Green Party Information

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Economic Justice

Democracy and Government

Social Justice, Civil Liberties, and Diversity

Peace and Nonviolence

Grassroots Activism




Each week, host Scott Harris conducts interviews on a wide range of political, economic and social topics with individuals and representatives of organizations not ordinarily accessible in the mainstream media. Counterpoint is heard every Monday night on WPKN 89.5 FM, Bridgeport, CT between 8-10 PM. You can listen live online at that time at

Between The Lines

Since 1991, non-commercial, listener-supported WPKN Radio 89.5 FM in Bridgeport, Connecticut, has produced this weekly, award-winning public affairs show. A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Thinking Green

Since 2004, the New London Greens have produced a public access TV show, "Thinking Green," which airs live from the SEC-TV studio in Waterford and can be viewed on Breezeline channel 25, Frontier Channel 6042 and Comcast Xfinity Channel 14. During election season, the show focuses on Green Party candidates for local and statewide offices. The rest of the time it is usually nonpartisan; our goal is to provide a venue for progressive ideas on a wide range of topics, including (but not restricted to) peace, the environment, sustainable living, social justice, and community-based economics. Thinking Green programs are archived on YouTube.

The Struggle

Since 2003, this weekly program, a project of the Middle East Crisis Committee, has covered the struggle for peace and justice and the rights of Palestinians and other oppressed peoples. It is now shown on 22 public access cable stations in CT and elsewhere.


New Focus Radio

This interview program was hosted for many years until 2020 by Hartford Green Party member Mike DeRosa. Mike and his guests provided fresh and insightful analyses of politics, economics, the environment and society. New Focus was heard on WWUH (Hartford), WESU (Middletown), and WHUS (Storrs).

Progressive Soup

An interview program produced ca. 2010-2017 by David Stevenson, covering Green Party and other progressive issues. It was cablecast on Comcast Public Access Channel 23 in Danbury, Bethel, and Ridgefield.

Questioning Citizen

Cablecast 1996-2014 in the Newtown-to-New Milford area on Charter Community TV Channel 21. A weekly cultural and public affairs program in northwestern CT; Joe Mustich and Ken Cornet, producers.

Green Vision

An interview program hosted in 2009 by CT Green Party members Steve Fournier and Scott Deshefy. An ecological perspective on current events and conditions: issues, policy, controversy. Green Vision was a production of the web-based AccessTV, from Hartford, CT, as was Steve's later occasional program, Current Invective.

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