Accepted minutes from the 7PM 3-19-08 EC Meeting of the GP of CT

Location: Ruby Tuesday Restaurant, 3240 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06111 P: 860-667-0282

Attendees: Co-chairperson: S. Michael DeRosa, Treasurer: Christopher Reilly; Secretary: Barbara Barry

Developed the following proposed agenda for the 3-25-08 SCC meeting of CTGP at Portland’s Senior Center

7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT 06480 Phone: 860-342-6760 Time: 7:000PM

Facilitator: To Be Determined

A. Preliminaries:

1. (1 minute): Introductions of voting attendees; non-voting attendees; chapters; if quorum was met; timekeeper; ground rules.

2. (2-4 minutes): Approval of tonight’s proposed agenda, any deletions or additions.

3. (2-4 minutes): Review and approval of minutes of 2-26-08 SCC meeting.

4. (2-4 minutes): Review and acceptance of minutes from the 3-19-08 EC meeting.

5. (2-4 minutes): Treasurer’s report from Christopher Reilly.

B. Any proposals/referendums by chapters or committee.

A) .Policies and Proposals Committee proposals about Chapters:

Establishment of Chapters: Any group of five (5) or more individual, who reside in a cohesive geographic or a political area, may apply to form a regional chapter. Upon holding a minimum of one (1) monthly meeting over

three (3 ) consecutive months with at least five (5) people in attendance, an application can be made for Chapter status. Minutes of all meetings and attendance must be submitted with the application. A representative of the Chapter must attend at least one (1) meeting of the SCC prior to being granted chapter status. Written by-laws and other documentation should be submitted with the chapter application.

Criteria for chapter membership in the Green Party of Connecticut:

Acceptance of the Ten Key Values as guiding principles. Chapter shall be organized and run in accordance with those values and with the utilization of GP of CT policies and procedures. A chapter is based on a town-wide or area-wide organization is open to and reflective of their defined geographic membership. The chapter agrees to support national and state candidates selected by GPUS and GP of CT conventions. Or GP candidates may be endorsed by the Executive Committee (EC) but these GP candidates must also endorsed by the State Central Committee (SCC). The chapter makes good faith effort to run state and local candidates/ presents written bylaws and other documentation with that application/ states an intention to network with other organizations which support one or more of Green Party Ten Key Values or legislation, goals or concepts. The chapter attests to a commitment to and makes good faith efforts to achieve gender balance in party leadership and representation. The chapter will identify and allay with other organizations, caucuses or individual(s,) who promote GP Values, concepts, goals and legislation.

Chapter Responsibilities: members residing in all active chapters and their affiliated geographic areas, must receive all GP of CT mandated mailings. Members residing outside of active chapters and their affiliated geographic areas must also receive all GP of CT mandated mailings. Chapter membership meetings must be held at least every two (2) months within a rolling twelve (12) month period in order to maintain active chapter status within the GP of CT. The chapter must select representative(s) to attend each SCC meeting. The representative(s) would be responsible for all communication between the chapter and the SCC . A copy of all chapter minutes and attendance records must be sent to the SCC or Secretary of the GP of CT, within one (1) week of their acceptance by the chapter membership. Unapproved minutes may be submitted if approved minutes are not available. The chapter must reply, in a timely manner, to all requests from the SCC. The chapter must maintain a membership list of all registered Green Party voters or members within their borders, including

updated town voter lists when available. The chapter is entitled to 30% of all CP of CT donations which are received from contributors residing in the chapter’s affiliated geographic area.

Active Status: any chapter that is not represented at three (3) consecutive SCC will be placed in an inactive status and will lose its voting rights until reactivation. A chapter may have its SCC voting rights reactivated after it is represented at three (3) consecutive SCC meetings. Any chapter that does not hold a chapter meeting at least every two (2) months in a rolling twelve (12) month period, will be considered in an inactive status. The SCC has the right to contact chapter members. Any funds expended by the SCC to reactivate the chapter will be charged against the chapters reserved funds.

Chapter Dissolution: The SCC can revoke the chapter status of any chapter that fails to hold chapter meetings for a period of one (1) year. Any treasury funds held for the chapter’s use can then be used for general expenses of the party.

C. Reports:

1. (30 minutes): Update from the Internal Elections Committee: finalization of all candidates for GP of CT officers and GPUS Representatives; the order of candidates’ placement on the ballot; names to be placed on the ballot for GPUS presidential candidate; Presidential candidate ballot is to include an option for “write in” and an option for “uncommitted”.

2. (15 minutes): 4-26-08 GP of CT Convention Committee: the working agenda at this time. Place: New Haven Central Labor Council, 267 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT

3. (30 minutes): Endorsed or potential Green Party of CT candidates re: any candidate for 1st Congressional District; petitioning sheets for the petitioning candidates, campaign issues.

4. (10-15 minutes): GPUS reports from: Cliff Thornton, Co-chairperson of GPUS, CTGP representatives:

Tim McKee and Charlie Pillsbury and National Committee Members: Amy Vas Nunes and S. Michael DeRosa.

5. (5 minutes): Political issues the GP of CT has addressed with legislators during the 2008 Legislative Session: Fight the Hike/universal health coverage.

6. (2 minutes): CT Green Times.

7. (3 minutes): Summer Intern for GP of CT.

8. (3 minute): ACLU lawsuit.

9. (2-5 minutes, each): other Chapter reports.

10. Date, place and time for next SCC meeting to be either 4-29-08 or 5-27-08. Date, place and time of next EC meeting in 4-08: to be determined.

11. Any additions