Board of Finance
approved by Kevin Kelly
2017 Election News
Green Party wins leave state, town officials scrambling to accommodate them
Waterford Green Party wins a seat in all four RTM districts
De Smet says town needs more business opportunities
Local Greens offer an alternative
Non-party candidates seek New Milford town office
Waterford Green Party nominates candidates
Shoreline Green Party Announces Candidates for 2017 Election
Shoreline Green Party Fields Two in Clinton
First candidate announces bid for Stamford school board seat
Candidates for Co-Chair:
Don Alexander
At large, Torrington
dalexander at dymotek dot com
Barbara Barry
Hartford Chapter
roseberry3 at cox dot net
Nikki Byrne
Waterford Chapter
nlbyrne3 at gmail dot com
Michael DeRosa
Hartford Chapter
smderosa at cox dot net
Emily Garfinkel
Waterford Chapter
emilyg195 at gmail dot com
Rolf Maurer
Fairfield County Chapter
maurer_rolf at yahoo dot com
Jeff Russell
At large, Glastonbury
k1xu at juno dot com
Baird Welch-Collins
Waterford Chapter
bairdwelchcollins at gmail dot com
Candidates for GPUS Representative:
Michael DeRosa
Hartford Chapter
Brian Gay
Hartford Chapter
bgay1 at friars.providence dot edu
Joshua Steele Kelly
Waterford Chapter
joshuasteelekelly at gmail dot com
Tim McKee
At large, Hamden
timmckee321 at gmail dot com
Cora Santaguida
Fairfield Chapter
corasantaguida at gmail dot com
Baird Welch-Collins
Waterford Chapter
Candidates for Secretary:
David Bedell
Fairfield County Chapter
dbedellgreen at hotmail dot com
Ronna Stuller
New London Chapter
rstuller at snet dot net
Candidates for Treasurer:
Chris Reilly
Hartford Chapter
cpr101 at hotmail dot com