The September state meeting was called to order by Aaron Tabackman at 7 PM on September 27, 1999 on the second floor of Fisk Hall on High Street at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT.

5 Wesleyan students from the environmental organization E3 attended the meeting as observers.

The following resolutions occurred at the meeting:

An amended motion was passed to allocate Green Party state funds to Green Party candidates’ campaigns as follows: Glenn Cheney--$100, Jean De Smet--$500, Tom Ethier--$200, and Elizabeth Horton-Sheff--$500.

A motion was passed to donate fifty dollars to the ASGP general fund and to revisit the same issue at the March 2000 meeting

An amended motion was passed that an Internet Communications Committee be formed to investigate web solutions for the party’s web site. The committee was charged with bringing to the next meeting several options of how to author a professional looking web site as cheaply as possible. If no solutions are offered, an adequate amount of money will be allocated towards hiring a professional.

A motion was passed where the Filthy 5 clean up bill supported by the Green Party should require that utility companies pay the full cost of the clean up.

Someone from the Northeast chapter will chair the next meeting

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:45 PM.

Aaron Tabackman,
Ad-hoc Secretary