Green Party of Connecticut

State Central Committee Meeting Minutes, approved on November 16, 2022

October 5, 2022 • Zoom virtual meeting


In attendance: Greater Hartford: Peter Goselin, Mary Sanders; New Haven: Patricia Kane; New London: Bob Stuller, Ronna Stuller; Shoreline: Justin Paglino, Patrick Romano; Windham: Cassandra Martineau, Douglas Lary; General chapter: David Bedell. Guest: Philip Gordon.

Start time: 7:08pm.

1. Minutes

  1. Patricia moved to approve minutes of the August 29 SCC meeting, 2nd by Doug; passed by consensus.
  2. Patricia moved to accept the minutes of the October 3 Executive Committee meeting for the record, 2nd by Cassandra; passed by consensus.


  1. Treasurer’s report: Income from donations was $2,020.00, and expenses (for travel expenses, purchase of voter registry, petitioning, Anedot fees, and venue deposit for 10/22 event) totaled $1,788.60. Balance is $3,372.94 in the Charter Oak (SEEC) account and $290.86 in the Guilford Savings (FEC) account. Additionally, an inkind donation of $7.44 was recorded. Upon request, Bob provided more details about the sources of income and expenditures. Mary moved to accept the treasurer’s report for the record, 2nd by Patricia; passed by consensus.


  1. Old Business
  2. a) 2022 campaign updates and planning:

David Bedell (S34) has had several interviews and received endorsements from NOW and CT Against Gun Violence. As he is running in a 2 candidate race with only a Republican opponent, it is likely he’ll receive >10% of the vote, which would facilitate participation in the Citizens Election Program in 2024.

Justin Paglino (CD3) has ordered signs, had several interviews, and is advertising on Facebook. Website is coming together. The anticipated candidate debate was canceled, but he and Independent candidate Amy Chai will be on the radio together, discussing issues.

Mary Sanders (CD1) is considering purchasing signs and/or advertising in local print media, with financial support from the GPCT FEC account. She has been filling out questionnaires, attending candidate forums, and contacting the press regularly.

Doug Lary (Windham ROV) spoke briefly about is own campaign and the importance of registrar candidates in general.

Michelle and Cass (Governor/Lt. Governor): Signs have been ordered that show how to vote for them as write in candidates; videos of other candidates demonstrating the process will start being made when the signs arrive later this week.

Other candidates include: Ken Krayeske for Attorney General, Kevin Blacker (CD2), Michael Oretade (S01), Jean de Smet (S29), Hugh Birdsall (A035), Brian Gay (East Hampton ROV), Keith Foster (Essex ROV), and Sherri Conroy (Wolcott ROV). Doug and David are also conducting research on which offices would benefit from write in campaigns due to absence of major party candidates on the ballot; the deadline for applying is October 25.

New Business

a) The New Haven candidate brunch on 10/22 will be held from 10:30 to noon at the Graduate Club at 155 Elm St. Candidates and supporters are encouraged to attend. Tickets are $25/$10 (for petitioners), and sponsored tickets are also available for candidates and representatives of organizations that we’ve worked with. Deadline for signing up is 10/19.

  1. Other announcements, events, and updates:

         10/12: ARC Disability Forum

         10/12: CD2 Debate in New London

         10/15: Pass the Guitar fundraiser for NL Homeless Hospitality Center

         10/22: Antiwar action supporting end of Cuba blockade in Middletown

         10/25: Voter Education Day at UConn, Stamford campus

         11/2: LWV forum at Westport Library for S26 and A136 candidates        

  1. The next State Central Committee meeting was tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, November 16.

Ronna moved to adjourn, 2nd by Doug; passed by consensus.

End time: 9:00pm.