
Bruce Crowder for New Haven Alderman.

Green Party Candidate:
Bruce Crowder
New Haven Board of Aldermen, Ward 8

Crowder for New Haven Alderman Website.

It's time for a change...
I am representing the Green Party in the race for alderman of New Haven's 8th ward. I have spent the last month or so visiting all of the streets in our neighborhood in an attempt to spend some time at each household in our community to discuss your concerns and ideas and mine. If I've been unable to reach you, please visit my website and take time to learn more about the issues at stake in this race before you pull the lever. My opponent is encouraging voters to "Vote the Line"--I only ask that you be sure you know what you're voting for. 

Please feel free to contact me any time.
Bruce Crowder
New Haven Greens, 314 Humphrey Street, New Haven, CT 06511 
203-787-3494 , bruce_crowder@excite.com

Who will you vote for?
With no Republican running in the ward this year, my only opponent is Vincent "Vinny" Mauro Jr. Running against an incumbent democrat in this town is not easy. Many voters who are not fully aware of where their party's candidate stands on the key issues "vote the line", thinking they're supporting someone who shares their beliefs. Take a look at the issues below and learn more about our differences before pulling the lever. Do you know what you're voting for?

When a proposal came up to reopen an oil burning power plant on Grand Avenue, I learned the facts, talked to the key players, and came to the conclusion that the plant would add unnecessary pollution to an already environmentally-troubled region. I then spoke out at every possible opportunity, warning the city and the public about the effects the plant would have.

Vinny actively supported the reopening, along with three other aldermen, and signed a letter that asked the DEP to approve the plan. Once public hearings were imminent, he apologized for the "mistake", claiming he followed the advice of his political cronies, some of which had clear ties to the power company.

I believe that New Haven needs an elected Board of Education (as it stands every member is appointed by the Mayor, who also serves on the board). Elections not only increase public awareness and raise new issues, but an elected board would be accountable to the public--not the mayor. 

Vinny favors an appointed board.

Filling the city's coiffeurs
I believe that the tax base will increase noticeably over the long term if we increase the quality of life in the city. By focusing hard on safety, clean air and water, and promoting the city's reputation as the fine arts center of the region, property values will rise and people will start moving back in from the suburbs.

Vinny proposes increasing property taxes.

More on Bruce Crowder
New haven Register Article. 
and visit 
Crowder for New Haven Alderman website

CT Green Party Home | Crowder 2001 Website