Summary of the November State Meeting
November 14th, 2000

Meeting called to order by Tom Sevigny, CT Green Party Co-Chair.

1. The Southeast and Western CT chapters were officially recognized by the state committee. We now have 8 chapters!!

2. The state committee approved of keeping the Hartford office open. Rent and utilities will be split evenly between the Greater Hartford Chapter and the State Party.

3. The state committee discussed possible bills for our legislative agenda. A final decision on the legislative agenda will be made at the next state meeting in two weeks. These bills are in their infancy and in some case need to be further researched and written. Time is short so we need to move on this as soon as possible. We urge all chapters to discuss these bills. Bills that were discussed:

1. Single-Payer Health Care--Would provide health insurance for all CT residents.

2. Instant Runoff Voting Act

3. Livable Minimum Wage--Would mandate that all contractors with the state of CT must pay a livable minimum wage.

4. Impact Fee Enabling Act--This would allow local municipalities to impose impact fees on residential development up to the extent that such development costs the municipality in infrastructure and local services.

5. Education Financing Act--Would mandate that all primary and secondary public education be paid for from states taxes and that the funding shall be equal for all students. A more limited form of this legislation would require the state of CT to pay for all special education expenses out of state funds.

6. Corporate Welfare Act--The Act would make it illegal to utilize public funds to underwrite the development of land by for-profit corporations for hotels, entertainment or malls. It would also mandate that all for profit corporations receiving state assistance report to the state about their activities on a yearly basis.

7. Tax Support for Volunteers Act--Would provide tax relief for volunteers.

8. Recycling Biodegradables Act--Would mandate that any garbage collection corporations operating in CT must have 1/3 of its biodegradable collections recycled.

9. Energy Policy Act

10. Insurance Commissioner Election Act--Would mandate that the Insurance Commissioner of the State of CT be an elected position rather than appointed.

11. Slapp Suit Act--Would make Slapp Suits illegal.

Legislation Supported by CT Greens originating with other groups:

1. Act to end child poverty

2. Filthy Five

3. Public Funding of Elections

4. It was announced that the Steering Committee (Tom Sevigny, Tom Ethier, Karin Norton, Chris Reilly, and Theresa Bonneau) would be meeting next week to discuss ways to improve communications between the chapters, our overall structure, and various ways to do outreach.


Thanks to all those who attended.