Minutes of March 29, 2005 SCC meeting
Judd Hall, Wesleyan University, 7-9:30pm

1. Central Connecticut chapter: Vic Lancia, Vincent Maruffi
2. Fairfield chapter: David Bedell, John Amarilios
3. Hamden chapter: Aaron Gustafson, Kelly McCarthy(NV), Joel Dubin,
4. Hartford chapter: Ed DuBrule(NV), Mike DeRosa, Barbara Barry DeRosa, Rob Pandolfo, Albert Marceau
5. New Haven chapter: Charlie Pillsbury (facilitator)
6. New London chapter: Andy Derr
7. Northeast chapter: Jean de Smet
8. Northwest chapter: Elizabeth Brancato (voting for Women's Caucus only), Judy Herkimer, Kim Herkimer
9. Shoreline chapter: Lindsay Mathews, David Adams
10. Western chapter: Justine McCabe, Brooks Kelley
11. Tolland chapter: Tim McKee

These minutes report the approval of the New Britain chapter. Once his chapter was approved, Miguel Nieves became a voting representative--he voted at tonight's meeting.

Tim served as timekeeper, Judy as stacker, and Lindsay as vibes watcher.

Preliminaries: The groundrules were adopted by consensus. The agenda was approved with the addition of three proposals from the Executive Committee and the addition of a proposal from the internal elections committee. The proposal from the New London chapter (that the CT Green Party not spend any money received from the Cramer estate until the State Central Committee has passed an annual budget) was withdrawn, since the money in the will of Margaret Cramer will not be received by the CT Green Party (see treasurer's report). The minutes of the November 2004, January 4, January 25, and February SCC meetings were approved by consensus. Discussions related to including or not including the report/proposal from the Office Committee in tonight's agenda are reported under the Office Committee proposal.

Treasurer's report (read by Aaron):

"3/280/05. Over the last month we had receipts of $440.27 and expenses of $458.67. Currently we have a balance of $1,583.26.

Monthly contributions (2 months worth) $370.00
Other individual contributions 25.00
Greater Hartford Green Party PAC 45.27

Total $440.27

Office in Hartford Rent (minus half of utilities) -$201.21
Office in Hartford phone - 50.82
Office in Hartford electric - 38.52
Reimbursements - 74.24
Credit car processing - 35.52
Toll free number - 3.94
American Mailing - 54.42
Total -$458.67

"Last month I mentioned that the Green Party of Connecticut was listed as the beneficiary of a will. It turns out that we are not the actual beneficiary of the will. I called the attorney last week to ask if the money could go to the Green Party of the United States instead of the Green Party of Connecticut (since we cannot receive money from an estate). When the attorney looked at the will he read that it was to go to the 'national green party'. He apologized to me, that he had not looked into it more carefully before. Although we are not the beneficiary, I think that what benefits the Green Party of the United States also benefits us.

"These are the current chapter balances:
Central: $ 701.99
Fairfield: 1,141.80
Hamden: 57.00
Hartford: -1,644.02
New Haven: 1,077.53
New London: 156.67
North East: 155.10
North West: 2,110.38
Shoreline: 15.00
Southeast: 213.56
Tolland: 132.35
West Hartford: 135.00
Western: 276.50

"Our obligated balance is $4,528.86 (this total includes being reimbursed for negative chapter balances)

"As always please consider being involved in the Fundraising and Budget Committees.

"For more information on the CT Green Party Finances you can call me at 860 379-0632, email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or look at this webpage: http://www.kirajoy.com/CTGP/CTGP_Treasurer.html

"Bob Eaton
"CT Green Party Treasurer"

Barbara asked if the national Green Party could give Connecticut money from the will. She wondered if Tim and Tom could work with national on this. Do we have a right to any portion of it?

GUEST SLOT--Miguel Angel Nieves, planning to run for mayor of New Britain as a Green. He was born in Puerto Rico, came to Hartford as a 9-year old, has a Hartford High diploma and a degree in business admininistration from the Morse School of Business. He has lived in New Britain since 1996. He helped establish the store in Westfarms Mall where he is employed. He worked in many political campaigns including those of state senator Donald DeFronzo and Nancy Johnson. He passed out invitations to his announcement of candidacy (April 29, 8pm, Puerto Rican Society of New Britain, 152 High St.)

NEW BUSINESS ITEM--approval of New Britain chapter. Miguel reported that there have been 4 chapter meetings with at least 5 people attending each meeting in New Britain. [Secretary's note: at least two past SCC meetings have considered a requirement for chapter approval to be 3 chapter meetings with 5 people in attendance at each.] The following points were discussed:

*Miguel said that he is a registered Green.

*The bylaws sections which define a CTGP member and which give the requirements for chapter membership were read aloud (Appendix 1).

*It was asked if at those who attended the New Britain meetings were members per the bylaws definition. Ed asked if we considered this question when we approved the Shoreline and Hamden chapters. Jean stated that the SCC "did not know the people [who attended meetings] when we approved the college chapters".

*It was asked if sufficient work has been done to build a New Britain chapter. It was pointed out that Miguel has not previously attended SCC meetings. He did attend a state Green party strategy meeting in January and has worked with the Hartford chapter. Should Miguel be asked to further build the chapter, to attend the April SCC meeting, and should the SCC consider approving the chapter at the May SCC meeting?

*Miguel's April 29 announcement of candidacy will occur before the May SCC meeting.

*It was asked whether if the New Britain chapter is approved tonight would Miguel be able to vote at tonight's meeting. Vincent said he recalled that in a parallel situation in the past the attendee voted at the meeting after the chapter was approved.

*It was stated that if tonight's meeting doesn't approve the New Britain chapter, the Hartford chapter could approve Miguel's running as a Green for mayor of New Britain.

Because of the above questions and concerns, the question of approving the New Britain chapter tonight was brought to a vote.

SCC DECISION: we approved the New Britain chapter as a CTGP chapter by a vote. 18 voted to approve the chapter tonight, 2 voted against this, and 2 abstained.


1. Proposal from Office Committee. Due to its length, this report/proposal is not included in these minutes. It was posted on the News listserve March 17. For a copy of this document in Microsoft Word, you may contact Ed (secretary) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 860-523-4016. Several issues were discussed:

**The March 12 meeting of the office committee did not occur. Should submission of a final report be deferred until such a meeting occurs?

**Are we tonight to decide on accepting the report, and/or to decide among Options A, B, and C in the report?

OPTION A. Keep CTGP funding of office as is (CTGP paying only 50% of rent & utilities + all taxes & insurance costs
= approx. $5,500/year = approx. 90% of all CTGP cash funds);

Budget & need for office/use will be re-evaluated every 6 months.

OPTION B. Decrease CTGP funding of office to 25% (CTGP paying only 25% of rent, utilities, taxes & office insurance policy
= approx. $2,500/year = approx.40% of all CTGP cash funds; 25% is based on liberal estimate of use of office space by CTGP & represents a more balanced distribution of funding);

Budget & need for office/use will be re-evaluated every 6 months.

OPTION C. Cease CTGP funding of office (CTGP would not be responsible for any portion of rent, utilities, taxes or office insurance costs
= 0% of all CTGP cash funds; we would purchase individual liability event policies for CTGP needs);

Budget & need for office/use will be re-evaluated every 6 months.

**Should we ignore Options A, B, and C and instead let members of tonight's SCC meeting propose voting options?

It was decided to keep the office report agenda item on tonight's agenda (keep it on agenda--8 votes; omit it from the agenda--5 votes; abstain--2). Mike passed out a handout "Little known facts about the Hartford office" (copies available from Ed). Albert passed out a handout "A Summary of the Progressive Movie Night Held at the Conn. Green Party Office in Hartford, Conn." (copies available from Ed). Mike said that he had submitted the information in his handout to Kelly. Barbara said that the office committee report only looks at one year of the history of the office; she had hoped to get agreement at the March 12 meeting to include facts from previous years in the report. Kelly said that much of the information in Mike's handout is included in the report. She said that despite the failure to have a second meeting of the committee on March 12, information could have been submitted to her via e-mail or phone calls; she said that no one on the committee made an effort to reschedule the meeting and no one submitted other voting options besides options A, B, and C. Tim said that alternative ideas were brought forward but Kelly did not recognize them as such. Mike said that one purpose of forming the office committee was to come up with creative solutions to the problem of the office; he said that hasn't been a chance to come up with such creative solutions--now we are left with divisive options. Tim spoke of fundraising plans for the office ("progressive movie nights" twice a month, speaker from Common Cause). Kelly said that Tim hadn't informed her of these plans.

Kelly noted that the contents of the office committee report were largely the same as the first version of the report presented to the February SCC meeting; additions include the section on insurance written by Justine and the voting options (A, B, and C). Kelly proposed that we not consider the voting options above tonight. She said that the report is a proposal and calls for a vote, and proposed that we carry out such a vote tonight.

The facilitator said that it appeared that the committee is at a total impasse. He said that he did not see that the office committee report contained a proposal. He suggested that a chapter, the Executive Committee, or another committee could submit a proposal to be considered by the SCC. He said that the agenda time allocated to the office committee had been reached or exceeded. Kelly suggested that we let proposals come from the SCC tonight. By vote it was decided to add ten minutes more agenda time to discussion of the office issue (yes add time--13 votes, no--8, abstain--0). Tim said that he could provide details of fundraising plans for the office to the office committee, including what percentage of the funds raised would go to the state Party. Kelly recommended that people make use of the office committee report, saying it contains information that isn't widely known. Vic said that an effective, viable Green Party needs an office; the very existence of an office serves as a symbol of the fact that we're a viable party and helps fundraising. Justine spoke of the large negative chapter balance of the Hartford chapter. She said that the Connecticut Green Party now can't afford to support an office. She said that her research indicates that there is no need to have an office to have insurance for the Connecticut Green Party.

David Adams asked that a proposal be considered by tonight's meeting: that the state Party cease funding the Hartford office. Justine, too, asked that we consider this proposal tonight. The facilitator suggested that such a proposal be brought to the April SCC meeting, since we have exceeded the ten minutes added time. Mike said that proposals can't be added in the middle of an SCC meeting; proposals must be brought to the membership. Charlie asked if we should vote on whether to have a vote. Kim said that we should take a vote on the office issue. Charlie said that the New Haven chapter hasn't voted on the question of funding the office. Miguel said that the New Britain chapter, as a new chapter, could use more time to consider the issue. David Bedell said that the Fairfield chapter would like more time to consider the issue. Kelly suggested that chapters (rather than the office committee) come up with voting options to be considered by the SCC. David Adams said that he anticipates that he (apparently meaning the Shoreline chapter) will submit a proposal that the CTGP terminate funding of the office.

2. Proposal on Green Party of Connecticut Northwest Chapter account balance (Appendix 2). Judy presented the proposal, which is not a proposal in the sense that the SCC needs to vote on it or approve it; it is submitted as a courtesy to the treasurer and the SCC. A friendly amendment (from the Shoreline chapter) has been added to the proposal since it was submitted for printing in the agenda: "That the tabling kit that is available to each chapter be as flexible as possible so that the chapters can choose from a 'menu' of available items." Barbara asked if chapters could donate items for the tabling kits (this would decrease costs); for example the Hartford chapter has Green Party banners.

3. Proposal on fundraising mailing--additional funds (Appendix 3).

SCC decision: expenditure of up to $200 authorized to settle the mailing bureau account.

4. Proposal on approval of delegates to national committees (Appendix 4). Elizabeth presented the proposal.

5. Proposal on event endorsement by the Executive Committee (Appendix 5). Elizabeth presented the proposal. The June 2004 SCC passed a proposal authorizing the Executive Committee, by majority vote, to "endorse and/or agree to co-sponsor events, activities, proposals, or petitions when there is not time to submit the request to the full SCC". The proposal to be considered tonight has the objective of conserving SCC time by letting the Executive Committee endorse routine (non-controversial) events.

The following points were raised about the proposal being considered tonight:

*The proposal passed in June requires the Executive Committee to post its endorsement on the announcements (or News) listserve within 48 hours; the current proposal lacks such a requirement.

*Should the proposal address the issue of donations to groups requesting our endorsement?

*Should a comment period be allowed before the Executive Committee endorses an event? An event perceived by the Executive Committee members as routine may be perceived as controversial by others in the Party. Executive Commitee members may lack knowledge about groups or events that others in the Party have. A proposal put out for comment could be put on the News listserve for 1 week.

*Should a comment period be required for controversial proposals (which might be defined as those without consensus among Executive Committee members)?

*Some people might purposely delay submitting a proposal so that it couldn't be dealt with by the SCC and had to be dealt with by the Executive Committee.

*Should the sentence be included (as it was in the June 2004 proposal) "the Executive Committee should draw guidance from the 10 Key Values and the national Green Party platform"? (Elizabeth commented that in her experience different Greens sometimes interpret the 10 Key Values differently as applied to a particular situation at hand.)

DECISION: the Executive Committee withdrew the proposal and will consider revising it in light of the above comments.

6. Proposal from internal elections committee. Jean presented the proposal (Appendix 6).

SCC DECISION: the proposal was accepted by consensus, with the date of the annual meeting to be Sunday April 17. The proposal has 10 sections (1-5, 5A, and 6-9). Highlights of the proposal, with decisions made at tonight's meeting, are as follows.

Section 1. The deadline for announcing candidacies is Friday, April 8, 2005 at 5:00 pm.

Section 2. The annual meeting, by consensus, will be April 17 from 10am-2pm with a potluck lunch. (The alternative proposed date of April 23 was rejected because Passover celebrations begin that evening, and also because the Hamden chapter has scheduled a cleanup day that date.)

Section 3. Hall rental ($75)--the SCC approved this expenditure by consensus. (The possibility of the donation of this money by the New Haven chapter--noted in the proposal--was not mentioned at tonight's meeting.)

Section 4. Nominations from the floor of the annual meeting will be accepted.

Section 5. Ballots and candidate information will be mailed to any Connecticut Green Party member who requests one. The SCC approved tonight up to $200 for printing/postage associated with the annual meeting. The Hamden chapter offered use of a copying machine.

Section 5A. To date there are no contested races. Tonight the SCC decided that even if additional persons declare candidacies, no mailing of internal elections/annual meeting information will be done this year (with the exception of the mailings to those requesting ballots).

Section 6. All positions will be filled by elections (rather than by direct appointment by the SCC).

Section 7. There will be a candidate forum at the annual meeting.

Section 8. Publicizing the annual meeting.

Section 9. Tonight the SCC approved the expenditure of up to $100 to reimburse possible annual meeting speaker(s) for transportation expenses and to be able to offer small honorari(a)


Appendix 1. Bylaws excerpts.

Individual Membership (Modified by statewide vote in 2001): Anyone registered to vote as a Green is a Green Party member. In addition, anyone who can satisfy (and verify) at least 2 of the following criteria will be considered a Green Party member:

have attended 2 meetings of the Green Party (either state meetings or meetings of an officially recognized chapter) within the past 12 months;

are on the state's official mailing list; and/or have submitted a written (or email) request for membership or informational materials from the Party;

have performed at least 2 volunteer activities with the Green Party (or with a coalition partner) of the Green Party within the past 12 months.

2. Regional Chapter Membership Any group of five or more individual members, resident in a cohesive geographical or political area, may form a Regional chapter provided that the group appoints an official who will inform the Party on a continuing basis of Chapter membership, meeting place and schedule, minutes of meetings and other significant Chapter activities, and shall in a timely manner transmit to the Chapter members significant communications from the State Party and shall commit to compliance with all other requirements established by the Party for the conduct of Chapters. The chapter shall also provide regular representation at Party Conventions and State Central Committee Meetings, and timely response (positive or negative) to Party requests for action and information.


Appendix 2 Proposal on Green Party of Connecticut Northwest Chapter account balance

Green Party Meeting Proposal Form

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

PRESENTER: Northwest Chapter of the Green Party of Connecticut

CONTACT: Judy Herkimer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SUBJECT : Green Party of Connecticut Northwest Chapter account balance


According to the current Treasurer (Bob Eaton), the Northwest Chapter account balance is $2,075.88. This balance is a result of an agreed upon 70/30 split with the Green Party of Connecticut (70%) for all donations that originate from within the Northwest Chapter (30%) geographic boundaries. These funds are held by the Green Party of Connecticut under the oversight of the Treasurer and disbursed upon request by the chapters. The current available records indicate that the Northwest Chapter has not drawn any funds from their account since (at least) the first quarter of 2003.


In preparation for ongoing tabling opportunities throughout the state and beyond, for use during campaigns and for any beneficial use towards furthering the building of the party, our chapter proposes the design and purchase of comprehensive tabling kits. These kits will be distributed (at no cost) to all chapters in the state and will be made available to those at-large members in areas not currently covered by a specific chapter. Input from anyone in the Green Party of Connecticut is welcome during the design and creation of the tabling kits.

Tabling kit items under consideration:
folding table with cover
chairs (2-3)
canopy and hardware
banner and display hardware
donation can
printed paper material (e.g. brochures, literature, campaign materials)
items for sale (e.g. buttons, bumper stickers, clothing, videos, flying discs)
supplies (e.g. tablecloth, clipboards, office supplies, receipt book)
paper weights
CD of basic handouts
carrying case

The Northwest Chapter anticipates the total cost of the tabling kits to be between $1500-$2000. As a courtesy to the Treasurer, we submit this proposal as notification of our intention to present invoices in the near future for supplies and services associated with the tabling kits.

As a courtesy to the State Central Committee, we submit this proposal to inform the general membership of this exciting project and to encourage widespread participation.


Appendix 3

Green Party Meeting Proposal Form
PRESENTER: Executive Committee
CONTACT: Elizabeth M. Brancato, 19 Smith Street, Torrington, CT 06790, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SUBJECT: Fund Raising Mailing - Additional funds


The SCC, in November approved paying $855-$955 for a fund-raising mailing. The mailing was done, but the bill has run over the cost estimate. Although part of the overage seems to be due to printing more copies than the original quote called for, it seems that the overage is also due to our requesting printing on two sides of the insert. That was not part of the original quote.


We propose that the Connecticut Green Party approve an additional expenditure of up to $200.00 to settle this account in full.


Appendix 4.
Green Party Meeting Proposal Form
PRESENTER: Executive Committee
CONTACT: Elizabeth M. Brancato, 19 Smith Street, Torrington, CT 06790, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SUBJECT: Approval of Delegates to National Committees


There are many national committees which SCC members in good standing can join and contribute to. We feel this benefits and strengthens our SCC, as well as the individual delegates. We would like to encourage members joining and working on national committees. We have, in the past, put these nominations before the full SCC. This has sometimes resulted in delay and discouragement. The SCC meetings often do not have quorum. When there is quorum, the agendas are so full that often all business is not done, or is done in a rushed manner.


We propose that the Connecticut Green Party allow the Executive Committee to approve delegates to national committees. Notice of the pending approval and solicitation of other candidates will take place before the approval. Notice of the approval will be posted on the News list serve within 48 hours of the approval being granted. Notice of the approval will be reported at the next SCC meeting as part of the report of the Executive Committee.


Appendix 5
Green Party Meeting Proposal Form
PRESENTER: Executive Committee
CONTACT: Elizabeth M. Brancato, 19 Smith Street, Torrington, CT 06790, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SUBJECT: Event Endorsement by the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee has the authority to approve the endorsement of events when there is not time to bring the request for approval before the full SCC. Most event endorsements are straightforward and not at all controversial. SCC meetings often do not have quorum, and even when they have quorum, the agenda is full. We believe that the time of the SCC would be better spent if routine endorsements were taken care of by the Executive Committee.


We propose that the Connecticut Green Party allow the Executive Committee to approve the endorsement of all events. The EC will approve the endorsement if there is full consensus. If there is not full consensus, and there is time to put the endorsement before the SCC, it will be added to the agenda for the next meeting and will be discussed and decided-upon by the full SCC. If there is not time to put the endorsement before the full SCC, a simple majority vote of the Executive Committee will prevail.


Appendix 6
Green Party Meeting Proposal Form
[Saturday, March 26, 2005; with revision from Judy received 3-28-05; totals with postage added by Ed]

PRESENTER Internal Elections Committee (IEC)

CONTACT: Jean de Smet, 39 Davis Street, Willimantic, CT 06226 860-456-2188 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SUBJECT : 2005 Annual Meeting/State Party Convention of the Green Party of Connecticut (GPC)

The IEC is charged by the State Central Committee (SCC) to coordinate and implement all aspects of an annual election for elected positions within the GPC.

1. Deadline for announcing candidacies is Friday, April 8, 2005 at 5:00pm.

2. Proposed Convention dates are Sunday, April 17th or Saturday, April 23rd; 10am-2pm with a potluck lunch.

3. Authorize David Bedell to rent for $75 the Greater New Haven Labor Council, 267 Chapel Street, New Haven, 203-777-2756. The New Haven Chapter previously offered (January 20, 2005) to donate the rental fee.

4. Nominations from the floor the day of the Convention will be accepted (Co-Chairperson[3], Secretary, Treasurer, GP-US Representative[2], GP-US Representative Alternate).

5. A ballot and candidate information will be mailed to any qualified member who requests one. Deadlines for mailed ballots will be established once the Convention date is set. Ballots will be numbered and mailed by this committee. Numbered ballots and printed candidate information will be available at the Convention. This committee requests that $200 (or less) be earmarked by the treasurer for printing and associated costs for ballots, candidate information sheets, envelopes and postage.

5A. In the event of an uncontested race, this Committee does not recommend a widespread mass postal mailing of ballots and candidate information for the following reasons:

(i) the low amount of money in the Party's checking account;
(ii) apparent disinterest among members in the idea of doing a mailing. Weeks ago the secretary sent lists of registered Greens to each of the chapters with the request that chapters return to him address changes and additional members (per the bylaws definition of member) in preparation for the internal elections; few of the chapters have responded
(iii) inability of the secretary to find time to do further work on the lists (e.g. add missing zip codes, determine why dozens of names were not included in the lists sent to the chapters).

However, if other candidates should come forward thus creating a contested election, this Committee requests the guidance of the SCC as to whether or not the Party wishes to consider a mass postal mailing. Estimated cost quotes of three printing/mailing options: (postage included):

Option #1: 2800 postcards/200 full ballot $1,291
Option #2: 2000 postcard/1000 full ballots $1,892
Option #3: 3000 full ballots $3,260

6. Although the bylaws state that the only elected position is Co-Chairperson[3] and all other positions are appointed, this committee recommends that the Party follow historical precedent by electing all positions. The bylaws read: Co-Chairpersons shall be elected by an absolute majority vote of the members, as established if necessary by successive preferential voting.

--Bylaws of the GPC, Adopted by the SCC-January, 1999; revised 2000, 2001: II. Party Structure and Functions, 2. Officers, f) Election/Appointment of Officials

7. At the Convention, candidates will be allowed opportunity to present their positions and answer questions.

8. Notice of the Convention will be disseminated via existing listservs, chapter representatives, email, media events listings and our website. Chapters are encouraged to reach out to their members via phone calls.

9. In anticipation of the Executive Committee arranging for Convention speaker(s), we request an appropriation from the SCC for speaker(s)' gasoline expenses and small honorarium.


If you have serious disagreements with the accuracy of anything written in these minutes, please contact the secretary, Ed DuBrule, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 860-523-4016. If your e-mail or letter is titled "I remember things happened differently" or "I remember that this also occurred", I will treat your e-mail or letter (or a summary of it) as an addendum to these minutes. Such e-mails or letters must be received within 4 weeks of the date of publication of the minutes to the News listserve to be considered addenda.

Addenda are published to the News listserve and are considered part of the minutes. They are brought to the following month's SCC meeting (for distribution at the time the minutes are approved/disapproved); they are posted to the CT Green Party website as part of the minutes.