CTGP Executive Committee Meeting

5/23/05, 7pm to 9:20pm at Torrington Town Hall, Main Street, Torrington, CT
Attendees: co-chairs: Mike DeRosa, Kelly McCarthy, Aaron Gustafson; secretary: Barbara Barry; acting treasurer: Bob Eaton; incoming treasurer: Judy Herkimer.
Also: Justine McCabe, Kim Herkimer.

1. Discussion about facilitator and facilitator role starting with this EC meeting and future EC meetings. Judy Herkimer was presenter. Roger Levin from Western chapter was facilitator.

2. Posting deadlines: 1 week prior to SCC for agenda items; 48 hours prior to EC meeting.

3. Meeting deadlines: EC must be no later than 1 week prior to SCC meeting.

4. Agenda deadlines: 1 week prior to SCC meeting; 48 hours prior to EC meeting.

5. Tape recorder for SCC meetings: a Green Party member donated a tape recorder for CTGP more than two (2) years ago. Location: unknown.

6. CTGP goals/restructuring proposals: presenters: Kelly and Aaron. Goal: EC officers to be contacts with at least one working committee. Officers are not chairs of these committees but more of a resource person for information, direction or what this person can best help the committee needs. Committees are:

a) media committee (MC) with Aaron Gustafson:

7. implement press release dissemination system; explore alternative media outlets; letters to editor/ op-ed outlets; develop and maintain e-mail lists, listservs, websites and blogs for EC and committee members but not for chapters; Agenda deadlines: 1 week prior to SCC meeting; 48 hours prior to EC meeting.

8. Tape recorder for SCC meetings: a Green Party member donated a tape recorder for CTGP more than two (2) years ago. Location: unknown.

9. CTGP goals/restructuring proposals: presenters: Kelly and Aaron. Goal: EC officers to be contacts with at least one working committee. Officers are not chairs of these committees but more of a resource person for information, direction or what this person can best help the committee needs. Committees are:

b) media committee (MC) with Aaron Gustafson: implement press release dissemination system; explore alternative media outlets; letters to editor/ op-ed outlets; develop and maintain e-mail lists, listservs, websites and blogs for EC and committee members but not for chapters; if funding is available; research endorsements; organize candidate workshops; publish a state-wide resource directory for candidates by 2006; work with LC on platform development; work with MC on candidate/campaign activities.

c) fundraising committee (FC): person needed. Implement fundraising plan; research and produce merchandising (according to budget); provide tabling kits for all chapters; implement endorsement funding for all candidates on a sliding scale (budget permitting); work with ELC, LC and MC on fundraising activities and monitor goals.

d) Internal committee (IC) with Barbara Barry: Overhaul and maintain bylaws; develop and implement budget with treasurer and FC; organize internal elections; monitor registration goals with FC, ELC, LC and MC. Overall shared goal: increase the number of registered Green Party members by 10% i.e. approximately 250 people by end of 2006. Suggested guidelines for member involvement: Each individual should: assess personal strengths and interests; estimate weekly availability and time commitments; choose one committee that suites you best; commit to focusing on that committee’s goals and tasks.

EC wants each chapter for committee members.

Judy wants EC officers to research the proposed goals and structuring and the already acquired action plan. EC to bring research to next EC meeting with plan to discuss further.

CTGP strategy plan proposal: how to maximize officers work and increaOverall shared goal: increase the number of registered Green Party members by 10% i.e. approximately 250 people by end of 2006.

Suggested guidelines for member involvement: Each individual should: assess personal strengths and interests; estimate weekly availability and time commitments; choose one committee that suites you best; commit to focusing on that committee’s goals and tasks.

EC wants each chapter for committee members.

Judy wants EC officers to research the proposed goals and structuring and the already acquired action plan. EC to bring research to next EC meeting with plan to discuss further.

CTGP strategy plan proposal: how to maximize officers work and in CTGP visibility: a) communication: internal and external; b) develop candidates and support them; c) work on legislation.

10. CTGP reorganization proposal: from strategy committee. Goals and restructuring are the major but not the only areas that could benefit from more activity. Refer back to # 6.

11. Draft fiscal plan proposal by acting treasurer: Bob Eaton.

a) Budget committee: have in treasury: $1482.11.

b) Liz Brancato plans to deliver on 5-24-05 the paperwork to the secretary of states office for transfer of treasurer from Bob Eaton to Judy Herkimer. Once the state actually stamps this paperwork than, reportedly, the new treasure will officially become Judy Herkimer. Then the state will mail to Judy the paperwork she needs to work as treasurer.

c) Next filing that the CTGP needs to complete is: 7-11-05.

d) CTGP is currently getting about $190 every month in donations.

e) present spending commitments: chapter balances and agreed reimbursement to Chris Reilly. There is another expense that Chris Reilly paid on behalf of CTGP which has been deferred.

f) Aaron suggested spending $20 a month for non-public blogs for members of EC and committees but not for chapters. This would enable members to communicate with one another while maintaining track of the overall discussion.

g) Aaron suggests spending $300 to get a list of registered Green Party people from the secretary of state office.

h) Judy advises that CTGP member: Audrey Cole, attorney, is doing an internal audit of several years of treasury records. When Audrey will be finished is not known as Audrey is waiting for software to come to her for her work. Barbara suggested that Audrey present her audit report in person and be available for clarifying questions. Judy to convey this to Audrey.

h) Mike suggested an electronic newletter to enhance getting Green Party presence out to the public.

i) Judy suggests that a full-time paid fundraiser might be a consideration, if/when budget permits.

12. Yearly budget proposal: Bob agrees to it.

13. Justine McCabe sought EC endorsement re: We are the children of the Camp: needed for 6-1-05 release. Also will present to next SCC meeting of 5-31-05: information regarding CT United for peace meeting of 5-15-05.

14. Next EC meeting: Monday, 6-13-05 in Hamden, ~ 7pm. Exact place to be determined.

13. 5-31-05 SCC meeting: Wesleyan University, Fisk Hall at 7pm.