Minutes of the 9-26-06 SCC CT Green Party Meeting: quorum not meet.

Place: Portland Senior Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT Phone: 860-342-6760 Time: 7PM to 9PM

Voting Attendees by chapters:
Central: Vic Lancia,
Fairfield: David Bedell;
Greater Hartford: Mike DeRosa, co-chairperson, Christopher Reilly, Treasurer;
New London: Andy Derr, Colin Bennett;
Northeast: Jean deSmet co-chairperson and Michael Westerfield: both co-chairperson.

Non-voting attendees: Marlene Buchanan,
Central; Ron Suresha,
New London; Martha Kelly,
Greater Hartford; Nancy Burton
Fairfield; Ken Krayeske, staff: campaign coordinator.

Facilitator: Michael Westerfield

A. Preliminaries:

1. Introductions of attendees and chapters. Timekeeper: Vic Lancia. Identified attendees who are NOT voting representatives. Adopted ground rules. Approval of tonight’s proposed agenda with addition: update from Ken Krayeske, paid campaign coordinator and deletions: review and approval of 8-29-06 SCC minutes and 9-11-06 EC meetings due to lack of secretary: Barbara Barry; more information about the petition drive; chapter reports; GPUS updates due to lack of representatives: Tim McKee and/or

Charlie Pillsbury; V.O.T.E.R. and donations to other CTGP candidates: due to lack of time.

2. Treasurer’s report by Christopher Reilly: a new system was started. No major donations. Net balance: $7008.44. Chapter allocations have been identified. Because North Central chapter and West Hartford

Chapters have not been in existence for years and because they originally were spun off from the Greater Hartford Chapter, their allocated moneys were transferred back to the Greater Hartford Chapter.

Ongoing expenditures: Global (credit card) monthly fee: $25.20; One Star for monthly 800 phone number:

$4.48; Ken Krayeske, paid campaign coordinator: $2,0000/week: last paid 9-15-06.


1. CTGP candidate events, fundraisers and merchandise: KK: got press and voter feedback about being excluded from the debates; Quinnipiac polls and TV stations are still considering a 4-way debate for the candidates for governor. KK is working with Middletown and New London Chapters. Current campaign funds for Cliff Thornton: $2775.00 but this money is already earmarked. Expected remaining expenses: $11,500 such as $8000 liability for the salary for KK; KK perceives that Cliff’s campaign will be able to raise $6000 of that liability. KK is working for the other CTGP candidates: Nancy Burton, Jean deSmet and Ralph Ferrucci. No apparent fundraising was achieved by the TV ads. 10-13-06 fundraiser about the film: Sir! No Sir! and it will be reviewed; 10-28-06 Masquerade Ball; bus company will not sell us ads; Green Party Clean Up (Park River) in Hartford on 9-30-06; TV commercials about education; Howard Zinn fundraiser on 9-26-06 just completed before this meeting; Nancy Burton and Patricia Kane are supporting the publication of the postcards; Cliff Thornton will be in various chapters (New Haven, Willimantic, New London, Middletown, Fairfield) in October to knock on doors; Campaign goal: raise $50,000; recruit 2000 volunteers to stand at polls on election day, 11-7-06. Fundraisers with Jason West and Ralph

Nader: to be arranged.

MD: limited results from the phone banking using the list from donors for the last 5 years. DB: list of new registered CTGP members can be used KK to break up the list and distribute to the appropriate chapters.

2. Candidate: Jean deSmet is running for Lt Governor: has done interviews and will do debates with Cliff.

Colin Bennett is running for Comptroller and in the 33rd District.

MD: towns may have printed their absentee ballots. Any change of endorsed candidates will not be counted.

3. Criteria for candidate debates: League of Women Voters only supported debate in Fairfield;

4. Budget proposal from Michael Westerfield, co-chairperson: CTGP PRELIMINARY PROPOSED 2007 BUDGET EXPENSES:(Exclusive of Political Campaign Costs)

1. Annual Convention a) Mailing – Ballots and Fundraising Letter Printing – ballots, letter, envelopes. Paper costs $2,600.00

Postage ----------------------------------------------------------- $800.00

b) Hall rental, refreshments and associated costs ------------------ $75.00

Item Total $3,475.00

2. Annual fund raising and membership letter.

a) Printing, envelopes ------------------------------------------ $1,200.00

b) postage -------------------------------------------------- $1,000.00

Total $2,200.00 3. Connecticut Green Times 2 times a year

a) Production ------------------------------- $1,000.00

b) Mailing to Members (1st class) -------------------- $1,600.00

Total: $2,600.00

4. Communications

a) post office box --------------------------------------------- $80.00

b) 800 line ----------------------------------------- $60.00

c) Website ------------------------------------------ $60.00

Total: $200.00

5. Credit Card Service: $25.00per month x12--------------------------$300.00

6. Regular Monthly Central Committee Meetings ---------------------- 0.00

7. Other regular expenses (CONTINGENCY) ------------------------ $1,000.00

_______________________________________________________________________________ **** Not absolutely essential TOTAL COSTS: $9,775.00 ($7175)

8. Connecticut Green Party Office

a) Monthly rent($500.00 at 418A New Britain Avenue, Hartford)x12 ------$6,000.00

b) utilities: electricity? Phone? ---------------------------------------$600.00 Total: $6.600.00

TOTAL INCLUDING CTGP OFFICE ---------------------------------------- $16,375.00

Optimistically: the fundraising letter typically supports itself; CT Green Times

Newspaper pays for itself: due to donations from these actions.

KK: send out postcards with the state-wide candidates both before and after the election.

MD: do the CT Green Times immediately after the election to spread the word about our (state-wide and local) election results and spread the (CTGP) word. MD perceives he might be able to raise the money to cover the estimated $500 cost of publication. Newspaper hopefully will build the (CTGP party) base. Will try to get someone to do a pamphlet about CTGP.

Jd: $500 to publish the CT Green Times newspaper with about $700 for distribution.

MD: I and the Greater Hartford Chapter have been able to raise $6000/year (since 2000) to keep the Greater Hartford Chapter’s office open at 418A New Britain Avenue, Hartford…even though we are in debt.

KK: how may votes does the CT Green Times (newspaper) get you?

Jd: none, when distributed after the election.

AD: need fundraising article above the fold of the newsletter.

Concencus: have a fundraising article above the fold in the CT Green Times newspaper. Goal of distribution: 8weeks after the election( 11-7-06 + 8 weeks=1-7-07). Unresolved: whether newspaper will be mailed or hand delivered to chapters and/or drop off points.