CT Green Party State Meeting Minutes
JUNE 29, 2001
CT Green Party State Meeting Minutes
I. Anti-FTAA coalition
Adam Davis (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) from CGAN discussed Bush's request to put the FTAA on the fast track for congressional approval, limiting Congress' debate of the treaty to less than or about 60 hours. The CTGP was asked to join a coalition, of which CGAN is a part, opposing fast-track approval, and to be added as signators to a letter expressing that opposition. Meeting attendees were asked to write letters to editors (for information, contact Sage Radachowski at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), to send post cards (provided at the meeting by CGAN) to US Senators, to help compile a list of sweatshops in CT, and to contribute to the purchase of lawn signs which read ""FTAA is bad for ___" (only about $200-400 more is needed; send donations to Carl Gossett c/o United for a Fair Economy, 37 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111; write "CT lawn signs" on the memo line.) Agreed by concensus to join the coalition. The next CGAN meeting will be held on 12 July; for information contact Adam Davis.
II. Treasurer's report
The CTGP currently has about $700 in its account, thanks to a very much appreciated $1000 loan. The renewal letter asking for donations is about to go out, which will help with funds. A suggestion was made that people pass along the windfall from their Bush Plan tax returns to the GP. Other fundraising is discussed later.
The state web site for filing campaign financial information electronically is temporarily down (perhaps till Oct.); this fall's candidates might want to consider filing by mail.
I. Election update
The CTGP must file its party designation form, which reserves a line on the ballot for the Greens in each town and municipality in which candidates are running, as soon as possible; the PDF must be filed before candidates can request a ballot access petition with the Green Party name on it (except in places where a Green won 1% of the vote in the previous municipal election, or where - as in New Haven - a PDF has been filed early for a special election). One form will suffice for the entire state; Windham has chosen to file its own and other towns can do so. The PDF must include the signature of at least one resident from each town in which an office will be contested.
The towns likely to field candidates are Meriden; Hartford (E. Horton-Sheff for re-election, and perhaps one other for city council); New Haven (4 for alderman); New London (1 or 2 for city council); East Lyme (town council); Sprague; Windham (1 or 2); and New Milford (possibly 3 for town council, zoning and Board of Ed).
Candidate endorsements will be made by each chapter for people wanting to run within their district, rather than by the state central committee.
II. Fundraising
A. The renewal letter was sent out via a CT company which does all the printing, envelope stuffing, etc., at a savings over the first class, do-it-ourselves rate (copying cost $244, plus 11cents per itempostage). Thanks to Mike de Rosa for the suggestion. The envelope will be green and bear the leaf logo of the GP. Prepaid return envelopes are included. B. Celebrity fundraising committee (currently consisting of Amy vas Nunes and Penny Teal; others are welcome to join) will be trying to reach the upper crust of CT society to solicit donations. Anyone with knowledge of any celebrities' addresses should send them to Amy(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). C. Two fundraising concerts are planned for this summer or autumn: one is a concert on 8 Sept. in Hartford featuring mostly classical and show tunes and some original music (with 3 pianists, a vocalist, a drummer and a violinist); the other is folk music by Liz Reed, with acoustic guitar and a percussionist (no date set).
III. Legislative update
A. Not enough votes can be found to override Rowland's veto of the Sooty Six bill. The demonstration decrying the veto was very successful in terms of media turnout. B. Deregulation was again discussed; previous minutes and articles in the Green Times cover the discussion, the essence of which is that ratepayers will suffer when dereg. goes into effect.
IV. Bylaws
The bylaws were amended to define a voting member of the CTGP (one who can vote at the annual meeting). The purpose for this change was to prevent a takeover attempt by other parties, and to insure that the officials of the CTGP are chosen by people who have some history of involvement with the party. A voting member is now anyone registered to vote as a Green, and anyone who satisfies at least two of the following criteria: 1) has attended at least 2 GP meetings (state or chapter) within the past 12 months; 2) is on the state's mailing list and/or has submitted a written request for information about the GP; 3) has been involved as a volunteer in at least 2 events or activities of the CTGP, or of any coalition of which the CTGP is a member.
The new definition was approved by a vote of 8-1-2.
V. Chapter reports
A. NE: held 2 house parties as a warm-up to forming a town committee for the Windham election campaign. Will participate in the 4th of July Boombox Parade. B. Western: newly formed chapter; has held 2 meetings to date; planning to hold a regularly scheduled community forum; will draft a platform for the New Milford race. C. New Haven: June fundraiser at HQ's brought in $480; a tag saleearned another $200. John Halle's race for Alderman in a 10 July special election in ward 9 is going well (the NH Advocate has spoken highly of him). Pete Ellner will participate in an NAACP panel discussion. D. SE: elected new officers; changed meeting time to 2nd Mon. of the month; will be tabling at Sailfest on 14 and 15 July to promote GP candidates for New London city council. E. Central: have been active with the Living Wage Coalition; will be leafletting and performing street theater on the 4th of July; will march in the Sept. tercentennial parade in Middletown, with the theme "A People's History of Middletown;" have opened their own bank account. F. Hartford: setting up Elizabeth Horton-Sheff's re-election campaign committee; have one ally of Horton-Sheff's on city council (appointed as interim replacement). G. NW: held tag sale which brought in $125; will be meeting with Berkshire County, MA Green Party soon.
I. Energy Co-op use of mailing list
The CT energy co-operative requested a one-time rental of our mailing list, to attract members. Greens would be offered a special sign-up rate, and the CTGP would be paid on the order of a few hundred dollars for the rental. There was a lengthy discussion of the propriety or venality of renting the list; a plea was made not to vote for this just because our financial situation is dire. The rental was approved by a vote of 8-2-1.
II. ASGP resolution
The ASGP needed one state to approve a resolution for its submission at the next national meeting (at the end of July in CA). The resolution would allow for the formation of a Green Party National Committee; and would change the name of the ASGP to the Green Party of the United States, although because of general dislike for the acronym (GPUS), an alternative name will probably be found. The resolution was approved by consencus.
III. The CT Coalition Against Millstone (CCAM) office in Mystic has been closed; CCAM would like to share the New Haven HQ space temporarily, until they find a new office. They will pay the NH chapter $100/month rent, and will use their own phone line.
IV. A press conference concerning energy policy (the problems with the policies of Clinton and Bush, a Green energy policy proposal, nuclear reactors and decommissioning thereof, alternative energysources, and conservation measures) will be held, hopefully in July. Mike de Rosa will speak about deregulation. Other participants will include PACE, CCAM and CAN, and perhaps the energy co-op.
V. Elizabeth Horton-Sheff has formed a task force to look into establishing a Municipal Utility District in Hartford.
IX. Next State meeting will be held at 6:45 pm on Tues., 31 July in the Portland Library.
Committee Contacts:
Laura Cordes at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Fundraising by phone, Green Times ads or articles:
Mike de Rosa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 860-956-8170
Finance committee:
Tom Sevigny at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 860-693-8344
Elections committee:
Tom Ethier at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chris Nelson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 860-701-0483
Communications committee:
Karin Norton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 860-429-1976
Bylaws committee:
Amy vas Nunes at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Penny Teal at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 860-536-4980
Chapter Contacts:
Send corrections to Penny.
Hartford: Mike de Rosa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 860-956-8170
Central: Vic DeLancia at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fairfield: Paul Bassler at 203-846-2909
NE: Jean de Smet at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 860-456-2188
Max and Chris at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 860-456-1804
New Haven: Pete Ellner at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 203-397-8261
Tony Santini at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NW: Tom Sevigny at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 860-693-8344
Tom Ethier at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SE: Penny Teal at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 860-536-4980