Green Party of Connecticut Executive Committee meeting

48 Robbins Drive, Wethersfield - February 13, 2020

In attendance: Michelle Bicking, Peter Goselin, Bob Stuller, Ronna Stuller Start time: 10:45am

1. There was a discussion/evaluation of the reestablishment of representative voting at the January SCC meeting and the motion that was passed related to its implementation. We agreed to take the following steps to ensure fairness while bringing our practices into compliance with the bylaws: secretary will contact each chapter for up-to-date membership information; voting/non-voting designation will be added to meeting sign-in sheets; information gathered will be made public through normal GPCT channels.

2. It was the consensus of officers present that monthly SCC business meetings do not allow adequate time or a safe environment for effectively addressing internal tensions and wounds. A proposal will be added to this month’s SCC agenda to refocus one GPCT meeting per quarter on educational programs, discussions, and/or community building (within our state party and with national/international Greens).

3. A GPCT platform/response to Gov. Lamont’s “State of the State” (based on Brian Gay’s initial efforts) was discussed and will be added to the SCC meeting agenda. The Green Party offers alternatives to an economy based on war, and prioritizes the needs of working people, a real Green New Deal, and election integrity. The discussion led to proposals for potential actions, including (but not limited to) a divestment from fossil fuels campaign and GPCT sponsorship of a statewide conference on agriculture in 2021.

4. The February SCC agenda (attached below) was reviewed, adjusted, and approved. End time: 11:49am