July 31, 2019 • Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Ave, Portland, CT
In attendance: Fairfield County: David Bedell (timekeeper), Richard Duffee, Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaguida (stacker, vibes); Hartford County: Barbara Barry, Mike DeRosa (GPCT Co-Chair), Peter Goselin (GPCT Co-Chair, left at 8:10pm), Martha Kelly, Mary Sanders; New London: Bob Stuller (GPCT Treasurer), Ronna Stuller (GPCT Secretary, recorder); Shoreline: not represented; Waterford: not represented; Windham: Amy Vas Nunes. At Large: Cheryl Curtiss, Dustin Fiore, Vic Lancia, Tim McKee, Jeff Russell (left at 8:05), Laura Tebbetts, Eugene Woloszyn (facilitator). Guest: Greg Longo.
Start time 7:10pm.
Mary Sanders, who ran for State Rep in 2018, is petitioning to run for Hartford City Council on the Green line. She is vying for one of the three designated minority seats. Ronna moved to endorse Mary, 2nd by Mike; passed by consensus. Endorsement paperwork was completed.
There were no further nominations. End time: 7:20pm.
Start time 7:22pm; quorum was met.
Upcoming meetings: Because several CT Greens would like to attend the screening of “Filiberto” in Hartford on August 28, the next SCC meeting was rescheduled to Wednesday, August 21.
1. Minutes
a. Peter moved to accept the minutes of January 9, March 27, May 18, and June 12 meetings, 2nd by Mike. During discussion, David suggested that corrections be sent to Ronna prior to the meeting, and Eugene concurred. Motion failed 4 – 9 with 3 abstentions.
b. Dustin moved to table the EC minutes until next month, and a discussion ensued that included topics both related and unrelated to the motion: (1) the need for civility in GPCT meetings; (2) whether or not EC meetings have historically been open to all registered Greens; (3) the apparent impossibility of following the agenda and getting things done; (4) best practices for minute taking and the appropriate procedure for offering additions and corrections; (5) rights and responsibility of elected officers; (6) what is the best venue for a conflict resolution session, and (7) what exactly transpired between Peter and Mike at the June EC meeting. After repeated questions, accusatory remarks, and raising of issues not on the agenda, several attendees became upset and some were angry; Jeff and Peter both left, the latter stating that he was resigning his position. The discussion then turned to potential means of replacing officers who leave their positions, since the issue is not addressed in our bylaws or procedure book. After some discussion and sharing of ideas, it was determined that it would be fairest to redistribute and recount votes from the Annual Meeting; Mary moved, 2nd by Mike, that we contact Doug and Chris to re-tally the votes, passed 14 – 0 with 3 abstentions.
3. Treasurer’s report – deferred.
4. Chapter reports
Fairfield County: A nominating meeting will be scheduled soon.
Hartford County: A meeting is scheduled for August 8 in Wethersfield.
New London: NL Greens will have a table at NL Pride Fest at Ocean Beach 8/24. Frida Berrigan is currently petitioning to run for mayor; nominating meeting is scheduled for August 4. Still seeking candidates for City Council and Board of Education.
Shoreline: Clinton has nominated a full slate of municipal candidates.
Waterford: Seeking candidates to run for RTM and other offices.
Windham: Held a nominating meeting last night and endorsed several candidates.
Other organizing: David reported on yesterday’s teleconference for members organizing an at-large chapter; the group is starting on bylaws and looking at samples from GPCT and NLGP.
5. Old business
a. Proposed policy on SCC Voting – deferred.
b. 2019-20 Budget discussion – deferred.
c. HR 2407: Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children, request by Jewish Voice for Peace – due to this resolution’s similarity to the previously-endorsed HR 4391, approved by the EC on July 19.
6. Green Party of the US
a. Tim confirmed that Connecticut has been allocated 2 more representatives to the GPUS National Committee, and Ronna reported that they will be seated ~September 1. Mike moved, 2nd by Bob, that anyone who wishes to serve should contact Ronna, and we will vote at the August meeting, with nominations also accepted from the floor. Passed 14 – 1 with 1 abstention.
b. Dustin was approved to be a member of the Banking and Monetary Reform Committee.
c. Several members from Connecticut attended the Annual National Meeting. Eugene recommended a film that was shown – “Colonization Is Extinction” – and provided information on how to order it from theocho.net. Additional reports were deferred.
7. Ronna moved to adjourn, 2nd by Mike; adjourned at 9:05pm.
Approved on January 15, 2020.