Accepted minutes of the 5-19-09 7PM EC meeting.
Location: 74 Tremont Street, Hartford, CT 06105.
Development of the agenda for the 5-26-99 SCC CTGP meeting.
Proposed agenda for the 7PM 5-26-09 SCC CTGP meeting at Portland Senior Center
Location: Portland Senior Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT 06480 Facilitator: To Be Determined
A. Preliminaries:
1. (1 minute): Introductions of voting/non-voting attendees; chapters; if quorum was met; timekeeper; ground rules.
2. (2-4 minutes): Approval of tonight's proposed agenda, any deletions or additions.
3. (2-4 minutes): Review and approval of minutes of 12-30-08, 2-24-09, 3-31-09 and 4-28-09 SCC meetings.
4. (2 minutes): Review and acceptance of the minutes of the 3-18-09 and 5-19-09 EC meetings.
5. (2-4 minutes): Treasurer's report from treasurer: Christopher Reilly.
B. Any proposals/referendums by chapters, committee.
C. Reports:
1. (10-15 minutes): Internal Election Committee: official report from all the members of the Internal Elections committee (David Bedell, Christopher Reilly, Steve Fournier and Richard Duffee)
regarding the official results of the 4-25-09 CTGP Annual Meeting. The five (5) people elected to be CTGP representatives to the GPUS; people elected to the various GPUS National committees:
Platform committee, International committee, Ballot Access committee; Dispute Resolution committee; Diversity committee; Merchandise committee; Eco-action committee.
2. (10-15minutes): GPUS reports from: a) CTGP representatives: Tim McKee and Charlie Pillsbury; b) National Committee Members:
3. (20minutes): Discussion of the short and long term goals of the CTGP as recommended by the participants at the 4-25-09 CTGP Annual Meeting.
4. (10-15 minutes): Discuss the GPUS Annual National Meeting being held from Wednesday, July 22, 2009 through Sunday, July 26, 2009 at North Carolina Central University (
5. (5-10minutes): Rock and Roll show in Williamtic.
6. (10-15minutes): CTGP Fundraising/budget Committee.
7. (2-5 minutes): any future CTGP Road Shows?
8. (2-10 minutes): Report about the 3-09 court hearing about our lawsuit against the State of CT regarding the 2005 State of CT Campaign Finance Reform Laws.
9. (5-10minute): Literature and petitions about the single payer healthcare.
10. (5-10 minutes): CT Green Times News via website: Chris Reilly to get the internet URL; Jane Weston will edit; Steve Fournier will be host; Goal: a monthly blog newsletter.
11. (2-5 minutes, each): Chapter reports.
12. Next SCC meeting=Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at the Portland Senor Center. Date, place and time of next EC meeting: to be determined.
13. Any additions
Green Party Key Values: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender.