Minutes from the 1-9-07 SCC Green Party of CT meeting at Middletown's Russell Public Library, quorum met.
Russell Public Library, Reading Room #3, 123 Broad Street, Middletown, CT 06457 P: 860-347-2528 Time: 6:30PM to 8:30PM (closing)
Facilitator: Jerry Martin. Timekeeper: Jean deSmet.
Voting attendees:
Fairfield Chapter: David Bedell, Richard Duffee, Patricia Kane;
Greater Hartford: Barbara Barry, Secretary of GP of CT;
Mike DeRosa, a co-chairperson of GP of CT;
New Haven: Jerry Martin;
Northeast: Jean deSmet.
Non-voting attendee: Christopher Reilly, Treasurer of GP of CT.
A. Preliminaries: 1. Introductions of voting and non-voting attendees; chapters; if quorum was met; timekeeper; ground rules. 2. Approval of tonight’s proposed agenda; deletions: report from CT representatives to the GPUS and chapter reports; and one addition: arrest of Ken Krayeske. 3. Review and approval of minutes from the 11-28-06 SCC meeting. 4. Review and acceptance of minutes from the 1-2-07 EC meeting. 5. Treasurer’s report by Christopher Reilly: have about $1800 in bank. Minor party finances are now under the Auspices of the State Elections Committee.
B. PROPOSAL PRESENTERS: Patricia Kane, Jean de Smet, Andy Derr, Caleb Kleppner, Chris Reilly, Barbara Barry, Michael DeRosa. SUBJECT: Formation of a By-Laws Committee (for 2 years) BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE : At the last meeting of the State Central Committee, a resolution was introduced and passed to establish a By-law Committee to review the bylaws for language and reorganization. The By-Laws of the CT Green Party are difficult to follow. Some topics, like Voting, are dispersed into several other sections; other topics, such as how a chapter is formed and dissolved, are not addressed.
By-Laws are the basic operating rules of an organization and unclear procedures and language undermine the organization’s ability to achieve consensus and to proceed with transparency and consensus.
This Proposal is an additional step to comply with the procedure previously adopted.
PROPOSAL : We propose that the CT Green Party form a committee to review the current by-laws and follow a 2-step process for presenting changes for a vote in April 2007 and thereafter.
1) Clarify/change the existing language. Without changing substance, the organization and language of the by-laws will be updated to improve access. These proposed changes will be sent to chapters for comment early in 2007, then those comments will be reviewed by the committee, sent to chapters again, discussed at SCC meetings as needed, and may be presented at the April Annual meeting for adoption by the membership. Passed by consensus.
NOTE: The official name of our party is the Green Party of Connecticut, GP of CT, not CTGP.
2) Recommend and draft proposed changes to the by-laws, policy and procedures. The committee will make changes to create a better working document and have input from members as to sections they recommend for change. The changes may place some issues into a policy and procedures manual, which may be changed more easily to reflect new knowledge or technology. The same process of distribution, review and discussion, followed by a vote will take place in 2007-2008. Passed by consensus. Suggestion of RD: Secretary to put this on listserv. And it is to go to the website and chapters. This can be re- Evaluated at the 4-21-07 convention. Bylaw Meeting: at the Never Ending Bookstore in New Haven, on Saturday, 1-20-07 beginning at 9am. Backup Option: New Haven Public Library on the Green.
C. PROPOSAL PRESENTERS: David Bedell, Paul Bassler, Allan Brison, Nancy Burton, Ralph Nazareth. CONTACT: David Bedell, 12 Ardsley Rd, Stamford, CT 06906, 203-581-3193, dbedellgreen(at)hotmail.com
SUBJECT: Appointment of Richard Duffee to GPUS International Committee BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Richard has a law degree with certificates in International and Environmental Law. He lived nine years in South Asia, has traveled widely, and is very knowledgeable on international economic policies, North-South issues, etc. He's a founding member of the American-Iranian Friendship Committee, was an editor at Pace International Law Journal, and did legal work on a lawsuit against Texaco by indigenous peoples of Ecuador. For a detailed biography and publications, see http://www.duffee.politicalgateway.com/cand.php?id=406&page=biography
The International Committee is an area where we could bring Richard's broad knowledge into the service of the national Green Party.
PROPOSAL: We propose that the CT Green Party appoint Richard Duffee as a voting member of the GPUS International Committee. As such, he will be expected to fulfill duties as described at http://gp.org/committees/intl: The International Committee (IC) is a standing national committee of the Green Party of the United States. Voting members of the IC are appointed by the state Green parties. The IC reports to the Green National Committee.
Mission of the International Committee: - Foster collaboration and exchange with Green parties around the world. - Network with organizations and movements working for global peace, social justice, human rights, and environmentally sustainable communities. - Develop and advise on international aspects of the National Platform. - Coordinate Green Party representation to the Federation of Green Parties of the Americas, Global Green Network, and other international federations, meetings and events. - Inform U.S. Greens about international issues.
DB: Richard can bring to the committee his interests in international social justice, globalization; IMF (International Monetary Fund), issues affecting the world economy. Our current representative to this committee, Justine McCabe, does occasionally post things on our listserv but has not been to a SCC meeting of GP of CT since 8-30-05. She does occasionally seek input on issues. Current GPUS committee rules appear to allow a member to be indefinite. PK: I did not feel RD advocated for the GP of CT but did for his own issues. RD never held GP of CT positions. JdS: Much of communication is by e-mail. Will you seek and respect the positions of the GP of CT? RD: Yes, I will. MD: both Isreal and Palestine have rights to exist. GP platform must be supported. PK: he is a man of honor. Consensus: Richard Duffee is appointed by the GP of CT to be a voting member of the International Committee of the GPUS.
D. Reports: 1. CT Green Times: MD: Eric De Vos has purchased a printer which can print: ballots for convention, literature, in addition to a 2-sided CT Green Times newsletter. We need more artists. Assemble could take 7 days. Distribution will be by Albert Marceau. We may need to pay people to do things associated with any publication E.g. pay for the paper and ink; gas for distribution.
2. ACLU Lawsuit on “Campaign Finance Reform”. The ACLU organization has handed this lawsuit back to the ACLU in CT. No hearing was done on 12-18-06 or any date, so far. Preliminary motions have been done by the State of CT to dismiss. The judge has not ruled on it yet. Attorney General Blumenthal has declined to allow The Hartford law firm of Day, Berry and Howard of Hartford to be the law firm to represent the plaintiffs. This Firm has done legal work for the State of CT, in the past. A new law firm will need to be found.
3. GPUS updates/report from CTGP representatives: deleted due to the absence of Tim McKee and Charlie Pillsbury.
4. GP of CT Website: DB: has been in contact with our past webmaster, Aaron Gustafson. Aaron is willing to work on a portal addition to the website; however, it will cost an unknown sum of money. Additionally, Aaron indicated that it would take some time for him to actually get it up to running. Consensus: a) GP of CT does not perceive the need for a portal at this time; b) Eric De Vos is the new webmaster. SCC will evaluate his performance in 2 months time for possible continuation, opportunities for Improvement. We no longer have a hosting service with EDeV. Both David Bedell and Christopher Reilly have access to the website.
5. Political Issues the GP of CT wants to address during the 2007 Legislative Session: MD: has received agreements from the offices of the Senate Pro Tem Donald Williams, Speaker of the House Amman and the co- Chairperson of the Elections Committee, to meet with their staffs. People interested in meeting with these people during business hours: Jean DeSmet, Patricia Kane, Richard Duffy in addition to Mike DeRosa. Any other interested parties may call/email to MD. Concerns: increased energy rates are occurring due to the Energy Deregulation Law of 1998. A 1-10-07 energy hearing is scheduled in New Haven; V.O.T.E.R. may be requesting an automatic audit of 20% of the optical scanning voting machines; universal health care; and living wage.
6. Internal elections discussion: JdS: tentative convention is scheduled for Saturday, 4-21-07; internal and external candidates need to come forward by the close of 3-07 SCC meeting. Volunteers are needed by both the Internal Elections committee and the Convention Committee (which runs the non-election part of the convention). If bylaw changes are proposed, then they must be sent out by mail to Green Party member…as required by our Current by-law. If no bylaw changes are proposed than that would decrease the cost of mailing for the convention and election of internal officers. Lists of current, accurate, eligible members of the GP of CT to vote must be presented to the Internal Elections Committee as soon as possible. MD: perhaps some of the material can be preprinted than the candidates’ information can be printed at the “last minute”. Eric De Vos will print the material.
7. Chapter reports: deferred due to time restraints.
8. Date and place for next SCC meeting 1-30-07: MD to contact Vic Lancia. Date, place and time of next EC meeting in 2-07: not determined at this time.
9. Addition: discussed the arrest of Ken Krayeske for: a) being on a Homeland Security Watch List; b) disturbing the peace and c) interfering with a police officer during the inaugural parade for Governor Jody Rell.