Executive Committee (EC) Meeting of 6-13-05 Time: 7:40 to 9:30pm Place: Hamden Government Center, 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT

Attendees: Barbara Barry, Mike DeRosa, Aaron Gustafson, Judy Herkimer, Kelly McCormack. Observer: Kim Herkimer.

Facilitator: None.

1. Discussion regarding lack of facilitator. Mike tried to get a person to be the facilitator and was not able to find someone to do it. He also did not know about where the Ex meeting would take place until the Sat before this Monday meeting. Judy requested a facilitator. Mike asked Kim (a observer) to be the facilitator for this meeting.. Kim agreed. However, Judy stated he did not have the training to be a facilitator. It was agreed that going forward a facilitator would be found, on a rotating basis.

1. In the absence of a facilitator, Judy proposed that this EC meeting not occur. Mike and Barbara proposed that this EC meeting occur due to EC responsibilities to the members of the Green Party of CT. At the minimum, EC members could put forward those items that need to be done at each SCC meeting and any proposals that have been sent to the EC members for the next SCC meeting. Then Judy proposed only doing what must be done, which was agreed upon.

1. Aaron arrived.

Structure of next SCC meeting: site: Hamden Government Center for 6-28-05, 7-9pm.

1. Mike: what is proper notification regarding the EC and SCC meetings. Judy preferred the immediate former secretary’s preference for sending notification to the news listserv, only, without using the bcc or cc notification. Chapter representatives would need to join the news listserv. Agreed by concensus.

1. Mike will forward to the news listserv, the name of the speaker for the next SCC meeting. This would Allow for feedback.

1. Aaron to put on the Website the approved minutes from 15 SCC meetings provided by Ed Drule, the immediate former secretary.

1. Agenda for SCC to be posted on the news listserv, one (1) week prior to the SCC meeting. The EC agenda is not posted but the time and meeting EC meeting site is posted. Approved EC meeting minutes are posted.

1. Judy proposed that EC meetings followed the same format as SCC meetings. This would include introductions by the five (5) EC members and of any observers. Then the EC would discuss if the proposed agenda would be what was discussed and if there were any additions or deletions from the agenda. Agreed by concensus.

1. Barbara: feedback/discussions with Green Party members over the years: keep minutes concise and in a manner where items can be easily found.

1. Aaron and Kelly believe records of votes need to be in minutes. Barbara: voters of Green Party of chapters or committees are encouraged to vote as the group directs. However, the process allows voters to vote their conscious, per federal election laws. Judy: need by-laws to straighten this out and clearly define chapter reps and committee rep responsibilities. Mike: need to allow reps to vote their conscious when new information is presented at the SCC meeting i.e. the rep may change their opinion about how they want to vote because of new information. Aaron: each chapter has their own way of handling this situation: some will allow chapters reps to participate in discussions and possibly change their opinion. Others will not.

1. Mike: do we need/want a sign-in sheet about who is voting? Kelly: would be helpful for the secretary. Aaron: noting in minutes, how chapter reps would allow chapter members to get feedback about how their reps voted, even if it is after the fact.

1. Judy: SCC meeting is designed to not be a place of deep discussion and debate. It is a business meeting. And all that was supposed to have taken place before you came to the SCC meeting. You’re supposed to discuss it at the chapter level. You’re supposed to educate yourself, inform yourself, reach out to people who wrote it. Get everything. If you have concerns, you bring them and get them clarified and offer friendly amendments to those concerns. The extensive debate you are talking about that could shift people’s vote, is not the business of the SCC. The business of the SCC should be much drier, it is the business meeting of the party. Aaron and Kelly: that is the ideal. Kelly: if it is a complicated proposal, a presentation should be made then a proposal but that is not how it has happened that way. It is about accountability. Barbara: reps may want to bring back to the chapter new information that the chapter may want to discuss about the reps concern. Agreed by consensus: Barbara to write a proposal from the EC to present to the next SCC meeting regarding a sign-in sheet for the voters. Aaron to develop a sign-in sheet.

1. Judy: in theory with modified consensus, there should not be too many votes. When taking minutes, that is the one thing that is taken down: who voted.

1. Agenda for SCC meeting:

a) speaker: Mike to try to get speaker(s) to cover possible subjects that the meeting regarding: campaign finance reform in CT. Such as CCAG. Barbara noted this would be timely because CT’s legislature starts June 23, 2005.

b) Basecamp: Aaron presented as a proposal to last SCC meeting but did not have a quoum.

c) Judy: it would be beneficial to have at an EC meeting to have the last SCC meeting minutes for what happened for discussion. This must help to create the next SCC meeting. Judy: need to carry over regarding Justine’s fall event/march: call for unity. Justine needs to present it and advise what it is she wants from the Green Party of CT.

d) Mike and Aaron: need to bring forward the minutes from the SCC meetings which were not approved because we had no quorums.

e) Mike: CT United for Peace meeting on 5-15-05: the coalition leader are seeking from their coalition members

1. Agreed upon next EC meeting: July 11, 2005 at Greater Hartford Green Party Office, 418A New Britain Avenue, Hartford, CT. Time: 7-9pm. Facilitator: Judy to get facilitator. Mike to try to get , who has approached some Green Party members about running for governor, as a Green Party candidate.

1. Mike read from a statement from the last SCC meeting by Justine McCabe about a planned Peace March to Washington in Sept 2005 that will be discussed at the next SCC meeting along with other related issues.

1. Aaron Suggested that we put on the agenda getting Basecamp a computer program that is used to build organization projects($20 a month/free on a trial basis one project). Arron wantedthe EC as the first user of the free trial program). Judy wanted a “courtesy proposal” to the SCC(Judy:“let them know what’s going on”). It was agreed that this would be presented as a informational presentation during the SCC meeting. Judy wanted an “observer” status built into the use of Basecamp

1. Aaron suggested we spend $300 to get a list of Green voters from the Sec. of State’s office. He talked about getting in various formats from SOS to make it easier to use and manage.

1. Judy described suggested various changes to last EC minutes. Various options were discussed for changes (including the use of an addendum) to facilitate these changes to the notes by the Secretary. Judy asked for certain grammatical changes in the last minutes and changes in minutes relative to Chris Reilly and payment of Hartford office rent.

1. There was a discussion about announcing that the SCC meeting is being recorded at the beginning of the meetings. Barbara pointed out that these are public meetings and they can be recorded. Mike pointed out that the SCC had voted to have meetings recorded and Judy said that she remembered the vote and had voted for it. Mike suggested that the guest speaker speeches be turned in MP3 files and put on the web site. Aaron agreed to do this after Mike gave him these speeches on CD disk.

1. Mike asked that Judy to supply the EC with a monthly list of all persons who donate to the CT Green Party and their addresses so chapters could determine whether donations made in their area are being credited correctly to their chapter balances. Judy said : “she did not see a problem with giving that”.

1. Mike suggested that the Treasure’s report not be sent in virtual format to the SOS. There have been reports from past Treasurers that figures sent in this way somehow change. He suggested sending the reports by mail. Judy said that the bank does not give a breakdown of each credit card donation(but she will receive that soon). Judy said that we received so far this month $175 from credit card donations. Judy said that our service fees were $190-$200 per month and they “were bumped down” to $175 recently. Aaron said that we should look into Pay Pal as an alternative to these high fees. Mike suggested that needed to be explored because “paying $175 to pay $175, does that make any sense?” Judy said she “is now in possession of the ( treasurer’s) books” and she was going to planning to Replace the “small” check book with a big business type check book. There was discussion of appointing a deputy treasurer to cover when treasurer is on vacation. Mike asked if the present Treasure would consider appointing a deputy treasurer. Judy said she wasn’t interested in this at this time.

1. Judy said she would get the facilitator for the next EC meeting. The next EC meeting will take place on July 11, 2005 at 7PM-9PM at the Greater Hartford Green Party office at 418A New Britain Ave Hartford, CT.