I am a community
activist and resident on Dwight Street. I work with the
Dwight Management Team, the Dixwell Management Team, and
the Kensington Street Neighborhood Improvement
Association. Growing up without a father, I learned the
ethic of hard work through my single mother. My
grandmother helped raise me since I was two, so I
developed a special love for the elderly.
During my spare time, I volunteer with Community Soup Kitchen and operate the YHHAP Food Pantry on Chapel and Dwight Street. I also work with Nightrunners, an outreach to the homeless. A couple years ago, I was a volunteer at Fellowship Place, a social club for people with mental illness or substance abuse disorder. For three years, I coordinated a program for the elderly through Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers. Currently, I am active in Local 34, the clerical and technical union for Yale University employees. I serve as a steward for the department of psychiatry, where I research mental health and elderly health issues. I want to bring legislation that will make New Haven a better place to live for working parents, the elderly, youth, and the residents of our community. I am running under the GREEN PARTY, which is fighting for honest government and a return of our taxpaying money back to our neighborhood from the hands of corrupt politicians. I want to represent you on the New Haven Board of Aldermen. I believe that long-term change does not come about until grassroots democracy is in place. I want to help bring back representation in City Hall to the Dwight and Dixwell communities in my ward. A quick tour of these neighborhoods reveals much blighted property. We need a representative in City Hall who will be a thorn in the side of Livable City Initiative (LCI) to transform our blighted property into real homes.
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