Minutes from the 8-29-06 SCC Meeting: quorum met.
Place: Portland Public Library, 20 Freestone Avenue, Portland, CT Phone: 860-342-6770; Time: 6PM to 7:45PM
Attending chapters:
Central: Vic Lancia;
Fairfield: Paul Bassler, David Bedell, Richard Duffee, Patricia Kane;
Greater Hartford: Co-chairperson: Michael DeRosa; Secretary: Barbara Barry; Treasurer: Christopher Reilly; Cliff Thornton;
New Haven: Charlie Pillsbury;
New London: Andy Deer; Pete de la Rosa, Christopher Nelson;
Northeast: Amy Vas Nunes, Jean de Smet and Mike Westerfield, co-chairpersons;
Tolland: Tim McKee.
Facilitator: Charlie Pillsbury
A. Preliminaries: Introductions of attendees and chapters; timekeeper: Vic Lancia; no NON-voting representatives; ground rules adopted; tonight’s proposed agenda approved: chapter reports deleted due to time restraints; addition: LEAP. Approval of 7-25-06 SCC and 8-12-06 EC meetings.
B. Treasurer’s report as of 8-29-06 by Christopher Reilly: $5586.94 in CTGP treasury. Consensus: 1) North central and West Hartford chapters have not existed for some months/years so funds will be transferred to Greater Hartford Chapter. 2) New London Chapter should get 1/3 of the money donated from New London area. New London is not asking for their portion of that money, at this time.
1. Discussion about the petition drive for CTGP candidate, Richard Duffee has 2804 affirmed signatures, that he knows of, but needs 2905. Fairfield may be experiencing a 30% rejection rate.
2. Discussion of CTGP candidate events and fundraisers and merchandise:
CT: KK wants to continue to work as field coordinator while also: going to law school and organizing 2 other organizations. CN: he should be accountable to CT. RD: law schools typically do not "allow" their students to work more than 20hours/week while in law school. AD: perhaps he can be a part-time campaign worker for $1000/week vs. the $2000/week for the past 8 weeks. CT: really wants KK. Tim McKee’s compromise: allow KK to work for a month through 9-30-06, half the time for CT and half the time for CTGP then reevaluate monthly. KK to do a major fundraiser during 9-06. Consensus: agreed.
Three fundraisers: a) Jason West, GP major of New Platz, NY, to come to CT after 9-26-06.
b) Pat LaMarch, GP candidate for ME governor: may come to CT; will need $100 travel money.
c) Ralph Nader to do fundraiser in mid to late 10-06. Jd: all the candidates will be at the 10-06 3rd Thursday Street Festival.
3. Discussed need for appropriate permanent or stand-in candidates for Lt. Governor and comptroller.
4. CTGP PAC is unable to make donations to any candidate, due to lack of money. Most of CTGP money is going for the salary of Ken Krayeske, field coordinator.
5. Criteria for candidate debates/office: CT: in order to get into the debates sponsored by the League of Women Voters, CT must show that he is a "serious candidate" such as having a campaign office. Therefore, CT reaffirms he will contribute to half the cost of monthly cost at 418-A New Britain Avenue in Hartford i.e. $250/month through election. Consensus: all other state-wide candidates are encouraged to utilize this office for their campaign, photo ops, distribution and make some donation to offset costs.
CT: effective today at 11am, I have a new campaign treasurer: Max Wentworth, at same Manchester P.O. Box address. CTGP is experiencing problems with paypal. This is reaffirmed by the state government.
6. U.S. Green Party report by CTGP delegates to 7-06 Tuscan, AZ convention: Tim McKee and Cliff Thornton. TMc: had good local media coverage; campaign school was good; people were encouraged by CTGP’s candidates, progress and petition drive so got some donations. The number of voters registered as GP is important in each state. The GPUS will determine the number of delegates to future national GP conventions utilizing this information. GPUS is trying to get this information from all 50 states to give to the state Green Parties. National co-chairpersons were elected and I put that information on the listserv. CT: was very happy to have the opportunity to go to the convention. It dominated TV for a day.
8. Budget Committee suggestions by Jd: need a major fundraising drive after the election and need to put out 2 editions of the CT Green Times. Need volunteers to do phone banking to fundraise.
The Budget Committee, MW and TMc with advisor, CR, will help to develop a budget of what the CTGP needs money for after the election.
9. V.O.T.E.R. update by MD: there will be a federal hearing on 10-26-06 where the State of CT will ask for the lawsuit to be dismissed/summary judgment.
10. Articles for "CT Green Times" newspaper: MD: need articles and pictures from all candidates and articles from each chapter.
11. Status of CTGP website: need Mike Westerfield and Christopher Reilly to have sole control of it.
12. LEAP (Law Enforcers Against Prohibitions) is a coalition of chiefs of police, judges and like minded people, who speak out about the need for legalization of drugs. They will be in CT for intensive speaking engagements.