caucus: Hector Lopez: he is still interacting with the non-Green Party person who was allowed to participate in prior GPUS Latino meetings, but not the most recent meeting.
Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines/acquires items for the GPUS. Rolf Maurer: no meetings. Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout the world. Absent: Jeffery Russell and Richard Duffee
Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with Green Party Ten Key Values. Absent: William Glickman
Steering (SC): the seven (7) co-chairpersons of the GPUS which promote GPUS actions/strategies.
Women’s Caucus: Linda Thompson: has not received responses from contacts.
Current GPUS National Committees that appear to be inactive:
Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers and national committees
Coordination Campaign (CCC): distribution of GPUS money to Green Party public office candidates
Dispute Resolution (DRC): mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization
Diversity (DC): strategies and actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS.
Finance (FinCom): review and determine how to spend the money of the GPUS organization
Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS operations
Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website Media Committee(MC): writes GPUS press releases groups who may have similar interests as GPUS.
Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC): develop strategies to support any GPUS presidential candidates. Timothy McKee
10. Chapter reports: verbal to the attendees and the written approved minutes from New London chapter was provided to the CTGP secretary/EC members: deferred due to time restraints.
11. Next SCC meeting is March 18, 2013 at 7PM at the Portland Senior Center.
12. MISC: Cora Santaquida is willing to try to get the CTGP twitter functional.
non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality
Submitted by Barbara Barry, secretary of the Green Party of Connecticut