Minutes, approved on November 13, 2019
In attendance: Fairfield County: David Bedell, Richard Duffee, Rolf Maurer; Hartford County: Barbara Barry, Mike DeRosa (GPCT Co-Chair, facilitator), Tom McCormick, Chris Reilly; New London: Bob Stuller (GPCT Treasurer, stacker, left at 7:20), Ronna Stuller (GPCT Secretary, recorder, left at 7:20); Shoreline: not represented; Waterford: not represented; Windham: Amy Vas Nunes. At Large: Christina Campbell, Cheryl Curtiss, Tom Grant, Vic Lancia, Tim McKee, Eugene Woloszyn (timekeeper).
Start time 7:12pm; quorum was met.
1. Minutes
Eugene was recognized and read a statement that he said was signed by 10 Green Party members. (Statement is attached below.) He then started to make a motion to censure Peter Goselin for his behavior at the July 31 meeting.
Ronna was recognized and clarified that she had followed up on the redistribution of votes cast at the Annual Meeting: the results put Owen next in line for co-chair; she has spoken to him, and he responded that he is willing to serve but prefers that Peter remain in the position. She then announced that she would not remain at a meeting at which the atmosphere is hostile and the agenda is ignored.
Bob and Ronna left at 7:20pm; without representation from the New London chapter, there was no quorum and no further business could be conducted.
*Note: Also attached is an Outreach Report, which Peter Goselin submitted prior to the meeting and requested to have included with the meeting minutes.