Approved minutes from the 7PM 2-26-08 SCC meeting of CTGP, quorum was meet.

Location: Portland’s Senior Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT 06480 Phone: 860-342-6760

Voting Attendees by chapter:
Fairfield: Richard Duffee;
Greater Hartford: Barbara Barry, Secretary of GP of CT, Christopher Reilly, and Treasurer of GP of CT; Michael DeRosa, a Co-chairperson of GP of CT;
New Haven: Jerry Martin;
Tolland: Tim McKee.

Non-voting attendees:
Greater Hartford: Steve Fournier;
Central: John Killien

Facilitator: Steve Fournier. No formally designated timekeeper.

A. Preliminaries:

1. Introductions of voting attendees/non-voting attendees; chapters; quorum was met; ground rules.

2. Approval of tonight’s proposed agenda; no deletions; additions: state voter lists and email etiquette

3. Review and approval of minutes of 1-29-08 SCC meeting.

4. Review and acceptance of minutes from the 2-19-08 EC meeting.

5. Treasurer’s report from Christopher Reilly: a $1000 donation was received. 1-31-08 Balance:$2609.99 .

B. Any proposals/referendums by chapters, committee:

1. The EC proposes that this SCC body: consider accepting Alexander Goldman of West Hartford, who is a Brandeis college student, as a summer intern for the GP of CT for college credit.

SMD has interviewed him and offered him the internship as per 1-29-08 SCC consensus.

Alex indicated: My ambitions for this internship are to use my abilities as a writer and student of politics to help the Green Party of CT produce flyers and pamphlets, as well as to participate productively in discussions concerning upcoming political strategies and actions. By working directly under a specific individual within the party, or small set of individuals, I will be able to compartmentalize my time so that roughly half of my time will be spent distributing materials, or acting in similar volunteer-style occupations, while the remaining half of my time will be spent working on publications or in situations where policy and strategy or open to discussion, and my voice can be considered. I know very little about the nitty-gritty of day-to-day politics, local politics, and third party politics, and would use this opportunity to learn as much as possible, under the guidance of the Green Party, the nature of these things. The internship will last a month and a half, the beginning and ending dates to be determined at our meeting. I would work roughly four days a week, between 5-8 hours a day. After our meeting we will be able to better understand exactly what I will be doing, and under whose guidance I will be doing it. My schedule will be otherwise empty over this summer, and so depending on what we have worked out, the hours could be flexible.

I am curious about whether the American political system can succeed in addressing the issues of environmental concern. I am interested in exploring the dynamics of the system in terms of public responsiveness to growing environmental concerns, and whether or not candidates can run for local offices in this suburban arena on a political platform highlighting environmental issues.

I feel that my greatest asset is the ability to think outside the box pragmatically and work with others. I feel that these abilities could make me a valuable asset over the summer.

Consensus for other job duties for Alex: develop template for literature for the Congressional candidates; help with the CTGP website, if appropriate; contact other colleges to enhance or develop

CTGP chapters and contacts; help develop press releases; attend and help coordinate events for CTGP

Candidates, chapters and CTGP. CTGP will consider mileage reimbursement for Alex if appropriate. Rate will be equal to current IRS mileage rate.

SF: to provide CTGP with a job description for an intern with guidelines from the U.S. Dept. of Labor Job Descriptions. TMc will send the job description to Alex. Consensus: to all the above.

C. Reports:

1. Internal Elections Committee: consensus: A) this SCC body advises members and chapters that people are still needed to be internal election monitors/clerks at the beginning of the 4-26-08 CTGP Annual Meeting;

B) The site of the 4-26-08 Annual Meeting is yet to be determined. But consensus is for the New Haven area.

C) any CTGP person who wishes to be a candidate for internal officers and five (5) GPUS National Committee Representatives must submit they names by the 3-25-08 SCC meeting for inclusion in the mailing. If any National Committee vacancy occurs, the SCC will fill it. D) The attendees at the 3-25-08 SCC meeting will vote for whom are to be the internal elections monitor/clerk. These clerks need to be available for any active work as people arrive for the 4-26-08 CTGP Annual Meeting. E) Secretary to contact the 4 announced GPUS Presidential Candidates and invite them to attend and speak at our 4-26-08 Annual Meeting. F) Ballots will be for voting for: internal officers and for the GPUS Presidential Candidate. G) Consensus: The Convention Committee of Jerry Martin and Barbara Barry will develop the agenda, be responsible for tables; if food may be purchased (and proceeds going to the GP of CT). Other volunteers are welcome to contact either BAB or JM.

2. Green Party of CT candidates: what is needed to be done regarding CTGP petitioning for the GPUS presidential candidate and for all CTGP candidates. Consensus: need state voter list or list of CTGP state voter list. If it can be purchased for less than $300, then the Treasurer is authorized to purchase it.

3. GPUS reports from CTGP representatives: A) Tim McKee, GPUS rep: the GPUS Presidential Support Committee has put the names of the known, legitimate candidates on the GPUS website. B) S. Michael DeRosa:

GPUS Ballot Access Committee: GPUS gave all the GPUS moneys set aside for nation-wide ballot access ,to

Arizona which also received $9000 from across the nation to assist in the AZ petitioning. Deadline is 3-6-08.

The next state which needs to petition for ballot access is Texas. They need 50,000 valid signatures i.e. 800

valid signatures from each county. A Texas voter who voted in a Texas Primary is not a valid petition signature.

Deadline: in about 2 months. They have $40,000. C) Richard Duffee: the GPUS PAX National Committee will have a workshop at the 7-08 Presidential Convention. (Cliff Thornton, Co-chairperson of GPUS, and Charlie Pillsbury, GPUS Rep and National Committee Member: Amy Vas Nunes, were absent.)

4. Political issues the GP of CT has addressed with legislators during the 2008 Legislative Session: Fight

the Hike has presented resolutions to the CT Legislative committees.

5. CT Green Times: SMD: 400 more copies will be available for the 4-26-08 Annual Meeting.

6. Consensus: Recruitment of potential candidates for: 1st Congressional District, state offices, and Register of Voters is encouraged.

7. ACLU lawsuit: SMD: Cliff Thornton and myself have been deposed for this lawsuit.

8. Consensus: the By-law Committee is reactivated. Committee members: S.Michael DeRosa, Barbara Barry and Tim McKee.

9. Email etiquette: consensus: emails are to show respect for diverse thoughts and for the person without getting personal. This allows for freedom of speech and respect for diversity.

10. Other information about Chapter: deferred due to lack of time.

11. Next SCC meeting on 3-25-08 to be at Portland Senior Center at 7PM. Date, place and time of next EC meeting in 3-08: is to be determined.