Phone conference SEPT 20, 2011
8:00 PM

PRESENT: DeRosa, Kane, Krayeske, Reilly, Stuller
Commenced 8:11 PM

Approved Minutes of August 23, 2011 Executive Committee Meeting

1. Treasurer's Report:

Chris Reilly reported a $500 donation. $2,652.36 in account.
Will send one half of contract price to Doonan for website.
$15.reimbursement due New Haven Chapter for brochures for Holden campaign.

2. Plans for Party Building:

Website update – Ken Krayeske previously distributed a sample of the web page for Input. The goal is to have the website up and running in 45 days. Content will Come from Jerry Martin's brochures. He will email them in word format to Krayeske. P. Kane has conversion software if needed.

Plans for GP EC programs at Chapter locations
Ronna Stuller is focused on New London campaigns and can not focus On other matters until the election is over.

Next SCC meeting will be in New London. Previous meeting was in Canton To support Holden's campaign.

Proposed schedule of meetings:

October – Fairfield County
November – Storrs
December – Hartford
January – Wesleyan or Middletown Public Library
Spring – New Milford

3. Report of Bylaw and Procedures Committee

Jerry Martin said the Committee did not meet. He is still awaiting comments. He Asked that the proposed procedures be put on the next SCC Agenda for approval.

Discussion followed re: allowing more time, but consensus was to approve it and Move the matter along, rather than allow for delay.

4. Report from Chapters

Fairfield County – sent Minutes. Full compliance.
Hartford – sent last 3 months, but not August. Has not complied with request for email addresses of members.
New Haven - sent Minutes. Full compliance.
New London - sent draft Minutes. Full compliance.

5. Presidential Campaign

Krayeske not sure the strategy is the best.

New: DeRosa raised the issue of ballot access. He wants a meeting with the Sec. of State. Martin said to add the issue to the Platform Committee Agenda. R. Stuller and J. Martin Will meet w/ Merrill.

Agenda for SCC meeting

Add: Bring our War Dollars Home. Oct. 18, 19 event. Want SCC endorsement.

New: Appoint members of Platform Committee
EC requested Martin recruit members and submit names to SCC for approval at next Meeting.

Adjourned 8:58 PM

Patricia Kane, Secretary