Summary of the State Central Committee Meeting
November 28th, 2000

1. Legislative Agenda--The state central committee decided the following pieces of legislation would be emphasized for the 2001 CT Legislative Session:

  • CT Health Care Security Act-This act would create a single payer universal health insurance program for all residents of the state of CT
  • Instant Runoff Voting/Electoral Reform-In addition to a constitutional change to get IRV, we would also introduce same day voter registration and a change in the rules on how to obtain ballot status for minor parties.
  • Livable Minimum Wage Act-This Act would mandate all contractors with the state of CT must pay a livable minimum wage.
  • Corporate Welfare Act-This act would mandate that corporations receiving state assistance report to the state about their activities on a yearly basis.

At the present time, we have met with Rep. Beals and are scheduled to meet with Representatives Knopf, Willis, and Davis to discuss our agenda.

2. A legislative committee has been established by the Steering Committee. This committee will be chaired by John Battista and possibly Tim Bowles. The goal of the committee would be the establishment of a set of state-wide legislative working groups to draft new legislation, develop positions with regard to proposed legislation, carry bills through the legislative process, and recommend coalitions for the CT Green Party to belong to which are relevant to their legislative areas. Stay tuned!

3. New Haven Office--The state central committee approved keeping the New Haven office open with the understanding that the New Haven chapter would be responsible for all expenses. It was further agreed upon that other chapters could open offices as long as they raise the money themselves.

4. Meeting with Courant Editorial Board--Representatives from the Green Party will be meeting with the Hartford Courant Editorial Board on December 12th at 2PM.

5. Steering Committee Report--In addition to the legislative committee, the steering committee also established a communications committee which will examine more effective way to handle the mailing lists and our listservers. Any interested in serving on this committee should contact Karin Norton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

6. Newsletter--The state central committee approved $2,200 for the publishing of the next newsletter. If you wish to submit an article or know of a small businesses that may be interested in advertising in the newsletter, please contact Mike DeRosa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

7. Party Structure--All chapters should be decide who their representatives are to the state central committee as soon as possible. We will be enforcing who votes at the state meetings from now on. Also, chapters should be discussing the various ways people can be considered a member of the Green Party.

8. A meeting strictly on the issue of expanding diversity within the Green Party will be scheduled in the near future.

9. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 19th, at Fisk Hall on the Wesleyan Campus. The meeting will start at 7PM. Tom Sevigny
Co-Chair, Connecticut Green Party