Green Party of Connecticut
State Central Committee Meeting

April 21, 2020 • Zoom virtual meeting

Minutes, approved on June 17, 2020

In attendance: Hartford County: Peter Goselin (facilitator); Fairfield County: not represented; New London: Ronna Stuller (recorder), Bob Stuller; Shoreline: Owen Charles, Keith Foster, David Younng; Windham: Doug Lary; General chapter: David Bedell, Tim McKee. Guest: Justin Paglino.

Start time 6:53pm.

1. Minutes

a. Minutes of the March 18 SCC meeting: Bob moved to approve, 2nd by Doug; approved by consensus.

b. The minutes of the April EC meeting: Bob moved to accept for the record, 2nd by Keith; approved by consensus.

2. Treasurer’s report: Starting balance $700.22. There was one online donation ($10.00–.70 fee); ending balance $709.52. The April 10 filing has been submitted. Ronna moved to accept for the record, 2nd by Owen; approved by consensus.

3. Old Business

a. 2020 general elections

(1) Due to social distancing mandates resulting from the COVID pandemic, this year’s Annual Meeting will be held via Zoom Conference and is anticipated to include a Nominating Meeting. As our bylaws do not specifically address virtual candidate endorsements, Ronna made a motion that, in order to comply with Gov. Lamont’s Executive Order limiting assemblies to no more than 5 people, the annual meeting will be conducted virtually, it will include a nominating meeting, and that we will continue to conduct virtual nominating meetings until such time as in-person gatherings are permitted and can be held safely. The motion was seconded by Peter and approved by consensus. At this time, Justin Paglino, Sherri Conroy and Don Alexander are planning to seek endorsement.

(2) Presidential Preference voting: Tim reported that Jesse Ventura is exploring a run for President and may seek recognition from the PCSC within the few days. It was decided that this year’s presidential primary voting will be decoupled from the annual meeting, which will only include introduction of the ballot and discussion of the process; ballots will be available starting May 18 and will have to be returned by mail prior to the June SCC meeting. 

(3) Delegates will be assigned at the June SCC meeting based on voting results. The Green Party national nominating convention will be held virtually July 9-12; GPCT’s 11 delegates must attend the convention in order to cast their votes (no proxies). 

b. GPCT Annual meeting

(1) The 5/16 Annual Meeting will take place from 12-3pm. There will be one more planning meeting to finalize the agenda, which will include a speaker, breakout sessions, and GPCT business (candidate endorsements, approval of GPCT officers slate, discussion of presidential primary voting).

(2) A MailChimp eblast is planned for later this week that will provide information about the Annual Meeting, presidential voting, and other Green Party news. Doug, David, and Ronna have been working on an email list and now have nearly 300 verified addresses of CT registered Greens. 

c. Green Party press releases and position statements: A media list has started to be compiled, and digital/electronic sources are especially needed; information should be sent to Peter.

d. Legislative agenda: The CT legislature is not in session, so there is no way to bring in issues right now. 

4. New Business

a. Status of ballot access petitioning: SOTS Merrill’s recommendations to waive petitioning for statewide recognized parties were shared. Gov. Lamont has not issued any Executive Order based on the recommendations. The Executive Committee press release was shared, and we had a lengthy discussion on possible outcomes, their implications, and strategies we can use to force the issue. If we choose to file a suit, asking the judge make the “easiest” correction is most likely to be successful.

b. Fundraising: A donation button will be added to the upcoming eblast. There was a brief discussion of organizational needs and fundraising ideas, which will continue at the June SCC meeting when the 2020-21 budget is proposed.

5. GPUS reports

a. National Committee has had discussion on dues, as well as the need for organization and staff, including regional coordinators.

Ronna moved to adjourn, 2nd by Doug; adjourned at 9:15pm.