The Green Party of Connecticut

A unity of local Green Party chapters, the CTGP is committed to grassroots democracy, social justice, non-violence and ecological wisdom. These are the Four Pillars of all Green parties worldwide and are the first four principles of the Ten Key Values of the Green Party.

Join us as we build a grassroots effort to take back our government from corporate power brokers. We do not accept contributions from corporate PACs so we need your donations of time and money.

2024 Presidential Primary Results

At our June 17 State Central Committee meeting, the Green Party of Connecticut reported the results of our presidential primary and selected our nine delegates to the party's national convention (scheduled for July 11). Only Jill Stein received enough votes to win some pledged delegates.


Ballot-qualified candidates:

Pledged delegates
(based on vote support)

1st-rank votes

2nd-rank votes

3rd-rank votes

4th-rank votes

5th-rank votes

Jasmine Sherman 0 1 9  
Jill Stein 9 23    
Jorge Zavala 0 1 5  
Write-in candidates:
Jean de Smet 0 0 0 0 1
Marianne Williamson 0 0 1  
None of the Above 0 2 2 1 1 1

Ballots were emailed to all Green Party members whose email addresses are on file with the party, and it was available for download on our website. Paper ballots were mailed to those who requested them. Ballots had to be returned by US mail or hand-delivered at our April 19 fundraiser event. They were separated from all identifying information before counting. A process of Ranked Choice Voting/Single Transferable Vote was used to determine apportionment of delegates. Write-in votes and "None of the Above" were also counted.


Candidate 1st round
votes = delegates
2nd round
votes = delegates
Jasmine Sherman 1 (3.7%) = 0 1 (3.7%) = 0
Jill Stein 23 (85.2%) = 7 24 (28%) = 8
Jorge Zavala 1 (3.7%) = 0 0 (0%) = 0
Jean de Smet 0 (0%) = 0 0 (0%) = 0
Marianne Williamson 0 (0%) = 0 0 (0%) = 0
None of the Above 2 (7.4%) = 0 2 (7.4%) = 0

Green Presidential Primary Balloting

Results are in for the 2024 major party presidential primaries (no surprises there, but 22% of Republicans voted against Trump, and 15% of Democrats voted against Biden). What about the Green presidential primary? If you are a Green Party member, you can still vote in our Presidential Preference Poll. Three recognized candidates are on the ballot, and we will count votes for write-in candidates and "None of the Above." As usual, GP internal elections are run by Ranked Choice Voting, and the results will determine proportional allocation of CT state delegates to the party's national convention (scheduled for August 15-18, online).

To participate, download your ballot and mail it in. Ballots must be received by April 26.


Green Party of CT Spring Fundraiser

This will be a fun night with live music by Paddy Whack and Post-Traumatic Jazz Disorder, as well as a silent auction!  The CT Green Party needs to raise funds to support our ballot access drive this year, to get our Presidential and US Senate candidates on the CT ballot.  There is a pot luck for a few supplies and sides, but we will have catered entrees, including gluten-free and vegan options.  RSVP here.

NEW DATE: Friday, APRIL 19, 2024 Time: 6:00-9:30pm Location: deKoven House, 27 Washington St, Middletown, CT

Donate to Our Federal Campaign

Help us get candidates on the Connecticut ballot for President and U.S. Senate! This will not only provide voters more choices in November, but also enable us to gain recognition as a statewide political party and ensure voters the right to register as "Green Party."

Donate to the Connecticut Green Party

You can now donate online with a debit or credit card.

Or you can send a personal check and some basic personal information* to

Green Party of Connecticut
PO BOX 330922
Hartford, CT 06133

Make Checks Payable to: "Green Party of Connecticut" (with "Federal" in the memo).

We encourage you to use this mail-in DONATION FORM.

*Help us comply with Federal election laws. Please provide your:

  • full name, 
  • regular mailing address, 
  • occupation, 
  • name of your employer. 

Contributions to the Green Party of Connecticut are NOT tax deductible.

State Committee Meeting

• Usually the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7:00 PM


Read more for date announcement, agenda, and Zoom link

Deliberate Indifference:

Pandemic, Public Health, and High Risk Populations

Sunday, March 13, 2022, 4:00pm

Kathy Flaherty, Executive Director, Connecticut Legal Rights Project, is a disability rights activist and attorney
Alex Marie is an immunocompromised person active in local disability rights work
Alicia Hernandez Strong is a founder of the New Britain Racial Justice Coalition

On the two year anniversary of Governor Lamont’s first executive order on Covid-19, join us for a discussion of the pandemic’s impact on high risk groups - including disabled people, people with compromised immune systems, and people in prisons and other institutions.

We will examine the deadly failure of ableist public health policy, and consider what might have been done and what still must be done to create policies that protect the well-being of everyone in the community.

Join Zoom Meeting

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