CT Green Party State Central Committee Meeting
25 June 2002
Attending (voting representatives listed by chapter): Michelle Branam, Charles Pillsbury - NH, Cindy Davis - WC, Ana Lachelier, Vincent Maruffi - CC, Justine McCabe - WC, John Battista - WC, Vittorio Lancia - CC, Christopher Reilly, Karin Norton - TC, Scott Tomford -Avon, Tom Sevigny - NW, Penny Teal - SE, Peter Magistri, Barbara Barry-de Rosa - GH, Mike de Rosa - GH, Ralph Ferrucci - NH, Michael Westerfield - NE, Chris Demorit - NE, Amy vas Nunes - NE, Susan Ye - NE, Clifford Glasberg - NE, Pete Ellner - NH, Chris Nelson - NL, Michael Burns - TC, Gary Chipman - TC, Albert Marceau.
Financial report
The CTGP has $1100 in its account at present.
Items for chapters to discuss
~The Voting Procedures Committee needs at least 7 people (preferably more), all from different chapters, to volunteer to count votes after the CTGP annual election. Please send names to the state meeting with chapter rep's or contact Chris Reilly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Penny at (860)536-4980 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
~The CTGP needs a volunteer to be responsible for maintaining the national web site's election information page (this person could also keep the same information posted on the CTGP page, most likely).
Please contact Penny at the above number.
~The GP-US convention will be held in Philadelphia from 18-21 July. ~We still need people to count votes (one from each chapter) after the annual meeting in November.
Business, Old and New
Although there was no objection to the content of the minutes, they were accepted by vote (9-4-3) because of one person's insistence that the secretary had not taken notes at the May meeting. Others (including the secretary) maintained that notes had been taken.
Avon High School chapter of Campus Greens was recognized as a full-fledged chapter. It will not meet during the summer. Congratulations! Charlie Pillsbury was endorsed as the CTGP's candidate for US House of Representatives in the 3rd district. Congratulations, Charlie!
The following chapters (the ones listed separately in the states mailing list) were agreed upon as the active chapters which shall discuss and eventually vote on the bylaws, drafts of which were handed out somewhat randomly after the meeting: Central, Fairfield, New Haven, New London, Western, Northwest, Northeast, Hartford, Tolland, and Southeast.
The SCC will have an extra meeting in August to compare and discuss the 2 sets of bylaws and to try to unify them into one document to be sent to chapters for their consideration. We will discuss procedures for approving the bylaws at that time. Passed 10-3-2.
The next state meeting will be held on Tues., 30 July. Location TBA.
*guide to chapter abbreviations:
CC - Central CT
TC - Tolland County
SE - Southeast
NH - New Haven
NL - New London
NW - Northwest
WC - Western
NFA - Norwich Free Academy
GH - Greater Hartford
NE - Northeast