CT Green Party State Central Committee Meeting
August 27, 2002

Connecticut Green Party Central Committee

Minutes of the Meeting of August 27, 2002

The Central Committee of the Connecticut Green Party met in a regular monthly meeting on August 27, 2002 at the First Church of Christ, Court Street, Middletown, Connecticut. The meeting was called to order byCo-chair, Tom Sevigny at approximately 7:10 p.m. The following were present at the meeting.

Karin Lee Norton, Tolland Michael Westerfield, Northeast
Vittorio E. Lancia, Central Mike DeRosa, Hartford
Jeffrey Schaefer, North Central Barbara Barry DeRosa, Hartford
Chris Bigelow, North Central Chris Nelson, New London
Vincent Maruffi, Central Tom Cooke, West Hartford
John D. Calandrelli (Hobbes), Fairfield Amy Vas Nunes, Northeasr
Michael Burns, Vernon Susan B. Ye, Northeast
Ken Humphrey, Middletown Tom Sevigny, North West
Scott Tonfoco (sp?), AHS Sharon Hubbard, Tolland
Judy Herkimer, New Chapter Tom Ethier, (No chapter given)
Kim Herkimer, New Chapter Bruce Crouter, New Haven
Andre' (no last name given), Southeast Penny Teal, Southeast
Andrew Krepa (sp?), Southeast Barbara Kern, Western
Justine McCabe, Western Mary Ryons, Hartford
Clifford Glassberg, Northeast John Battista, Western
Joe Mustich , Northwest

Chris Reilly (No chapter given)
Steve Krevisky, Central
Ken Cornet (sp?), Northwest

The Facilitator, Tom Sevigny, announced that Tom Ethier would be Timekeeper, Karin Norton, Stacker, and Justine McCabe, Vibes Watcher. Since the Secretary had resigned prior to the meeting, Michael Westerfield volunteered to take Minutes. A tape recording was also made of the meeting.

The July Minutes were accepted as presented, after a brief discussion. The suggestion by Amy Vas Nunes to amend the minutes in three places was not accepted.

The newly formed West Hartford Chapter was accepted unanimously as an official chapter of the Connecticut Green Party.

The Financial Report was presented by the Treasurer. Income for the month of August was reported as $2,541.40, expenditures as $165.76, giving a balance of $2,840.93.

Chapter Reports were presented.

The Green Party [National Committee] report was presented. Information regarding the National Green Party Convention in Philadelphia was provided.


1. List Server Appeals Committee. It was agreed among committee members that procedures for handling appeals would be determined via email between members and be presented to the Central Committee at the September meeting. Karin Norton explained the nature of the attacks on the list servers that had been taking place.

2. Vote on recommendations from the August 20, 2002 By-laws meeting. Michael Westerfield made the presentation of procedures and a "Chapter Ballot Report" form for use in reporting Chapter votes on this issue. The procedures and report form are appended to these minutes. The Central Committee voted 26 in favor, none opposed, and three abstentions to adopt the proposed procedures and Chapter Ballot Report form.

3. Vote on Northeast Proposal on Meetings and Minutes. Michael Westerfield presented the proposal calling for all Committees of the Connecticut Green Party to hold open meetings, post Agendas and Meeting Notices, and to keep minutes of those meetings. There was a great deal of heated discussion on this issue with some members arguing that the requirements would be too arduous and would limit the ability of committees to properly conduct business. Supporters of the proposal argued that it was essential that the Green Party exemplify the values of "open government" that it insisted others follow.

No consensus could be achieved. A vote was held and the results presented as 14 yes, 13 no, and 3 abstentions. Due to the closeness of the vote, Karin Norton called for a recount. A vote whether to hold a recount was held and there were 14 in favor, 10 against, and 6 abstentions. Some members objected to the proceedings maintaining that it was actually a revote rather than a recount, since voting had been done by show of hands and could therefore actually not be recounted. A second vote was held on the motion and the results were 13 yes, 13 no, and 4 abstentions.

Michael Westerfield suggested that since there was a tie the resolution be tabled and voted again at the following meeting. This was voted upon resulting in 14 yes, 14 no, and 2 abstentions.


1. Discussion of Connecticut Green Party's Response to a Major Attack on Iraq. There was consensus on the fact that the Connecticut Green Party was unequivocally opposed to an attack on Iraq. A committee was formed to create a CTGP statement/press release on the Party's position on the U.S.A.attacking Iraq. The statement will be initially phrased by Justine McCabe and posted on email for comment and finalization. The need for a Connecticut Green Party plan for action in the case of an actual major attack on Iraq was discussed but no conclusion was reached. The need to work to prevent such an attack was also discussed.

2. Fundraising/ballot mailing. It was announced that sufficient funds were in hand to cover costs of mailing the fundraising letter. It was agreed by consensus that the letter would be posted on the website and list server, if available, for comment and the final version mailed within two weeks of the present meeting and that it would include mention of the CTGP's opposition to War with Iraq. No mention was made of the ballot mailing.

3. Discussion of Policy and Procedures for State Meetings and Agenda Development. Questions were raised by at least two members regarding whether this proposal wasn't more properly a By-laws issue than an item for routine Central Committee action. Some discussion was held on the value of the Consensus Process versus Robert's Rules of Order. Michael Westerfield offered a "Friendly Ammendment" that "the positions of Facilitator, Time Keeper, Stacker, and Vibes Watcher be rotated among the general membership. This Amendment was accepted by the Presenting Chapter and incorporated into the Proposal. The action requested on the Proposal was that it be sent to the Chapters for consideration. Consensus could not be reached on the requested action, so a vote was taken. Results were 19 yes, 4 no, and 6 abstain. The Proposal was sent to the Chapters for consideration.

4. Endorsement of Women's Treaty. Tabled by the Presenter due to lack of time.

5. Endorsement of Letter on Genetically Engineered Foods. This item was presented by the Fairfield Chapter. The letter was endorsed by consensus.

6. Overview of Action Items for Chapter Representatives See above items. By-Laws Vote. Consideration of Policies and Procedures for State Meetings and Agenda Development. Review Fundraising Letter on website or listserver It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m.

Minutes Submitted by
Michael J. Westerfield
Note Taker